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CCM U+ Stick Break Help

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(JR youmight be able to give me some advice here - BTW, how are you doing, haven't seen you in a while -Novi Dad).

Bought my 9 year old son a new CCM U+ (anatomy) Ovechkin pattern (or Christmas) which he absolutely loves. Hate to sound overly dramatic but it took his game to the next level. The night he first tried it he put about six lasers right on the goalies facemask (and I mean hard) from the blueline. Passes no longer bounced over his stick. Everybody said "whoa, what kind of stick is that".

I first thought it was the old "hey I have a new stick" mental advantage effect but he has continued to shoot the lights out with this stick. he used a Reebok 4k, CCM vector and a Warrior Dolo before this - and- while the Dolo could get a decent shot off - the U+ shots have so much more heat and accuracy it is literally shocking to watch. Never thought a stick made that much difference.

Must be the combination of flex, lie, curve, etc which fits him just right. Like I said, never knew a stick could make that much of a difference but I am now convinced after HE BROKE HIS NEW U+ three days after the 30 day warranty went out and had to go to his old CCM vector backup stick (he could't shoot very well with the backup).

So while I love the results the stick got - I am wondering if CCM will stand behind this product.

He is pretty gentle on stuff and does not take slapshots at all. Broke right at the U+ decal above the blade on a simple wrist shot.

Bought it at your old Novi hockey shop and they said I have to call CCM. We are in the middle of State playoff finals so sending it in will never get it back in time. So I will probably have to buy another eventhough I am not happy with the durability of this stick.

My feeling is CCM should still warrantly this stick as it is so close to the 30 day period and broke for a 9 year old who in no way puts the abuse on stick as senior players. and during that 30 days he probably used the stick a total of 15 hours.


Has anybody else experienced similar issues with this stick and warranty flexibility, etc?

Do you think CCM would still warranty it or are they stictly 30 days?

Is there a CCM rep I could contact if they don't?

Like i said "LOVE the stick" but can't afford to spend $150 every 32 days.

Any advice would be appreciated.

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CCM could surprise you and me and send you a new stick but companies tend to stick to the warranty period. If they give you a new stick because you broke it two days after the warranty, why not do it for someone on the thirty third day or the thirty fourth. Its just one more day. Eventually they're giving warranty replacement sticks out to everyone. On the durability issue, sticks are usually broken before the actual snapping of the shaft or blade occurs. He might have taken a hack from another player or a kid fell on it either of which could have damaged the stick internally. The wristshot was just the nail in the coffin. Anyway, I've seen the situation go both ways so good luck but don't get your hopes up and don't think this is strictly CCM. All sticks break.

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I would say give it a try, they might extend the warranty.

But (I am not trying to be combative here, just stating a point) that is a performance stick not really designed for durability. So you might be SOL. Why not get another CCM stick same lenth, flex and pattern see if that lasts a bit longer?

Good luck, hope CCM gives you another.

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Thanks for the reply but I guess I am more concerned with the U+ in general. I thought there wasa thread on here which talked about U+ breakage all in the same spot.

Almost as if there was an issue with this stick.

I was conccerned about the U+ after reading some issues others posted about breakage but I didn't think it would happen (at least so quickly) as he is only 9, they don't allow slapshots and I have coached teams for a few years at this age and you just don't see little guys break sticks that much. Pee Wee level, yes they start breaking them.

All three of my kids, who have played for years have never broken a stick unitl now (maybe they can't shoot...lol). I though my other sons Dolo would have snapped by now as that thing is like a feather but still going strong after three seasons of checking hockey.

I guess I was not really surprised that a stick broke but I could see if he was cranking on it or ripping slapshots.

Just wondering if there is an issue with the durability of this stick.

Thanks for the reply and it is true that it is a performance stick and probably pushing the limits as far as lightweight, etc.

Great idea about getting the exact same curve, lie, etc in a more durable stick.

Wonder if CCM sells a Jr. Ovechkin, 50 flex, Lie ?, in a more durable stick.

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Great idea about getting the exact same curve, lie, etc in a more durable stick.

Wonder if CCM sells a Jr. Ovechkin, 50 flex, Lie ?, in a more durable stick.

They have a Vector 8 Jr Ovechkin for somewhere in the $60-70 range. Same company should be consistent on flex and blade patterns for their junior sticks.

I know the senior Ovechkin curve is almost exactly like the Drury/P91A curve, which is limited to senior and top-level sticks from Easton/NikeBauer, so that's probably not an option (unless the junior curve is something different and just named Ovie to stir stick sales?).

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My buddy broke his U+ more than a month after the 30 day warranty, he called CCM and they exchanged his stick no problem.

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have you called CCM?

this happened to me, I actually broke a Vapor XXX way back when, and it broke like a week after the warranty expired. I called up, didn't lie, and asked them if there was anything they could do because I didn't play everyday and i really liked the stick, and was just really upset that it broke.

the lady was really nice and told me she understood where she was coming from, she then talked to her manager and told me that she appreciated my honesty by not saying it broke a week ago during the warranty period, and that she understood that i didn't play everyday, as i told her that i was just a kid and had to go to school and stuff like that.

so she told me she would make the exception, and i sent back my stick, as they sent me a new one.

just try to call and be honest, because you never know what can happen :)

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GREAT ADVICE...true, honesty is the best policy,. I suppose I can't tell them I broke it over my kids head after he coudn't break up a three on one breakaway.

JR - what is a PM?

