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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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"Price point" vs. expensive OPS

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How much difference is there in regards to the higher priced (higher end) OPS (one piece stick), as opposed to the very affordable lower line ones? Where are the most noticeable differences? eg. I went to check out National Sport clearance sale. Apparently they had Easton stealth (reg $250 on for $99) as pro over runs. All gone of course by yesterday. The salesman tried to push a $40 ops on me instead. I play regularily, plus help run kids practices, and love the OPS. The one I have is a CCM V110 and is too stiff for me, not sure what flex it is, not marked. Old one is an old Easton silver Synergy, but has some chips in it, not how long it has left.

I want to try to find a good quality ops that isn't gonna me cost me $300 (Easton S-17 are $279.00!!!!, and hear there are blade issues). Some parameters I prefer - good whip, probably an 85 flex for Easton, absolutely love the Drury pattern, and obviously light weight. Will likely have to cut, but not necessarily, hence the 85 flex.

Any suggestions???? I usually spend an hour or more trying to find the perfect stick..... Or should I just watch the good deal thread for deals (I am not on here everyday), or look for sales at my LHS.

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ONE90s are a great, durable stick and can be found for around 120USDs. Find them in a two or three pack and they come out to around 100USDs. Search around on the MSH reviews, found on the bottom of the front page.

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by the way, stay away from the S17 if u dont want to spend to much on a stick.

I had an S17 and it was by far the best stick I've ever used. The blade did have a bit of a ceramic feel which took some getting used to. If you're in the States, I believe Hockey World has them listed as $219 which is pretty slick.

As far as the difference between high end and low end, I think the first thing you'll notice is weight and balance, plus usually low end sticks generally have limited curves, which means you likely won't find a Drury pattern. If you want high end performance without breaking the bank, I'd suggest looking online and in stores for close-outs and clearance models from past years. If you're a good haggler, and are up to date on what years what sticks came out, you can usually haggle a deal out. It's worked for me. One store had an Inno 1100 marked at $249 and I told them straight up that the stick was at least 4 years old, and I'd take it off their hands for half price. Ended up walking out with it for $120. It's always worth a try.

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I never thought there was much difference between a 130$ ops and a 280$ ops until i got the s17. I was using vector 10.0 last season, broke two of them and then switched to a pro stock vapor XXX. After the XXX i had a new vector 10 and after a bit i bought a s17 and could fire the puck like i thought i normally could. Then for some reason i thought the blade was breaking, bought a one90 and noticed i couldn't shoot the way i was. I switched back to the vector 10 for a bit and still there was something missing. So i finally switched back to the s17 and my shot is back. I have to say the s17 is just a "special" stick. I am however going to be testing this method, i have a one95 that i am trying out here soon so after a few ice sessions all post my result.

Sorry for more of the promotion of the s17 compared to price point vs expensive.

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What does it mean when a stick torques?

I think, keyword think, its when the blade turns as a result of the force when hitting the puck. In general it can cause the shot to be less accurate.

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What does it mean when a stick torques?

I think, keyword think, its when the blade turns as a result of the force when hitting the puck. In general it can cause the shot to be less accurate.

you basically got it ;)

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price point ops tend top have a higher firberglass content. though some high end ops do also have fiberglass. a good ops would be a warrior dolomite around 150usd. but it all comes down to personal preference.

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I went to that sale and they only had righties so I didn't get one.

I really sound like a broken record here, and the spokesmen of this company when i say this lol, but check out dukes... 7k Crosby's either 85 or 100 flex for $99( they also have 9ks for this price, but really 9ks? no thanks) i was tempted but decided against it as I should stop spending money. I don't know how good the 08 7k is but the 06 7k is pretty good from experience.

Also I also know that a more expensive stick is built more for performance, and not durability, and a cheaper stick is built more for durability so if you are only on the ice for a little bit it is up to you. I really wouldn't go to National Sports for any equipment as they are a rip off, but check out some of you local shops, many are clearing out their sticks for the new product.

Lastly another choice is buying just the shaft. and getting a blade, i use this combo and I love it.

