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Don't piss off Christian Bale!

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For some reason, it reminds of the time William Hurt was involved in a court case and somebody (the judge or the other attorney) was asking him a line of questions.

"You're blocking me! You're blocking me! I can't think!"

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found this mildly amusing - if only for fact it was put together only a day after the incident - so passing it on.

The man can bring the rage. He'll always just be a little American Psycho to me. I guess the best ones all have some some heightened emotions, throw in all that money and...

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Some new info on the incident -


Even before I read that, I don't think Bale was completely in the wrong - I think he went overboard a bit but everyone freaks out once in a while. The DP sounds like a fucking moron who doesn't exactly know how to do his job - especially if he is messing with lighting in the middle of a shot.

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  Fletch said:
Some new info on the incident -


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A scene that required soul bearing and a deep level of immersive concentration.
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F*** off (to the writer, not you Fletch). I appreciate film and theatre and realize that acting is an artistic craft like any other, but give me a break.

You hear this sort of stuff from actors and people in show business all the time. Don't they tire of giving each-other handjobs amidst all the award shows dripping with self-gratification and ignorance?

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  mgoblue said:
F*** off (to the writer, not you Fletch). I appreciate film and theatre and realize that acting is an artistic craft like any other, but give me a break.

You hear this sort of stuff from actors and people in show business all the time. Don't they tire of giving each-other handjobs amidst all the award shows dripping with self-gratification and ignorance?

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If you were taking off down the ice for a penalty shot and the ref skated over and started fiddling with the net while you were at the dots, would you be pissed off?

If acting at that caliber were easy these people wouldn't make 10 million dollars for 6 months of work. Just like if every midget AAA player could make it to the NHL there would be no reason for a televised professional league.

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  Rustpot said:
If you were taking off down the ice for a penalty shot and the ref skated over and started fiddling with the net while you were at the dots, would you be pissed off?
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Not if, whether or not I scored, I would

  Rustpot said:
make 10 million dollars for 6 months of work.
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Edit - http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1899387

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  Rustpot said:
If you were taking off down the ice for a penalty shot and the ref skated over and started fiddling with the net while you were at the dots, would you be pissed off?

If acting at that caliber were easy these people wouldn't make 10 million dollars for 6 months of work. Just like if every midget AAA player could make it to the NHL there would be no reason for a televised professional league.

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Taking a Penalty Shot is NOT comparable to a take in a movie shoot. A penalty shot is taken ONCE, so a referee would not do any such thing as fiddle with the net.

An actor can shoot as many takes as necessary to get it right. A DP "fooling with" err... adjusting the lights to get them correct is not nearly the same as the penalty shot scenario you described.

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  fieldofdreams said:
  Rustpot said:
If you were taking off down the ice for a penalty shot and the ref skated over and started fiddling with the net while you were at the dots, would you be pissed off?

If acting at that caliber were easy these people wouldn't make 10 million dollars for 6 months of work. Just like if every midget AAA player could make it to the NHL there would be no reason for a televised professional league.

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Taking a Penalty Shot is NOT comparable to a take in a movie shoot. A penalty shot is taken ONCE, so a referee would not do any such thing as fiddle with the net.

An actor can shoot as many takes as necessary to get it right. A DP "fooling with" err... adjusting the lights to get them correct is not nearly the same as the penalty shot scenario you described.

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I was trying to think of a situation people here could relate to that takes focus and concentration. Why would a ref skate over to the net? Why would someone working on a movie set move things during a big scene? Neither makes any sense. A hockey player on adrenaline or an actor who's in the zone would both go nuts over someone fucking things up for them.

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  fieldofdreams said:
  Rustpot said:
If you were taking off down the ice for a penalty shot and the ref skated over and started fiddling with the net while you were at the dots, would you be pissed off?

If acting at that caliber were easy these people wouldn't make 10 million dollars for 6 months of work. Just like if every midget AAA player could make it to the NHL there would be no reason for a televised professional league.

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Taking a Penalty Shot is NOT comparable to a take in a movie shoot. A penalty shot is taken ONCE, so a referee would not do any such thing as fiddle with the net.

An actor can shoot as many takes as necessary to get it right. A DP "fooling with" err... adjusting the lights to get them correct is not nearly the same as the penalty shot scenario you described.

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Yes, but keep in mind that each take on a set costs money - I bet the producer of the film was even more pissed than Bale was when he heard what happened, only because it's money out of his pockets, the studio's pockets and the investor's pockets because a dumb shit DP messed up. Also, there's a ton of pressure on Bale for this film to be good since he's not only coming off of The Dark Knight, which made more money worldwide than any other film in the world not named "Titanic" and the fact that fans and critics of the Terminator series are hoping for it to make up for the craptastic Terminator 3.

Like I said before - I think Bale went overboard but I can see why he was upset.

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He carried on but you guys have no idea how distracting and frustrating it can be if you are working on something only to have these guys fucking up around you. If you've ever been on a set, half these guys are glorified carnies who seem to be under the influence half the time.

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  Rustpot said:
If you were taking off down the ice for a penalty shot and the ref skated over and started fiddling with the net while you were at the dots, would you be pissed off?

If acting at that caliber were easy these people wouldn't make 10 million dollars for 6 months of work. Just like if every midget AAA player could make it to the NHL there would be no reason for a televised professional league.

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I understand the point you are making, but they are paid $10 million because they can help sell a picture, whether that is based on their looks, name or acting skills. If you consider how much more acting "runs in the genes" compared to other professions, it's obvious the most important factor is getting a break. After that, it's up to the individual whether they hone their craft.

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