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Oh, yes "private message" ha ha just got it..lol

Thanks JR,

you know I keep trying to call the CCM 800 number for warranty and it either does not go through -or- i get a voicemailbox which says full can't leave a message.

Sounds like this is going to take a bit longer than expected.

Wonder if they get alot of warranty calls?...lol

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Just had a wonderful experience with RBK/CCM OPS (one-piece stick) warranty. 9K-O broke in an odd spot on the blade at the heel.

Without going into the details, I also had issues calling the number - leave voicemail as they are only available during normal business hours, despite it being normal business hours, and then a voicemail is full message - and finally just used the email address with the information requested on their site - http://en.ccmsports.com/corporate/ops-sticks-policy/

After an email (ops@reebokccm.com), i received a near immediate response with an RMA and info to send back, although it does mention postage paid. When I did send it back, I didn't hear anything for two weeks until a new CCM U+ appeared on my doorstep. I replied back to the email address and conversed with a very receptive representative about my situation.

That being said, feel free to contact them via the email. Be open and honest, and maybe they will help you out. It was the best option, and I can't praise them enough for the responses. Reebok-CCM have my business for a long while - I have been using an Easton UltraLite for 10+ years - after the discussions/experience I have had.

Good luck, and let us know.


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Bought my 9 year old son a new CCM U+ (anatomy) Ovechkin pattern (or Christmas) which he absolutely loves. Hate to sound overly dramatic but it took his game to the next level. The night he first tried it he put about six lasers right on the goalies facemask (and I mean hard) from the blueline.

Any advice would be appreciated.

My advice is that your kid is a beast. Get him a new stick asap if he shoots like that with it.

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I have to concur, CCM/RBK are very good with warranty and out of warranty service.

As someone who repairs sticks, all brands and models, I will say that Jr sticks are not made the same as the senior model. Only the paint job is similar. Almost all jr sticks have fibreglass only shafts and hosels, no carbon at all. A simple crack from a slash, misstep, etc will lead to a break. A junior stick can break much quicker in some cases.

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hey goodguy to answer your question about the U+ durability the break point of your son's U+ sounds exactly where most of the U+'s place. Don't exactly know why it always breaks there, but all my teammates who's had one always broke right at the U+ decal or around there after little usage. I've owned a CCM V10 and that thing is great on durabilty and performance, you should consider getting one for your son. Hope this helps your situation out a bit.

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Thanks for your replies. I guess I am overthinking it as FINALLY my kid can use his size and strength to get shots off and I am like "damn, can't keep buying him sticks @ $150 a pop".

I will look into the great suggestion about the V10 - the only thing I hate about sticks is you can't just "try" them out. If you buy it and set it up you are pretty much stuck with it (even if it is no good for you).

The results were so goo I am like well, I guess I am just going to have to set aside like $1000 per year for replacements...lol

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haha that'd be crazy :P

see if you can find a hockey shop in your area with a 'rapidshot' machine, it gives u somewhat an idea of how the stick feels and performs.

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That seems so weird...Can you tape/cut/personalize the sticks? I assume they just let you use a full length floor model. And I doubt they have every pattern available for ready use in L/RH...It would be incredible if they did though.

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They are breaking at the U+ decal most likely because that's where the kickpoint is in the U+ stick is located. When you constantly load at the low kickpoint (stress point) it's going to weaken and eventually snap.

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This is getting off topic, but breaking at the U+ decal, is this happening premature, or after several weeks, or months of usage?

As mentioned, I have always used an UltraLite 110 shaft with blade, and 90% of them eventually broke at the "kickpoint." However, I found them extremely durable. I would go through only 2-3 of them a season, and that included travel/junior/high school hockey, and then college hockey. This is mostly with wristers and snap-shots.

Getting worried about this U+ I have here if it is to break down soon enough. Unfortunately the OnePro ("Special" One90) broke due to a blocked shot on the shaft, and then the 9K-O broke on the blade, most likely due to some careless play of others.

I am scrambling looking for a replacement, as we have a pretty big event to play in this weekend, and I can't force myself to pay the astronomical prices at the LHSs - lowest price in NA.. ha. The Recchi curve sent as a replacement looks like a banana compared to the Modano/PM9 I have been using, and not sure if I want to keep it or try to get rid of it.

Back on-topic... original poster (goodguy), did you try the email for the CCM OPS return? I understand your sticker shock, seeing some of the high school kids I coach and friends' kids and prices. Although, if your son continues to play, it will only get worse. I look back at it now and wonder how my parents did it, but they know, and I can really appreciate the sacrifices they made.

Good luck!

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Called the 800 number again with no luck - mailbox full (that is not a good sign for a warranty department imo).

So I pressed "0", asked the operator for the stick warranty department (merci) and got a voicemailbox for a real person - no call back yet.

I will send the email now and see about the response.

Guess I will just buy another and if they give me a replacement on the first one, that is a backup. So about $300 in sticks for a 9 year old - oh well - makes skates that last a whole season sound cheap.

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Am I the only one who thinks buying a $150 OPS for a nine-year-old Squirt is nuts, and that a top-of-the line stick for a kid that age/size really doesn't make a difference?

Don't get me wrong, I think it's great that you support your kids' hockey. I just think spending this on a stick for a little one is ridiculous.

Okay, I'm ready to be ambushed! :)

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Flyerman I agree with you wholeheartedly. Personally I think ops for anyone below peewees at the youngest is complete overkill and most hockey players won't see any dramatic performance enhancement until at least bantams.

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