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For US residents - Obama's stimulus plan checks

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  Chadd said:
$1,500 Billion ($1.5 Trillion) on a new Bank rescue program
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I haven't heard anything about this??

I read 'Empire of Debt' a couple years ago...those guys have one of the biggest "I told you so's" of all time right now.

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  Fire0nIce228 said:
Whats the best country to go live in? I need to start devising an exit strategy for when the United States implodes..
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I'm just waiting for the population to surge from all the people who moved to Canada when Bush was elected coming back.

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  Fletch said:
I have been reading a lot of stuff about the plan (the checks would be $500 for single people and $1000 for married couples) but have not seen any mention of when the checks will be available. Anyone hear anything?

BTW - in no way do I want this to turn into a political thread. Thanks :)

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No checks, just a very slight reduction in taxes that should net you an extra $10-15 in your paycheck - assuming your paid bi-weekly. <_<

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  kosydar said:
  Fire0nIce228 said:
Whats the best country to go live in? I need to start devising an exit strategy for when the United States implodes..
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I'm just waiting for the population to surge from all the people who moved to Canada when Bush was elected coming back.

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99.9999% of them didn't have the balls to follow through with it.

The twenty-seven people who did, are not welcome back :D

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To be honest the last time I was in Vancouver for a Canucks game I stopped at an immigration office, very friendly people, to check out what would go into an American getting landed immigrent status. I was actually surprised to learn how many Americans were up there. I mean obviously most Canadian immigrients are coming from Asia and the middle east, but still about 2.5% are American nationals. Have some friends in Victoria that could use an executive chef, so with everything going on I'm about 90% certain I'm going to go for it. That's not to say Canada is perfect by any means, no where is. But they also don't have a wierd looking doofus with absolutely no experience running the ship with a pack of yes men rubber stamping everything he does. But he's black, well at least in part anyway, and that's all that really matters. Where do I get my commerative quaters?

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  RecLeagueHero said:
But they also don't have a wierd looking doofus with absolutely no experience running the ship with a pack of yes men rubber stamping everything he does. But he's black, well at least in part anyway, and that's all that really matters. Where do I get my commerative quaters?
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We had a white doofus whose every whim was rubber stamped for a while too. ;)

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  JR Boucicaut said:
Yeah, seriously.

Have you ever researched the political landscape in Canada?

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My Canadian buddies tell me that it's a gigantic clusterfuck..... but for the most part, they all seem too mellow to give a damn about politics, in general.

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Actually I have, quite a lot. Started mostly with the tax strucuture, in a few years with home boy's economic policy we'll be paying the same here, but lacking services like universal health care. I'm not saying Canada is perfect, they have a fair share of problems. I simply believe that with an affirmative action president and a congress that will do anything he wants times during the Bush admin are going to seem like paradise.

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  RecLeagueHero said:
I'd also note that my primary reason for moving to Canada is a much better job opportunity than really anything I've had state side, that we have dumbo for president just adds a little incentive.
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Didn't you hear, they changed presidents on January 20th, he's gone now

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  Allsmokenopancake said:
  RecLeagueHero said:
I'd also note that my primary reason for moving to Canada is a much better job opportunity than really anything I've had state side, that we have dumbo for president just adds a little incentive.
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Didn't you hear, they changed presidents on January 20th, he's gone now

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Give it some time, and Obama will make you miss W. :D

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  Allsmokenopancake said:
  RecLeagueHero said:
I'd also note that my primary reason for moving to Canada is a much better job opportunity than really anything I've had state side, that we have dumbo for president just adds a little incentive.
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Didn't you hear, they changed presidents on January 20th, he's gone now

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It was more a reference to the guy's ears, I think with sufficent speed there's enough surface area there to actually create lift. On the more literal side, I have yet to see Obama preform any better than Bush. Instead of enacting any real change all he's managed is a massive spending bill (generational theft), several failed cabinet members that were tax cheats (how's that for irony), and bring in a warmed over Clinton administration. This is not change, it's an inexperienced novelty president trying to feel his way through office like a virgin trying to get a girl's bra off for the first time. The novelty of a sorta black president seems to be wearing thin quickly.

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  Allsmokenopancake said:
  RecLeagueHero said:
I'd also note that my primary reason for moving to Canada is a much better job opportunity than really anything I've had state side, that we have dumbo for president just adds a little incentive.
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Didn't you hear, they changed presidents on January 20th, he's gone now

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Different idiot. Who's excited for hyperinflation, raise your hand? Everyone will keep their homes but bread will be $20.

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