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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Just ask her.

Agreed. Just get her alone and ask in a sincere way. Afterall, this is a prom proposal not a wedding proposal....save the good material for later ;)

Go simple. Be sincere. Don't make it out like you're trying to just nail her like in American Pie.

What if that IS what he's trying to do?

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A friend of mine got some plastic balls from the ball pit like they have at chuckie cheese and filled her locker with them. When she opened it, all the balls poured out, with a big note that said "I finally got enough balls to ask you to prom. Wanna Go?" and then his name. Pretty creative.

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I don't know, honestly I sat through my prom thinking about all the cool shit I could have done with the money I had to spend on it. I think I'd have been happier staying home, having some beers, and playing Metroid. My only real peice of advice is this: if you can find a girl that's a bit on the ugly side, but has a decent body (I recommend scouting tennis or soccer players) go with her. She'll be thrilled enough just having been asked that you're likely to get some graditude sex.

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girl that's a bit on the ugly side, but has a decent body (I recommend scouting tennis or soccer players) go with her.

Jeez the athletes at my HS were picked up faster than any.

BTW, ugly side meaning good body, butter face? Haha.

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girl that's a bit on the ugly side, but has a decent body (I recommend scouting tennis or soccer players) go with her.

Jeez the athletes at my HS were picked up faster than any.

ahhhhh... Volleyball girls. :wub: Shapely legs leading to the best hindquarters out of 3500 students....

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man, you put it that way it sounds so bad cougar. haha.

ask her in the lunch line if you know her. that worked for me.

otherwise just grow a pair and ask her in front of her friends. she wont say no to a guy who has the guts to do that, unless shes already got a date, then you look like an idiot.

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At least this site is more accessible by phones now so people can start to ask advice on what to do after the prom.

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I'm down for that pathway.

The best way to ask a girl to prom or even out is just; be direct. Be sincere and have the courage to ask the question out loud. Its tough to do but see if you can get her alone, none of your friends nearby and none of hers. Its all about how you sell yourself. And take it from this spin doctor, selling yourself should be the easiest of all sells.

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Most girls like guys who are assertive and confident so just go straight up to her and ask. If she is alone, you have a better chance of success.

Make sure you havent come straight from gym/hockey. Smelling like a locker room is a sure fire no. Dont over do things, just be clean and tidy.

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