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Leafs 08/09

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Saw on Sportsnet/Toronto Star/Sun that if the Leafs continue to play the way they are and finish 5th or 6th last, they possibly could pick Luke Schenn's younger brother Brayden. Haven't actually seen Brayden play so I can't say I'm excited or not, but none the less this year's draft is pretty deep and I'll be happy if the Leafs pick in the Top 10 which is more then likely the case!

Top 10 Draft Eligible Players for 2009

1. Victor Hedman, Defence (96 points)

2. John Tavares, Forward (93 points)

3. Jared Cowen, Defence (73 points)

4. Matt Duchene, Forward (68 points)

5. Brayden Schenn, Forward (60 points)

6. Magnus Svensson-Paajarvi, Forward (57 points)

7. Nazem Kadri, Forward (30 points)

8. Jordan Schroeder, Forward (22 points)

9. Evander Kane, Forward (14 points)

10. Louis Leblanc, Forward (10 points)

based on http://www.tsn.ca/nhl/story/?id=249081

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I would hate to see the leafs pick up Brayden, i personally think it would be a burdon for the kid to have his older brother overshadow him. I say we need to pick that Svensson-Paajarvi kid. He looks like the real deal, for sure.

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I really haven't seem MSP play, but I don't think he is the type of player Burke will draft. Brayden is a typical "Burkeian" player (and Kane too I think). I think that the idea of Burke only drafting tough North Americans is really overstated, but history has shown his preference. I don't think he'll dismiss a more skilled European for a less skilled NA, but all things equal I doubt he'd pick the Euro.

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MSP really impressed me the couple of times I saw him in the WJC, but that was admittedly a very small sample size to base a judgement on.

Just play Cujo 10 times from here on out and we'll probably be picking first or second. Hedman and Schenn as two cornerstones on D would be pretty impressive.

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Pretty sad loss last night...typical mindless loser fans booing a guy who played his heart out for 8 seasons with the team. Good for McCabe to rip a big clapper by that moron Toskala in OT (and assist on the tying goal in the last minute). I guess he's not good enough to play on our team.

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I hate the way the McCabe deal went down (as I do with Sundin and especially Darcy), but I understand that they wanted/needed to completely clear house. In the end its best for the team, but I really hate how McCabe was treated his final years. It isn't his fault that he was offered that contract (especially given that it seems like he is living up to it this year). Look at how the Leafs fans treat Blake because of his contract. Hell over the last two months he has been worth more than his contract if you ask me.

Apparently Pogge is starting again tonight, and Grabs is being sat in place of Williams. I'm anxious to see if Williams can pick up where he left off, and hopefully Grabs will respond well to the Wilson wake up call.

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...Grabs is being sat in place of Williams. I'm anxious to see if Williams can pick up where he left off, and hopefully Grabs will respond well to the Wilson wake up call.

Ask Guy Carboneau and Bob Gainey how he responds to being benched.

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I hate the way the McCabe deal went down (as I do with Sundin and especially Darcy), but I understand that they wanted/needed to completely clear house. In the end its best for the team, but I really hate how McCabe was treated his final years. It isn't his fault that he was offered that contract (especially given that it seems like he is living up to it this year). Look at how the Leafs fans treat Blake because of his contract. Hell over the last two months he has been worth more than his contract if you ask me.

Apparently Pogge is starting again tonight, and Grabs is being sat in place of Williams. I'm anxious to see if Williams can pick up where he left off, and hopefully Grabs will respond well to the Wilson wake up call.

I agree, I just think it's ridiculous for people to boo McCabe.

I never complain about a player's contract, unless I'm questioning why management would offer it. I've yet to hear of a single person in any profession who's been offered a contract that they thought was paying them too much so they declined it.

I wonder if they'll actually be able to move Blake at the deadline, because he has easily been the best forward the last few months. The real sticking point with that contract is just the length, but Blake seems like one of those smaller-fast type guys that might be able to keep that speed longer than a big body would. Still though, it'd be over the moon if they could unload him for a bucket of pucks, just to free up space for future years.

