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NCAA Tourney Pool

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Anyone here interested in doing an MSH NCAA tourney pool? No money, just for bragging rights. If there is interest I'll set up a group at one of the online sites that does the tracking for you.

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The password must be all lowercases, so "msh123". Hate to say it boys but weep once you see my bracket top all of yours :P. Deadline is about 10 hours away, so get them in!

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Damn I wish I had known about this earlier. My ESPN bracket is 15-1 right now, damn Illinois for losing.

I'm the same, the only college hoops coverage I've watched in my almost 9 years in the country was about 5-10 minutes last night waiting for an update on Mike Green on sportsnight, they covered the Terps and AU.

But, I'm 15-16 in the bracket, with Illinois being my letdown team

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Damn I wish I had known about this earlier. My ESPN bracket is 15-1 right now, damn Illinois for losing.

I'm the same, the only college hoops coverage I've watched in my almost 9 years in the country was about 5-10 minutes last night waiting for an update on Mike Green on sportsnight, they covered the Terps and AU.

But, I'm 15-16 in the bracket, with Illinois being my letdown team

I've never watched college basketball. I filled out my bracket based solely on rankings and highlights I've seen watching SportsCenter at work. Seems to be doing quite well for me, I'm 21-3 so far, Tennessee Illinois and West Virginia being my only losses

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In our Office Pool: I'm in 8th place right now, 9 points back, have 3 for the Final Four left...and I'm the only one that has UConn to win it all. They others have North Carolina. A few had Oklahoma. I'm a long shot...but for the first time ever I'm not done pre-FF.

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Oh, no. MSU campus is getting ready for couch burning.

Haha. Iowa State's wasn't that bad, (Women lost last night in the Elite Eight) but our apartment complex was a little louder than usual, and I noticed some fresh holes in the hall way. I can only imagine what it would have been like if we had won, or lost by less than 21 for that matter. :(

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So, how'd everyone end up doing? My rank was 9028 on all of ESPN, almost guessed the score right too. I had UNC over MSU 86-79, ended up being 89-72, not too shabby

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I finished 36,212 out of 2,507,343 on Yahoo! Sports Tournament Pick 'em. How many brackets were on ESPN's? Being in the top 10,000 is usually a pretty big deal. Congrats.

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