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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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where can I get GRAF R-80 skates

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There was a thread about this recently, I believe they're euro only. however, I'd imagin you could get any of their models in that color scheme as Graf Canada will do whatever you want aslong as you pay for it. It wont be cheap though.

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I Uploaded the pic on phew, its also in the show it off section. i didnt know they were retail until just recently, however swiss national team players will be wearing them come the WC in april. They cost 599 here. still debating....

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but thats because its off a finish site. you can get them in switzerland as well, but that would be obvious.

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I wish i could get the white 704 here in canada.I emailed graf canada like 4 time and no luck never got a single answer.

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Probably any of the European Common Market countries. Graf ships their Swiss made models all over Europe and Russia and the Independant States in Eastern Russia. Don't know what it would cost to ship a pair over here to North America but you can guarantee it wouldn't be cheap. I don't believe Graf Switzerland would like their European models competing with their Calgary made N/A made models over here.

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I can get them in canada but not with the white toe cap ( i think that is what make the skate more appeling imo) now i have yet to find a place online oversea that does have them.

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