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...Grabs is being sat in place of Williams. I'm anxious to see if Williams can pick up where he left off, and hopefully Grabs will respond well to the Wilson wake up call.

Ask Guy Carboneau and Bob Gainey how he responds to being benched.

Hadn't thought about that. But wasn't his main issue his overall lack of playing time and not having a real spot on the roster? At least with the Leafs he is assured to keep playing.

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...Grabs is being sat in place of Williams. I'm anxious to see if Williams can pick up where he left off, and hopefully Grabs will respond well to the Wilson wake up call.

Ask Guy Carboneau and Bob Gainey how he responds to being benched.

Hadn't thought about that. But wasn't his main issue his overall lack of playing time and not having a real spot on the roster? At least with the Leafs he is assured to keep playing.

True...but he may still pout and come back with a pissy atitude.

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Vesa's having a tough week:


Would Legace in Toronto be an upgrade, downgrade or lateral move for the Leafs?

Rumors are that Toskala is hurt and has been trying to play though it. That said, I'd rather have a Toskala/Pogge/Cujo trio because none of them are going to steal any games for us this year. I like Legace, I just don't see a point in bringing him in. I wonder if Detroit would look at him, isn't Osgood shitting the bed?

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Amid the trashing of Antropov by Burke yesterday, is this really warranted? The guy only makes 2 mil/year and when you look who he's ahead of in the NHL as far as points go, he is a real bargin. I wouldn't weigh to heavily on his +/- as we all know the leafs are pretty terrible in the GAA catergory. Here is list of a few notables Antro has higher points then:

Scott Gomez

Patrick Sharp

Alex Frolov

Jason Arnott

Mike Modano





And the list goes on and on.....I think we as Leafs fans need to stop dogging on every player and expecting way too much out of these guys.

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His +/- this season is certainly an anomaly when looking at his career stats. Then again it is the most useless stat in hockey, so it doesn't matter. The difference between Nik and that list is that they've all had seasons that have established them as stars. As much as I like him, nobody will ever confuse him for an elite forward. He is on pace for a career year this year, yet has been wildly inconsistent. The only reason that he is making $2M and not closer to $4M is because his play in the past dictated that salary. I listened to the replay of Burke's interview and I truthfully think that he is just trying to motivate him, like what he did with Vesa. I never thought Burke would resign Nik and I look forward to the return at the deadline. The way I look at it, do you really see Nik getting any better than this? I take him for what he is, an inconsistent, second tier forward who despite his size is very unphysical and often times shows no passion. If I had to explain the difference between the Leafs pre and post lockout the one thing that is different is the lack of passion. Burke and his team are ridding themselves of players who suffer from that. Lets be honest, would you really want Nik to sign for what he is likely to get on the open market (I'm guessing 4 or 5 years at close to $20M)? I know I sure wouldn't.

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Burke and his team are ridding themselves of players who suffer from that. Lets be honest, would you really want Nik to sign for what he is likely to get on the open market (I'm guessing 4 or 5 years at close to $20M)? I know I sure wouldn't.

I don't think he'll get that kind of contract, especially with the economy going south and the cap obviously coming down for at least one year and possibly more. I'll guess he maxes out at $3M per for 3 years.

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For some reason I think he is pretty similar to Kristian Huselius. Obviously they play a different game and Huselius had put up slightly better numbers, but he got a big contract thrown at him by an undesirable team. I could see a team like the Islanders, Thrashers, Florida, etc. overpaying him to get him to go somewhere he wouldn't want to. I think your contract is actually quite fair, I wouldn't mind paying him $3M and I wouldn't want to lock him up long term.

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Burke is coming across as a bit of a cock lately to me. Him and Wilson have this smug attitude that they can do and say whatever they want because they didn't assemble this team, and everybody knows they have at least 2-3 years before they have to prove anything. Call me old fashioned, but trashing players in the media isn't my idea of motivating them.

