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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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RIP Bauer 8000's

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Depending on your size and if you really love the 8000's what passes itself off as a LHS around here is still selling through some old stock. If you want to pm me we could maybe try to get you hooked up with a new pair. Sorry but I don't remember the price at the moment but it wasn't clearance cheap unfortunately.

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Overpriced. The seller is living in the past and hopeful some sucker will pay $250 for a 15 yr old boot

Haha have you seen the prices people are willing to drop for the white Nike Air Accel Elites? Try doubling that monetary figure.

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yes overpriced, but if you like the fit of Bauer 8000, I believe the Bauer 6500 is the same fit they seem to have it on that Jasco website at ( $274 ), the only thing is its a slight downgrade from the 8000 the boot is a little heavier and the holder is

Custom Tuuk+, I know Dave Sports was selling there last few Bauer 6500's for $150 a couple years ago.

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Overpriced. The seller is living in the past and hopeful some sucker will pay $250 for a 15 yr old boot

Some people are willing to pay for the older gear that they love. I know I would be willing to shell out similar cash for some S500s in the right size.

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I'm talking about paying $275-300 for old Daoust skates. Very comfortable, but I got my pair for $45..The 301s.

He's come down quite a bit on his prices, but there were really high in the beginning.

Overpriced. The seller is living in the past and hopeful some sucker will pay $250 for a 15 yr old boot

Haha have you seen the prices people are willing to drop for the white Nike Air Accel Elites? Try doubling that monetary figure.

Because they "look neat?"

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Overpriced. The seller is living in the past and hopeful some sucker will pay $250 for a 15 yr old boot

Haha have you seen the prices people are willing to drop for the white Nike Air Accel Elites? Try doubling that monetary figure.

Because they "look neat?"

That's why I would assume so. Don't look at me, ask those guys on the ice.

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i think you're best bet would be in the current bauer supreme line seeing as S9's rarely show up on ebay and are custom skates so they will fit better on the foot of the player that they were made for. the supreme line has a pretty good range of performance so that will be a good place to start, and then its up to you on how much coin you want to drop.

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I wore the 6000's for 5 years and just recently switched to one65's. They feel nice and comfortable 3 months in, just waiting for the toe area to tighten up a bit, feels roomy but none the less sticking with supremes was a good decision for me

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He's probably thinking that once the skates break in, he'll be able to tight up the area around the toes much tighter.

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Thanks for the feedback...Does anyone know how the Vapors compare in terms of fit? I tried on a pair of One95's and they seemed really deep and tall in the ankle compared to the 8000's.

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I personally went from Bauer 6500 ( which is the same fit as 8000 ) to the Vapors XXV's and they were a little tight in the toebox and forefoot, but the height of the skate was perfect and the runner was perfect lenght, but eventually I had to switch out because they gave me cramps. So I bought the One95's and like you said they are real deep and plus the runner was LS2.1 lenght which was hard to get used to - The One95's are also a little wider than the 8000 - eventually I switched the LS2 holder with the Custom Tuuk + at Georges Hockey repair shop - and I am going to try them out after the playoffs. Yes I am still using the 6500's!! - I also have some Bauer 8000's waiting in the wings - I picked them up on ebay a few months ago in a hectic bidding war at 4:00AM, which I won with 12 seconds to go. Ha!

Thanks for the feedback...Does anyone know how the Vapors compare in terms of fit? I tried on a pair of One95's and they seemed really deep and tall in the ankle compared to the 8000's.

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Sadly it is time to retire my old trusty pair of Bauer 8000's. Can anyone give me an idea of a skate that would have a similar fit?

What size are you ? I have a pair of 8.5Ds which are in like-new condition; every time I was about to sell them a buyer would flake on me for some reason and eventually I gave up.

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