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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Where are the light flex sticks?

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It seems to me that there are not many choices for senior sticks with a flex rating in the 70's.

I know warrior and i think bauer offer them but they are never at my LHS.

Easton used to but now it looks like everything is either 85 or 100.

Im looking at picking up one of these as it is available in 70 flex

I should also mention I am looking more in the direction of a tapered shaft.

If anyone could point me in the right direction it would be greatly appreciated


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I think you can get all Bauers in a 77 flex, which they call "med" flex, I have two Vapor XXX Lites in 77 which I love. I also have a couple TPS sticks in whip flex which many MSH members rave about.

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Easton has some intermediates at 65 flex (if the stick isn't too short for you). They seem similar to a TPS whip to me.

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I've seen some RBK senior sized sticks in a 65 "light flex" before, but I've only seen them at the local Play it Again. I haven't seen those online. Might be able to find some somewhere online if 75 isn't whippy enough.

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TPS Whip is definitely a great way to go...I've seen the 65 light flex CCM/Rbk's at my LHS but aren't they an intermediate sized shaft? It felt a bit small in my hands (and that is not what she said).

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If you have little hands like me, try an intermediate, unless you like tall whippy shafts. The Easton 70 flex Synergy is a good shaft. The Warrior 75 doesn't feel as whippy to me.

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Hey thanks for the responses, I guess my LHS just doesnt carry as many of these flexes. I am too big for an intermediate. I will keep my eyes open for something.

once again thanks for the suggestions!

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