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Also I also know that a more expensive stick is built more for performance, and not durability, and a cheaper stick is built more for durability so if you are only on the ice for a little bit it is up to you. I really wouldn't go to National Sports for any equipment as they are a rip off, but check out some of you local shops, many are clearing out their sticks for the new produ


My U+ I've had for a month has already lasted longer than my last two XXVs...

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I would find a close-out of last years top of the line stick.

One90 (I swear by them, great stick, has last 5times as long as my s17 and was cheaper)

RBK Sickick 7k I think they are 99 at hockey giant

Vector 10 Catapult - same 99 at hockey giant.

From what I've found (and this may be my only personal experience) but while Easton sticks are great they really are built for performance. So unless you want to keep buying a new stick every couple months look elsewhere. I went through 2 SL's, Ultra Lite Shaft, and S17 in a 4 month span but have had my one90 for about 6 months now and it was cheaper.

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Granted I haven't bought an easton since the orange grip synergy sticks were the top end, about 2 months ago, I *finally* broke my last gray original make synergy. I had three of them total all the original graphic silver/gray model and the last finally broke, in the same place as the rest of them (at the heel of the blade). Just sayin' the 'durability' comments always seem to vary widely.

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The heel is where my old Synergy (old silver/gray black) is almost going to snap. The V110 I have as my main, as I said - almost too stiff for me.

I may look at the 7k sickick or one 90. Anyone know what pattern would be similar to Drury??? Need a RH, and seems like 85% of stick are LH... :(

I can't see using at $50 ops, when I have been using upper end up 'til now. Mind you the Synergy was a pro overrun sale a number of years ago, and the V110 was a clearance 2 or 3 years ago (J. Allison curve).

btw - in Windsor, ON

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The heel is where my old Synergy (old silver/gray black) is almost going to snap. The V110 I have as my main, as I said - almost too stiff for me.

I may look at the 7k sickick or one 90. Anyone know what pattern would be similar to Drury??? Need a RH, and seems like 85% of stick are LH... :(

I can't see using at $50 ops, when I have been using upper end up 'til now. Mind you the Synergy was a pro overrun sale a number of years ago, and the V110 was a clearance 2 or 3 years ago (J. Allison curve).

btw - in Windsor, ON

As far as I know, Phaneuf is the closest to the Drury in Reebok...but it's kind of a cross between a Lidstrom and Drury.

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Not to mention that I cannot stand Easton's blades, S17 or not. I assume this is where most of your breakdowns occured hockeysc23?

Yup all the blades except obvi the Ultra Lite shaft. I broke the SL and S17 in back to back shots at SNP... needless to say that was an expensive weekend.

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Also I also know that a more expensive stick is built more for performance, and not durability, and a cheaper stick is built more for durability so if you are only on the ice for a little bit it is up to you. I really wouldn't go to National Sports for any equipment as they are a rip off, but check out some of you local shops, many are clearing out their sticks for the new product.

i dont think thats necessarily true

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A skilled player will be able to extract the benefits that the higher end OPS sticks have to offer. For players that don't have that level of skill there really isn't any difference between them except a few properties of the stick. Such as the lighter weight of a high end stick, that benefits regardless of skill level.

For me personally, I played at the junior level and can definately feel the differences between the S17 and a price point stick. However, I buy the price points. You'll rarely hear a sound as depressing as a $250 hockey stick snapping in two when you're paying for them out of pocket. I personally can find things I enjoy more to spend the cash on.

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So, on my way home from work yesterday I stop at my LHS, the one I just bought my skates at. Wanted to check out the One 90, One 70, and RBK 7K ops. One 90 are still priced at $249CDN. One 70 are $149, and the RBK 7K Sickick were , I think $189??. Are these good prices?????? They had the ugly 9K for $149 also....what a nasty looking twig! To give you an idea the top end sticks (S17 - $289, One 95 - $249 or 289), but had good stock. Seeing as there are 5x as many lh sticks to choose from, the rh that I need were limited selection, but did find an option I might like in the One 70, and also in a NBH XVI, these were $99. What you all think?

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