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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Steep Steel Users

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Is the only difference between the normal step steel and the velocity steel the polished finish? Or is the velocity heat treated, hardened or some other form of alteration? If its just the polish ill save 30 bucks and get the normal steel and polish it myself. I do know the velocity is a little taller.

Just a thought tho.

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I've been skating on Velocity all season, and it's awesome. It feels better than stock, but I have never skated on regular Step. IMO if you are going to go with Step you should go all the way. Also, the polished version should only cost $20 more than regular.

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How does it "feel?" I've already had my skates profile etc.. Does the Step Steel feel that much better? Or does it hold an edge longer? What exactly is the attraction to step steel?

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I use normal step steel. The only benefit that I can discern is that it holds an edge better than standard steel. Other than that, you could probably swap them out for standard steel and I probably wouldn't notice the difference.

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Step is better than most manufacturers stock steel, not in just that it holds edges better, but it is less likely to nick or pit, and most importantly it is very rare that they break. In the thousands of STEP runners I've sold over the years, other than a few that broke at the bolt head on the One90/70 (break caused by the defective holder) I've literally only seen one runner break. The quality and strength of their steel is amazing. As for the Velocity, it's just superior to everything. When we sharpen a Velocity, you can hear the quality difference, and they usually don't even need honing. Customers who use Velocitys do report that their edges last longer. So, the price difference would certainly pay for itself by reducing the required sharpening intervals. In addition to all that, the extra height you get with STEP is a big advantage as they can be sharpened way more that stock runners before needing replacement, and if you are one of those skaters who really leans over in turns, that extra height can help you maintain an edge instead of boot blowout. We have people buying them for that reason alone.

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I have not used regular step steel, but have been on velocity since January. Used to get blades sharpened after every 4-5 skates (5-7Hrs) when I was using the standard scalloped stainless on the EPRO holder. With velocity, I get 2-3 more skates before they need sharpening. Also was able to go from my normal winter ROH of 3/4" to a 7/8" ROH when using velocity. It is great.

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So its safe to say you'd recommend Step Steel, benefits being it is a better quality that will last longer (I hate getting sharpenings because of how much they take off.)

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So its safe to say you'd recommend Step Steel, benefits being it is a better quality that will last longer (I hate getting sharpenings because of how much they take off.)

Yes. I haven't heard a single negative about them. Also, Velocity is a bit taller than stock steel, so they'll last even longer times two.

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