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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Master Haglund's topic

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I've recently had to deal with your same problem.

A few friends have told me the Vapors heel is a wider/larger fit then the One95, yet I'm reluctant to picking up the One95's until the summer

I've tried many thing such as thin sport socks, double socks and i've recently found a temporary solution that eases the pain and problem. My g/f was at a Winners and she found these heel socks with a gel coating in the heel of the sock, she got them for me, i tried them on under my regular socks and i was pain free for the first time in a while.

Like previous members have suggested, try out "mole skin" or some type of heel gels to temporary ease the pain and problem

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I think I'm getting this, sometimes, my heels hurt like a bitch when I have my skates on, I have Vapor XVI's. The heel in em makes my achilles rub around a bit, and My skates are the right size.

I'm gonna go for One90s, One 55's or One75's next time I get skates, I doubt they have many One 90s in stock still though.

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If you are absolutely positive your skates are the right fit there isn't a whole lot you can do. It happens, and there really isn't any negative health effect.

You could get skates that fit. There is no reason to let the problem go and get worse.

This may be a stupid question but, what about improper skate fit leads to this problem? Heels that slip easily and don't rub very much, or skates that fit more snug and thus cause more (?) friction on the heel? Is a total heel lock possible?

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i believe that a total heel lock is possible, so i believe that the slipping of your heel is going to cause it, even the slightest movement of the heel can get worse adn worse as the skate gets broken in

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I think that's what happened to my pair of XXV's, they fit GREAT at the beginning, but as I started playing/skating more the skates broke in more and my heel started slipping

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Not to thread jack,but what exactly is haglunds/bauer bumps. I searched and found plenty of threads on haglunds/bauer bumps but not explanation to what they are. Sorry for the dumb question.[

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Up to golf ball sized lumps on your heel that if not treated can turn into golf ball bones, requiring surgery to remove. Often referred to as 'Bauer Bumps' because of Bauer skate users' prevalence to getting them.

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Not to thread jack,but what exactly is haglunds/bauer bumps. I searched and found plenty of threads on haglunds/bauer bumps but not explanation to what they are. Sorry for the dumb question.[

I had to do some research on them when I developed them this summer, and this is what my podiatrist told me. The bumps themselves are physiologically a result of a co-concurrent inflammation of your achilles tendon (tendinitis) and irritation of the bursal sac that lubricates and pads the tendon from the bone at its attachment point. These soft tissues are irritated by your heel bone pressing them upwards and into the heel curvature of your skate. Initially, he bumps are soft, and ice through a wet wash cloth for 5 minutes (longer can cause frostbite) immediately after skating can really help to reduce them, but this just treats the symptoms. The cure is to have your skates fitted by a professional in the business. If you let them go too long, calcium deposits along the irritation, and getting rid of them will require surgery. I thought I could fit my own skates just fine, as I'm sure a lot of people do, but actually having it done by someone in the know can help to avoid problems like Haglunds deformities, as well as let you get the most performance out of your skates.

Cheers, Chris

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Update: My LHS owner was of the opinion that I should punch out the spot where the bump was forming to relieve pressure (which was becoming an issue) - since then, skating feels normal and I don't feel any pain/pressure. As a side note, I am fairly certain I have a bulging disc in my back (I see a specialist this week) and take anti-inflammatory meds on a daily basis, so this may also help with the situation. I am going to talk to the specialist about possibly injecting a steroid into the area to see if it will take the swelling down.

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looked at 20 pages and couldnt find the topic that was up a lil while ago,, searched for it and couldnt find it as well, im starting to get them and wanna read up on them on that topic can, someone post the link please

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After reading the topic it seems, that the bauer bumps aren't just from bauer? So my question is if I'm getting them from a size 9.5 should I drop down to a 9. Also was thinking about the new s17 how do the size up to the xxxx?

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I see them on guys wearing all brands of skates.

I think it isn't the skate length that causes it, but the way that the skate's heel cup fits around your heel. Going to a shorter skate won't necessarily give you the right heel cup tightness or shape.

My son and I have never had them, so if somebody else has experience with them...

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I started getting haglands bumps when I was wearing Bauer XXXX's. My heel was slipping pretty bad in them. I switched to X60's and my problem has been eliminated.

Heel lock is very much improved over the XXXX's. I almost went with the S17's at first. They were very comfy and heel lock was solid as anything. I'm just very comfortable with Bauer and went that way when the 60's came out. I don't think you'll be disappointed with the Eastons. They are a nice skate.

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After reading the topic it seems, that the bauer bumps aren't just from bauer?

Correct, it comes from any skate that doesn't fit properly

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What is this exactly can someone decribe it? I had a pair of vapor xxx's that when i tied them tight gave me huge blisters on my heels but normally never did, would that classify? Once i figured out the proper lacing however they worked great.

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After reading the topic it seems, that the bauer bumps aren't just from bauer?

Correct, it comes from any skate that doesn't fit properly

We need a clever name for each of the skate brands. CCM Shingles anyone?

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Had it on my right foot....had it removed when I had my other operation done on my foot. Hurt like a bitch and still does from time to time.

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Topic we had on it a few weeks ago.

Long story short, my old Bauer supreme 4000s fit very well lengthwise, the heel must have been just barely moving around for years, and I developed the bumps. I switched to XXV not noticing the bumps when my 4000s broke, there wasn't enough room for the bump and it hurt like hell. I eventually tried on all different brands of skates and Easton and RBK seem to be the best for this type of heel condition. I went with RBK. While the new Vapor line has improved heels, if you already have this condition they still hurt.

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Yea I read surgery doesn't remove the pain. I get my heels punched out in my new skates (they fit perfect) and use gel pads. They have remained the same size for years w/ no pain.

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I was talking to a guy I play pick-up with and he showed me a bump on his heel. He was taping some pad onto it before he skated.

Looked pretty nasty.

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