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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Eric Cole's Unique stick taping...

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He's got such a sick curve. Was that real Renfrew 1.5" (or something close to that) hockey tape? I like to use the 1.5" tape on my blades, but the only stuff in white I can find is "trainers" tape and it's not quite as durable as regular hockey tape. Or is that the only stuff available?

Did anyone else notice how worn down that puck was from guys using it on their tape jobs?

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Hes using 3M Super 77 Adhesive Spray, Id imagine you should be able to get it at any hardware store. There are a few companies out there that make a 1.5" hockey tape. The Sports Authority use to carry the black 1.5" Renfrew hockey tape in the hockey aisle.

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would the bottom of the blade wear out or sustain damage faster without tape?


Not to get way off topic...but did anyone watch that PK Subban skating video that is also on that YouTube page? WOW!

backward scissor? that was quite impressive

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Not to get way off topic...but did anyone watch that PK Subban skating video that is also on that YouTube page? WOW!

Haha, hell yeah that guy is crazy. Think he goes straight to NHL next year?

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Might try that on a composite blade in my shaft, but not on a nice ops. Being on the ice 5+ times a week seems like it would wear down the bottom of the blade way too much. Really like the idea though. Nice find.

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would the bottom of the blade wear out or sustain damage faster without tape?

Yes. Necessarily.

What is that supposed to mean?

"Inherently and invariably, the bottom of the blade will wear out faster without tape."

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thats funny, thats how ive taped my sticks for years. Granted i play roller, so i did it because the tape would drag MUCH more on sport court than it would on ice.

also, i would do a regular tape job sometimes, then run a razor blade along the bottom edge and peel off that bottom part.

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If I were to try it I would put some tape on the bottom of the blade so my blade doesn't get ruined.

That would be the exact opposite point of taping the stick like that. He doesn't tape the bottom because he doesn't care about the life of the blade and therefore tapes his stick in a way that requires very little work. The adhesive spray is probably just to keep the ends down or the tape from peeling, I bet without either that or wax the tape would fall off in the first period.

As for whether it would give you any benefit otherwise, maybe 5 grams of weight and some better slide. It's the same as people who swear by heel->toe taping and others who swear toe->heel is better, all in the head, personal preference. I think the little bit of friction would help load the stick a little better for those of use that can't curl a schoolbus with our forearms.

I find adding and extra strip of tape to the bottom and giving my stick a thicker tape job will help keep the blade from getting worn on the heel, scratched on the face and chipped at the toe a lot better than a minimalist tape job. Then again, I'm trying to milk all the life out of my sticks that I can and don't give two shits about an extra 5 grams on the blade or an extra .5m/s of spin on the puck that a different style may or may not allow you to have.

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