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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What visor would look better on my 4500?

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Either an itech aviator tint N_36703483_2110319.JPG

or an oakley straight gray tint VR903-CL-big.jpg

im kinda leaning towards the oakley because its darker? idk... please dont comment if your going to say who cares what you look like...

anyways if anyone has these visors in these colors on a nbh 4500 helmet please post pics.

Right now ive got the Itech x100 visor because thats all my league pretty much allows. but this would just be for drop in

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well looks like oakley is the favorite.. maybe ill just compare them both on a 4500 at my lhs...if no one posts any pics, just to see what it looks like. but im thinkin i will go with the oakley.

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I say go w/ the Oakley but consider the Pro Modified Aviator cut instead of the straight... I've never been a big fan of the straight ones but other than that the P.M.A. one just looks so nice w/ the 4500 style helmet, it flows real nice. I had that visor on my old Bauer helmet but recently switched to a CCM Vector 08 so I can't help you out w/ pics of the old set up.

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the one problem with itech's is they are considerably wider than the helmet, and the spacers they give don't help, so it pulls the sides of the helmet out, creating pressure points in the front and back of the helmet.


That's a 4500 with the aviator cut, which i like better simply because it has a little more protection.

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the one problem with itech's is they are considerably wider than the helmet, and the spacers they give don't help, so it pulls the sides of the helmet out, creating pressure points in the front and back of the helmet.

That's a 4500 with the aviator cut, which i like better simply because it has a little more protection.

And for comparison, a Pro Modified Aviator as worn by Markus Naslund (I did a quick Google search and this was the best I could find, I'm 99.9% positive it's the same helmet he wears now and I know it's the same visor)


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i always prefered itech coz of the curve it has, whilst oakley is just straight which leaves a hole sometimes and it lets some glare in for me and i got real sensitive eyes >.<

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I can take a picture of my okaley straight cut on a white 4500 if you want

yeah thatd be great, and that modified one isnt bad

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Oakley pro mod on a 4000 XL. Visor mounting holes were extended and the thing still is only a few mm from my nose, it's going to be given to a friend. Note that my head is big, you probably won't mind it on a M or S bucket for sure.

I have an Itech straight, but not the 4000 with me. I can do a swap and show it, but not for another week or two.

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