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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New Era 59FIFTYs

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Got the Yankees hat recently. Bent the brim perfect first shot, with my hands, no water or any of that. It hasn't bent back either. Pured hot water in the crown, wore it, perfect fit. The high front really shrinks up dramatically. I might have to get more of these, trouble is there isn't much selection in the NHL department.

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  Dean_ said:
  Jbone said:
All the hat stores in Edmonton suck. It's hard finding most MLB teams nvm NHL.
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Im sure a lot of the stores have most of the in game hats, if that is the type your talking about.

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No they actually don't. You'll be lucky to find a store that carrys at least 15 of the teams.

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I'm looking to buy my first one, i usually wear like polo hats. A 7 1/4 fits my head comfortably but the lady there, probably expecting me to wear it sideways and completely flat with the sticker on it, said it was too small and i need a 7 1/2 which was a little loose, if i want it to fit like this or this would it be better to be tight but comfortable or a little bit of room or does it even make a difference.

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  pat19 said:
I'm looking to buy my first one, i usually wear like polo hats. A 7 1/4 fits my head comfortably but the lady there, probably expecting me to wear it sideways and completely flat with the sticker on it, said it was too small and i need a 7 1/2 which was a little loose, if i want it to fit like this or this would it be better to be tight but comfortable or a little bit of room or does it even make a difference.
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Try 7 3/8's maybe? The hats do get bigger when you put a curve on them so the 7 1/2 is way to big.

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  pat19 said:
I'm looking to buy my first one, i usually wear like polo hats. A 7 1/4 fits my head comfortably but the lady there, probably expecting me to wear it sideways and completely flat with the sticker on it, said it was too small and i need a 7 1/2 which was a little loose, if i want it to fit like this or this would it be better to be tight but comfortable or a little bit of room or does it even make a difference.
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If 7 1/4 is your normal hat size and you're looking to wear it normally (as in, curved brim like a real human being) they're true to hat size. So if you're a 7 1/4 in a fedora, you're a 7 1/4 in a 5950. However, it will feel very tight when you buy it. You get a much better fit once you curve the bring since it brings the hat in closer to the shape of your head (part of the reason for the sideways hat trend- flat brimmed, they fit the side of the head much better then the front). They are designed to fit a bit snugly though, so if you want it a little looser go a size up. The difference between 7 1/4 and 7 3/8 isn't that much.

But you should not be wearing a 7 1/2 unless you're wearing it flat brimmed.

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I fit into a 7 1/2 but i buy 7 5/8s and i mould them to my head, which shrinks it a little bit. if you buy it and its snug, sweat a little bit or if it rains a little bit your hat will be too small.

and hat headaches suck.

buy a bit big and shrink it, then your hat will stay a proper fit for a long time.

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  mattzilla said:
I fit into a 7 1/2 but i buy 7 5/8s and i mould them to my head, which shrinks it a little bit. if you buy it and its snug, sweat a little bit or if it rains a little bit your hat will be too small.

and hat headaches suck.

buy a bit big and shrink it, then your hat will stay a proper fit for a long time.

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Can you shrink the new polyester ones though? With the wool ones that's certainly possible, but not sure about the new ones. I went for old wool ones when I started with 5950s because you could shrink the crown to a more normal shape.

But I wore it while I did it, so it didn't get too small for me.

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While not a 59fifty, I recently purchased a Mitchell & Ness Hartford Whalers hat so it is the same style. I was wondering if any of the fitted hat experts here could recommend a good way to put a permanent curve (GASP!) in the brim. I tried a rubber band and baseball for over 24 hours and it snapped right back to pretty much dead straight.

Also, the hat is 100% wool so I'm assuming it will shrink down if I use the warm water and spray bottle trick.

Thanks in advance.

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  pat19 said:
I'm looking to buy my first one, i usually wear like polo hats. A 7 1/4 fits my head comfortably but the lady there, probably expecting me to wear it sideways and completely flat with the sticker on it, said it was too small and i need a 7 1/2 which was a little loose, if i want it to fit like this or this would it be better to be tight but comfortable or a little bit of room or does it even make a difference.
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thats the same way i wear mine


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  Hockeyman11385 said:
While not a 59fifty, I recently purchased a Mitchell & Ness Hartford Whalers hat so it is the same style. I was wondering if any of the fitted hat experts here could recommend a good way to put a permanent curve (GASP!) in the brim. I tried a rubber band and baseball for over 24 hours and it snapped right back to pretty much dead straight.

Also, the hat is 100% wool so I'm assuming it will shrink down if I use the warm water and spray bottle trick.

Thanks in advance.

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use cold water! warm water gives a rippled looking top, it shrinks it too fast. Cold water shrinks it slower, supposedly, and it makes it smoother.

as far as the brim goes.. i've always just curved it when i wore it and eventually it stays that way just gotta work it a bit. no tips here for that. I have some that i mould to my head and some that i leave a bit boxier on top, but i never leave the brim flat. headquarters ( in canada ) or Hat World/Lids ( in canada or the US and some in canada) sell these little hat curver things.. theyre kinda shitty and silly looking but they work a bit too. but you could just use a rubberband or baseball whatever blah blah, pretty much the same thing.

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Even better, cup it in your hands and bend it. Put the edges in your palms, fingers on top, thumbs on bottom and bend it in your hands. No water required, I get a perfect curve and it stays that way. The reason it keeps going back is that you're not actually applying enough force to deform the plastic.

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Thanks but the water is for shrinking it to fit my head. I tried that method of curving as well. In the description for the hat they mention that it has a perfectly flat brim, which makes me believe they did everything in their power to have it stay that way.

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  TNHhockey said:
  JR Boucicaut said:
I picked up a 59/50 around Halloween, took the stickers off and curved the brim. People at Foot Locker looked at me as if I was crazy.
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That is just plain insanity. :lol:

Anyways I have 2 Mets ones, normal game hats none of those crazy neon ones.

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I must retract this past statement. As of last week and my trip to Florida I bought 2 more flat brim hats.

The Florida Marlins Stars and Stripes one:


And the Team US one from the WBC:


After I shrink them just a bit [even though they say shrink resistant they still do and I've learned the hard way] I'll go ahead and give the brim the good ol' curve.

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New Yorker born and raised, so I've gotta have the Yankees hat. I've got an authentic white on blue, a white on white, and a one with black NY (with white outline) on a black hat. Looking to get the Team USA WBC hat but can't find it in white ><.

I've also got a baby blue UNC hat, an authentic pirates hat, and a white on red Cincinatti Reds hat. Gotta match what your wearing :)

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With mine, I generally go to the same store and the guy there will give me a new one free when it expires and even when I've lost it. The only knock I have against the local store is the selection, but with the online store they have tons more and free shipping to a local store.

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