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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Warrior Composite Goalie Sticks

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I don't know why I didn't think to add this post before...

Warrior has two composite goalie sticks coming out in 2009. The "Fortress" and the "Messiah". The Fortress is black/grey with white and orange accents. The Messiah looks to be all black with white writing and a little tribal type of graphic. They're both in the 2009 product catalogue and the Warrior rep had one of the Fortress sticks at our MSH game... Wouldn't let me take it out on the ice for a "product testing" though. :rolleyes:

I guess a picture is better than a description. :)


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i definetly need to get one of those! it would be an upgrade from my montreal lol.

Probably more like a sidestep; If your Montreal is a comp stick it's most likely the same thing.

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Did Montreal make Vaughn's goalie sticks as well?


i definetly need to get one of those! it would be an upgrade from my montreal lol.

Probably more like a sidestep; If your Montreal is a comp stick it's most likely the same thing.

No nano, so not the same thing.

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