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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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pat kane stick.

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You put the double-sided adhesive tape on the shaft

Run some hot water

Dip the taped part in water, then rub it with your fingers for about 20 seconds

Dip the grip in the water

Stretch it over the shaft, once it fits, slide it down

little bit of soap in a cup of water then pour on the tape...slips right on

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You put the double-sided adhesive tape on the shaft

Run some hot water

Dip the taped part in water, then rub it with your fingers for about 20 seconds

Dip the grip in the water

Stretch it over the shaft, once it fits, slide it down

little bit of soap in a cup of water then pour on the tape...slips right on

Or hairspray. Thats what us motorcycle guys do when we put new grips on bikes. Slippery when first applied, sticky/tacky like glue when it dries.

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id bet mineral spirits work too, i have never seen one in person but it looks identical as to how you instal a golf grip, but we use mineral spirits instead of water. i think the mineral spirits would be more lubricating then water, also could pour some in the grip before hand.

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Nice instruction picture.... but what intrigues me more than the banana is the jersey behind the girls....

What is that thing?

1st thought was the "Barbar pole" vintage Blackhawk jersey, but it's a different cut than that, so what is it?

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Nice instruction picture.... but what intrigues me more than the banana is the jersey behind the girls....

What is that thing?

1st thought was the "Barbar pole" vintage Blackhawk jersey, but it's a different cut than that, so what is it?

It's not a hockey picture and that looks like a zippered shirt/hoodie/girly shirt thing. Start browsing Target and Abercrombie ads if you really want to know where it came from.

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How I did the Tacki-Mac thing was I slid the grip on, I had a different kind of double sided tape and I flipped the Grip halfway inside out, then I put the double sided tape on and flipped it back down, I did the same with the other end and now that thing will never come off.

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I cut the butt off the wrapped version of the Tacki-Mac's. Without the butt you can roll and unroll them pretty easily. Hair spray holds mine on but allows you to remove and reapply if you're so inclined. This is only useful if you don't like a knob on your stick.

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sorry to bump an old thread but does anyone know (jr probably) what kind of rubber grip kane uses?

I have attached the actual grip from one of his pro stocks I have.

I thought it was wrapped ribbed tacki-mac but its not even close to the same.

the kane grip is very thin aside from the ribs.


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sorry to bump an old thread but does anyone know (jr probably) what kind of rubber grip kane uses?

I have attached the actual grip from one of his pro stocks I have.

I thought it was wrapped ribbed tacki-mac but its not even close to the same.

the kane grip is very thin aside from the ribs.

Edit; I need to read.

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I need to read better, getting late for me. They might make him a custom one, and I think there's another company that makes them.

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