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For US residents - Obama's stimulus plan checks

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I have been reading a lot of stuff about the plan (the checks would be $500 for single people and $1000 for married couples) but have not seen any mention of when the checks will be available. Anyone hear anything?

BTW - in no way do I want this to turn into a political thread. Thanks :)

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I havent heard anything about the checks at all until now. Still hopefully will be stimulating my stick collection.

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  Fletch said:
I have been reading a lot of stuff about the plan (the checks would be $500 for single people and $1000 for married couples) but have not seen any mention of when the checks will be available. Anyone hear anything?

BTW - in no way do I want this to turn into a political thread. Thanks :)

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The bill hasn't even passed the Senate yet.

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Last I heard there was no cash to individuals, but I've been working a lot the last couple days. As it stands, the government is essentially borrowing $10k per taxpayer. You want real stimulus, give all of that to individuals and not government then watch the economy take off.

That said, I would take the cash. I could use some new scuba gear.

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If that check comes, I'll finally pull the trigger on some custom PPF's in Hartford Whalers' colors circa 1996.

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  Chadd said:
Last I heard there was no cash to individuals, but I've been working a lot the last couple days. As it stands, the government is essentially borrowing $10k per taxpayer. You want real stimulus, give all of that to individuals and not government then watch the economy take off.

That said, I would take the cash. I could use some new scuba gear.

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I'm willing to bet dollars to donuts that any rebate check will turn out like every other one has. Not in stimulating the economy, but seeing individuals pay down debt.

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  Chadd said:
Last I heard there was no cash to individuals, but I've been working a lot the last couple days. As it stands, the government is essentially borrowing $10k per taxpayer. You want real stimulus, give all of that to individuals and not government then watch the economy take off.

That said, I would take the cash. I could use some new scuba gear.

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backing up chadd on this one. from what i heard no cash but we get a tax break. oh yeah. ;) with all the money the gov gave to the banking exectives so they could remodel their offices for 1.5million. we won't see anything seeing as how the fed will most likely raise taxes to cover all the red ink going now.

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  jrhky36 said:
  Chadd said:
Last I heard there was no cash to individuals, but I've been working a lot the last couple days. As it stands, the government is essentially borrowing $10k per taxpayer. You want real stimulus, give all of that to individuals and not government then watch the economy take off.

That said, I would take the cash. I could use some new scuba gear.

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backing up chadd on this one. from what i heard no cash but we get a tax break. oh yeah. ;) with all the money the gov gave to the banking exectives so they could remodel their offices for 1.5million. we won't see anything seeing as how the fed will most likely raise taxes to cover all the red ink going now.

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And a lot of us really don't get much, if anything, more back on our taxes.

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I was under the impression that the tax breaks would be in the form of stimulus checks like we got last year. So much for believing what my co-workers say....

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If I get any stim check its going to de stimulate my bills. If it wasnt for my new kid, I would have rec'd jack sh!t back form my taxes. The AK pfd between my wife and I put us into a new tax bracket.........brutal

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So far we have:

$750 Billion on the TARP program

$838 Billion on the Stimulus package

$1,500 Billion ($1.5 Trillion) on a new Bank rescue program

That's in excess of $3 Billion in less than six months and doesn't include the national, state and local budget deficits that will have to be paid with interest. I want off this out of control carnival ride.

I was watching part of the Obama press conference last night with my wife and had to laugh at one of the things he said. He said that the criticism that he came into office looking to ramp up spending wasn't accurate. My question to that is this; does that mean he was lying when he promised more money to every special interest group under the sun? Or does that mean he is lying now? You really can't have it both ways.

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  Chadd said:
does that mean he was lying when he promised more oney to every special interest group under the sun? Or does that mean he is lying now? You really can't have it both ways.
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Well in this case, you could. But then that would mean he'd be lying about it both times <_<

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No matter who 'wins' it's people from the top 1 or 2 % of the population (financially speaking) making decisions affecting the other 98-99%...and they don't have to spend there own money to do it.

Too cynical...maybe.

At least in the States you guys know who's running the show...Up here, we had an election...and we still don't know who's in charge or for how long.

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Your co-workers are ill-informed. I hope you arent asking them for financial advice either. This isnt a stimulus bill, but a spending bill disguised as a stimulus package.

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  Chadd said:
So far we have:

$750 Billion on the TARP program

$838 Billion on the Stimulus package

$1,500 Billion ($1.5 Trillion) on a new Bank rescue program

That's in excess of $3 Billion in less than six months and doesn't include the national, state and local budget deficits that will have to be paid with interest. I want off this out of control carnival ride.

I was watching part of the Obama press conference last night with my wife and had to laugh at one of the things he said. He said that the criticism that he came into office looking to ramp up spending wasn't accurate. My question to that is this; does that mean he was lying when he promised more money to every special interest group under the sun? Or does that mean he is lying now? You really can't have it both ways.

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Just an addition error, but $3 trillion in six months.

  epstud74 said:
Your co-workers are ill-informed. I hope you arent asking them for financial advice either. This isnt a stimulus bill, but a spending bill disguised as a stimulus package.
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Disguised as many, many other things as well. Such as this, for example.

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Well the thing is, nowhere, unless in the event of a real implosion. Anywhere else has these same structural changes to a higher degree.

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  Fire0nIce228 said:
Whats the best country to go live in? I need to start devising an exit strategy for when the United States implodes..
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One with beaches, palm trees, rum and an average temp in the 80s. I've been working on my exit strategy for a while, just wish the crash had been another 12-16 months down the road.

  troy said:
Just an addition error, but $3 trillion in six months.
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Typo actually, thank you.

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