Why wouldn't he offer Nik a contract? That's just a stupid thing to say. At no dollar value does he see a point in Nik Antropov being on the Toronto Maple Leafs? It's one thing to say you don't think you'll be competitive in barganing for the services of a player, it's quite another to say you aren't even going to try. It's remarkable over the last several years how we cast away players seemingly unfit to play for us, only to see them find a spot on a better team.

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Burke is coming across as a bit of a cock lately to me.

I didn't realize you were new to hockey. He has been like that since he was in the NHL office, don't recall much of him before then.

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I get your point about trashing players in the media and before this year I'd agree with you, but look at what is has done. Stajan, benched and trashed, then went through a streak of leading the team in points. Blake, same thing. Toskala, same thing. Burke and Wilson inherited a team full of people whose work ethic is questionable. They were given a free pass by the old regime and Burke and Wilson need to change the atmosphere of the team. If that involves them coming off like cocks, so be it. Yes Burke can leave a bad impression, but look at what he did to Kronwall. He made a promise to him that he'd call him up this year, even though he knew Kronwall would get picked up.

I don't think Antropov is a player that Burke wants to build around, so that's why I doubt he gets extended. I'm sure Burke would take him if he got an under-market value contract on him, but he just simply isn't the type of player he wants. The thing is I think the Leafs can be very competitive in negotiating with Nik. From everything I've heard he loves Toronto and wants to stay. Who are you talking about that we've cast away and have succeeded on other teams?

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Who are you talking about that we've cast away and have succeeded on other teams?

#24 on the Panthers looked pretty good setting up the tying goal, and then sending a clapper through our prized starting goalie in OT for the winner there last week. Raycroft, Tucker, and Wellwood are three other guys who basically got fired from the Leafs, but pretty easily found a regular job with a superior team elsewhere in the league. Kronwall is another guy that couldn't get ice time on the Leafs, but he can play for the division leading Caps.

I know I know, we had to 'get rid of the culture'...but I kind of feel like that's being used a bit too much as an excuse for moves that when you get right down to it were just bad hockey decisions.

I know what Burke/Wilson are trying to do, but it just seemed a little over the top for me for the GM of the hockey club to be spouting off about a very long serving player (who's not doing THAT badly) at some charity dinner or wherever the hell he was. I agree the Leafs can be very competitive negotiating with him, and I'd take him back for the right price, but it just doesn't help the cause much at all for the GM to come out and say he's not going to offer him a contract because he's done nothing to earn it. Maybe you're trying to light a fire under the guy to increase his trade value slightly, maybe you're just being a dick....I'm really not sure.

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After last year McCabe just couldn't play here anymore, but I really dislike how that deal went down. From what I've seen the Wellwood from November is long gone. Raycroft is back to his shitty ways, too. The only reason he got so much time is because Budaj sucks. And as much as it pains me to say it, Tucker has been awful this year. I liked Kronwall but he was always too far down the depth chart to ever play in TO. At the start of the season he was behind Kaberle, Kubina, Schenn, Finger, Van Ryn, White, Cola, Frogren and Stralman. I think the only reason Sifers played earlier this year was because he was waiver exempt. So at least in my eyes Kronwall was 10th in line for 7 spots. While the Leafs may not have tremendous defense, they certainly have a plethora of solid depth guys. I would have liked to see Frogren not signed and Kronwall in the press box, but that is just me.

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Kronwall got picked up on re-entry waivers by Washington. Sucks we lost him for nothing, I always though he could play in the league.

bah, I didn't think we would of got much for him anyways.

I watched him closely at a few Marlies games during the past couple of years. Nice skating style, big size and pretty good skill, but I thought he was too passive. I went down to the first few rows and specifically watched Stefan Kronwall and Andy Wozniewski . Those guys were too laid back and passed the puck too slow for my likings. I didn't see much intensity or sense of urgency in their eyes. From that I never thought they were going to make a real impact in the Leafs organization. Based on his style and contract status I knew Kronwall was not going to be back next year.

Its too bad, all those years of development in the Leaf organization and we got nothing to show for them.

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