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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What Jofa/RBK elbow pads do NHL players wear?

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Yeah the best I can tell is that this 8K variant that I purchased off ebay must be European retail version or something. I'm hoping it still has the "play dry" liner and is something I can fit around my arm. I would be surprised if any of the "official" Jofa branded stuff was actually made in China and not Sweden, but with Reebok...I'm sure nothing is off the table nowadays. I REALLY was excited about these and now I'm not sure what will arrive in the mail.

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Europe's RBK line from about 6,7 years ago...came as 8k and '8k long' with the extension.

So then NOT the actual 9144 7K model the pros use?

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Well I got them and they are the exact same pad as the older JOFA 9144 pad that I've had a couple of cross my desk. Same materials and same construction quality as the Swedish made stuff (sadly) that I can tell. The absolute ONLY thing I can find differing is the anchor strap section sewn down is done with blue instead of the older white ones. I still question the sizing of size 7 since it doesn't seem all that different in fit from the size 6 Swedish pad but the chinese assembling them probably can't fathom guys with 16" forearms like mine either so...

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Well I got them and they are the exact same pad as the older JOFA 9144 pad that I've had a couple of cross my desk. Same materials and same construction quality as the Swedish made stuff (sadly) that I can tell. The absolute ONLY thing I can find differing is the anchor strap section sewn down is done with blue instead of the older white ones. I still question the sizing of size 7 since it doesn't seem all that different in fit from the size 6 Swedish pad but the chinese assembling them probably can't fathom guys with 16" forearms like mine either so...

Actually I have no idea why don't you see any difference between them ))

I have never seen size 7, but I compared chinese 7K size 5 to swedish 9144 pro size 5 and there was a big difference. Chinese were fairly smaller, I'd say chinese size 6 = swedish pro stuff size 5.

This was justified when I compared chinese 5K (2005) size 6 t0 swedish 9144 pro size 5. The same size.

Recentry I bought Ivanans 9144 pro size 5. Can you imaging this guy wears size 5!


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