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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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a glimpse at the X60 OPS

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looks pretty much the same as the XXXX

looks pretty much the same as the XXXX

Except with a huge carbon weave :lol:

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Meh.. its ok..

The best looking OPS they've put out was the XX, cant see why they cant go back to basics like that.

The XXX's graphics package was just as good.

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The Goal stick looks Solid...Good to see the Bauer logo back on the paddle. Love the color scheme of that one too. The handle/paddle carbon reminds me of the first TPS composite sticks

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the woody was amazing yeah ok you've got a point about the 30 :P

the standard 30 was was nice, the 40 is nice as well but its still no XX. not by a long way.

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I've had much better pics of that stick than that. Will seek permission to post it.

Regardless, I saw it a couple of days ago. Feels pretty good...

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The XX was a fantastic looking stick. One of the reasons the one95 looks so good. It'd be nice if they kept to all dark colours with some vibrant accents, think it is the best combo for a stick.

Hoping you can seed some better pics JR!

Fun fact the xx was my first OPS - Lasted a year and two days before it broke in my living room when I flexed it to see if it was cracked. It was.

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