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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hair Dryer ? Good as Baking ?

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A guy at my LHS store told me that he would not bake the ONe95 as it would loosen up all the glue on the bottom of the boot. He said that I should just use a hair dryer and it would have the same effect. Has anyone else tried this ? IS he just telling me some bs ?


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phoenix coyotes have a thread online they say turn your oven on to 180 put your skates on a rack with the oven OFF for 4 minutes but make sure it is off. hair dryer will do nothing for you.

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phoenix coyotes have a thread online they say turn your oven on to 180 put your skates on a rack with the oven OFF for 4 minutes but make sure it is off. hair dryer will do nothing for you.

DO you have the link ?

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the skate is made to be baked. it should have instructions on how to do it. Or failing that someone at your shop should know how to do it right. I would never put $650 skates in an oven at home! (nor will i ever likely own $650 skates...)

talk with someone else at the shop. The manager maybe.

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actually its the dallas stars that have the link. http://www.dallasstarscare.com/columns/equ...skates-at-home/ you could just go to any skate store they usually have an oven and don't charge. i did it with my vapo rxix when i got them and it was sweet. but when i got the xxii'z i got em done at the store.

it's HAS to be a convection oven though - and not one of these with 'natural convection' but a real one with the fan

the heat needs to be forced into the boot, otherwise nothing is going to happen - trust me on this - I tried :) [no harm - but no results either - skates come out barely warm]

re not baking One95 - definitely BS!

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i stuck mine in my over with no fan. heated them for 5 minutes and the skates wrapped around my foot like a glove. then wait till they cool down cuz they will be hot and put em in again for 2 minutes. make sure you pull your laces straight out and not up when they are hot. take your insoles out too. but ya the over with the fan works faster you just need to put em in longer but it works.

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One with employees too lazy to bake a pair of skates. I'm willing to bet it's not ignorance or stupidity - the guy probably just didn't want to be bothered.

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The idea of using the oven is to heat the skate evenly to a prescribed tamperature. there is simply no way to avoid creating hot and cold spots by heating with hair dryer.

Think of it like trying to cook a cake...which way do you think would work best?

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I would not risk the cost of $150 dollar skates to incorrect forms of baking, much less a high dollar skate. Find someone who will use a skate oven and bake them correctly.

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I baked my V12's at home with no problems at all. I preheated the oven to 200, turned it off and waited about 3 minutes, put the skates in for 8 minutes and took them out and laced em up. It worked great.

Having said that, I would have a pair of $650 skates done the right way.

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Thanks for all of your opinions, I have decided to go back to the shop and have them baked as soon as my superfeet get here.

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I live nowhere near a pro shop, so I was forced to bake my vector U+ at home. I used a combination of a heat gun and my oven. I used the heat gun on low to warm the inside of the boot for a minute or two, then put in the oven for a minute or two to get the outside of the boot warm. It worked great for me, but I will stress that you do have to be extremely careful if you are to do it this way. The heat gun especially could cause a lot of damage if you heat an area too much. Again, I don't have a shop nearby so this was my only option. If you have a LHS, I would definitely go there first.

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