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who pays for NHLers gear?

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I know teams are on the hook for player sticks, but do they pay for ALL the players gear? What if a player wants a new pair of skates every week like Bauer 60s at $600 a pop? (I heard Scott Neidermayer goes through skates quite frequently) I also hear some players are still using shoulders from their college days. At any rate, if anyone knows any details on this that'd be great.

p.s. Is there a gear condition rule? i.e. if your gear is falling apart but you love it do you HAVE to replace it? i.e. gloves with holes in the palms, shredded pants, shredded skates etc...Seeing NHLers up close some of their unis are pretty dinged up.

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Interesting question. I know guys go through a lot of steel and holders, and definitely sticks, but I can't see them changing up their shoulders too often. I'm sure the team picks up the tab though. Unless you're a guy like Richards or Staal who gets their stuff from Bauer. Maybe JR can shed some insight?

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It is probably all dependent on what type of sponshorship deals guys have with companies. Some guys could get gear head to toe as part of their contracts and some guys get nothing and the team covers them.

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A lot of popular NHLers have contracts to endorse a certain manufacturers equipment, in otherwords they are paid to wear a particular brand to essentially advertise their products. Putting a particular brand on an Ovechkin , Staal, Crosby or any high profile player is a great way to sell your equipment because it's saying if you wear out stuff and you'll be able to play just as good as these guys. In essence, see what our stuff has done to make these guys so good. It's marketing and it definitely works.

The manufacturers do provide the players with free equipment as well if it wears out or needs replacement. A small price to pay for the millions that the player makes them by wearing their product. Any wonder you rarely see an NHL player with old worn out skates, helmets, gloves or pants. Remember they play 82+ games a year. The equipment has to wear much quicker than on a recreational or beer leaguer like you or I. Still a lot of the guys wear their old faithful stuff underneath that you don't see on the tube. I know there are still a lot of the older players that still wear the old traditional shoulder pads and soft elbow pads from decades gone by. As long as they wear their endorsement stuff where it's highly visable the manufacturers don't seem to mind.

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You do, by buying tickets (and watching TV, and buying clothing, and ...), haha. In reality the teams are on the hook for mostly everything. There are very few players who are sponsored.

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There are very few players who are sponsored.

Really? I have heard from one particular NHL'er who claims to receive like 50K per year for wearing a particular brand of gear. This guy is far from a star...

Also, @ Defiant...

Let's say player A uses Easton sticks currently, and Mission tries to get the guy to "switch over" and he receives a bundle of sticks to try out etc... does the Team pay for that?


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You're mixing up the term 'Sponsored'. Yes, they are Paid by the company to wear their gear, but the Team still buys the gear.

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I don't see the difference, they are paid to wear the gear, yet "sponsored" means something different?

I know that, for example, Malkin having a One95 stick sold at retail with his name on it is one thing vs 3rd liner getting 50k a year for wearing Easton head to toe... but in effect the same thing is happening, just on a different scale...they are being "sponsored"... or being paid to rep a certain brand of gear.

I digress...

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I know teams are on the hook for player sticks, but do they pay for ALL the players gear? What if a player wants a new pair of skates every week like Bauer 60s at $600 a pop? (I heard Scott Neidermayer goes through skates quite frequently) I also hear some players are still using shoulders from their college days. At any rate, if anyone knows any details on this that'd be great.

p.s. Is there a gear condition rule? i.e. if your gear is falling apart but you love it do you HAVE to replace it? i.e. gloves with holes in the palms, shredded pants, shredded skates etc...Seeing NHLers up close some of their unis are pretty dinged up.

My theory has always been that most of them have moms. Hockey moms. The rest get sponsored by the manufacturers solely for charity purposes.

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The word you are looking for is "endorsed." It is VERY different from "sponsored."

A "sponsor" gives product or pays league fees for someone/a team to advertise their brand.

An endorsement is an agreement between the player and manufacturer that he will represent their brand. The team buys the equipment.

See the difference?

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The word you are looking for is "endorsed." It is VERY different from "sponsored."

A "sponsor" gives product or pays league fees for someone/a team to advertise their brand.

An endorsement is an agreement between the player and manufacturer that he will represent their brand. The team buys the equipment.

See the difference?

All I can say, JR, you're right. Thank you. What is embarassing for me is that I have a linguistic education. The excuse - English is not my native tongue :) I am confused... I would dial 1-800-CONFUCIOUS for a consultation. But to the best of my knowledge Confusious is way toо confused himself at the moment :D

PS: I sent you an e-mail on a different subject. Will be back in touch ASAP. Thanks, man!

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An endorsement is an agreement between the player and manufacturer that he will represent their brand. The team buys the equipment.

Just so I have it clear, for example Malkin is an endorser of Bauer. So his agreement is to wear Bauer Equip., but if he wants a pair of X60's, the Pens are on the hook for the cost, right?

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Oh, Vlad - I was not correcting you. I just posted after you, t hat's all.

An endorsement is an agreement between the player and manufacturer that he will represent their brand. The team buys the equipment.

Just so I have it clear, for example Malkin is an endorser of Bauer. So his agreement is to wear Bauer Equip., but if he wants a pair of X60's, the Pens are on the hook for the cost, right?


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Looks like I should've added "monetary" to my previous post. Honestly thought it would be understood that there was money involved in an endorsement.

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Well I figured money was involved but also figured gear was too.

No, which is the ENTIRE point of this thread.

Yah, I guess I went a little off topic by getting into specific endorsement deals. And I guess they all vary player to player.

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Well I figured money was involved but also figured gear was too.

No, which is the ENTIRE point of this thread.

Yah, I guess I went a little off topic by getting into specific endorsement deals. And I guess they all very player to player.

What are you trying to say? I am confused.

If you are asking if they get freebies for the summer, or friends or family, then, yes, they can get that done. But the stuff that you see them in games with, is bought by the team they play for.

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I was just asking specifics of certain players during the season, I always figured all of their gear was given to them and the team was on the hook for every other player. I understand now that the team buys everything, and whatever else is used in the offseason is given to them.

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Given the astronomical increases in equipment (stick/skate) costs, I'm surprised that no team has tried to draw a line and demand that any player paid to wear/use a particular brand should be provided the gear at no cost from the manufacturer.

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Oh, Vlad - I was not correcting you. I just posted after you, t hat's all.
An endorsement is an agreement between the player and manufacturer that he will represent their brand. The team buys the equipment.

Just so I have it clear, for example Malkin is an endorser of Bauer. So his agreement is to wear Bauer Equip., but if he wants a pair of X60's, the Pens are on the hook for the cost, right?


No worries, JR. Just being in a playful mood.

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The NHLPA would never go for it.

I know, but I'm still surprised that someone hasn't tried it.

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I could be wrong, but I doubt the NHL organizations are paying retail prices.

I might add, that EVERYTHING is supplied. I know draftees that have gone to rookie camps. Before leaving for camp, they filled out a questionnaire asking them about every detail of preference of every piece of equipment, including under garments, long sleeve or short sleeve, brands, type and brand of shield, etc. When they arrived at the airport, a team representative picked them up, another person took his bags. He never saw his hockey equipment until he left at the end of camp. He showed up at the rink and his locker was supplied with everything he needed, including two colors/two sets of under garments.

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