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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Eagle X series

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Are the eagle X series gloves all the same, but different sizes? For example, are the X50's and X70's the same glove, just different sizes? If so, how big are they?

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I'm not too big on Eagles, so I'm not sure about this...

I think the X50s, X70s, etc. all have the same fit, but the higher the number, the more protective they are. The difference in sizes comes between X50s/X51s, X70s/X71s, etc. where the ones with a 1 at the end are bigger.

Anyone who knows their Eagles can correct my incorrect statements.

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Incorrect. The 50s have a different fit (tighter, smaller gloves) The 70s vs 80s is just the difference of plastic inserts

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Insted of making a new post i thought Id just do this. Well I just bought these eagle x50's gloves...


...and does anyone know the size on these?

I think there 14 inch.

Vapor. I didnt think the 80's have plastic inserts. i thought it was just different foams used. Some please correct if I'm wrong.

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A_S12,Im almost positive that x80's have plastic inserts

ok thanks for correcting me. ive never seen them in person. and from the pic ive seen on the internet it didnt look like they had them.

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the x80s I saw had plastic inserts ,they could of been pro stock,I thought they were retail but I dont really know

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