vnderachiever 3 Report post Posted May 22, 2009 Saw it at midnight on wed night/thursday, It was enjoyable to say the least, packed w/ action and incredible visuals. Maybe not the best in the storyline aspect but if you're a fan of action movies, I'd definetly say this is worth your 10 bucks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GekigangarIII 0 Report post Posted May 22, 2009 I saw it and didn't care for it. Spoiler because chippa is on his period Reveal hidden contents Saw the movie last night. It is absolute shit. One of the worst "blockbuster" movies I've seen since independence day. If you like anything about the first two terminator movies (and even the third) this movie is a sore sore disappointment. The only redeeming quality is that you get to see terminators walking around and not looking like horrible stop-motion puppets like in the old films. Other than that, there was no story, no likable characters, no dialogue (seriously, every character grunts 3 words at a time), cheesy action scenes and the list goes on and on. I just can't believe how they could take something that had a decent potential to be a cool war movie and turned it into, well.. what this movie is. It's seriously going to be a punch line to how bad future movies will be. "Well, looks like they pulled a terminator 4".There were a few neat scenes and gimmicks but other than that, this was a vapid story with no personality at all. In the first five minutes, the scene with Connor jumping out of the skynet array and getting in a helicopter and then crashing it... once you've seen that, you've seen the best scene in the entire show. With maybe the exception of the Arnold tribute later on, which was neat.No tension, no urgency, nothing. John Connor as a character is basically a guy who makes his own legendary status by saying his name CONSTANTLY. Seriously, every sentence he says ends in "I'M JOHN CONNOR!!!!" it's like punctuation for him.The action scenes are generic "chase me in a car and miraculous things will happen" type scenes that you see in virtually every movie today. There's no tension at all, you know damn well every person there is going to survive. There's no feeling that the robots are ever, ever going to win. Hell, 90% of the action scenes are just devices to get the characters from one place to another and it FEELS like it. Most of the time you're just waiting for the lame "action" to end.The great thing is, how seriously the movie takes itself. Hell, 3/4 of the way through the movie people in the audience were literally laughing out loud at the serious scenes...Save your money, or take that $10 and go see Star Trek again. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chippa13 1844 Report post Posted May 22, 2009 GekigangarIII said: Saw the movie last night. It is absolute shit. One of the worst "blockbuster" movies I've seen since independence day. If you like anything about the first two terminator movies (and even the third) this movie is a sore sore disappointment. The only redeeming quality is that you get to see terminators walking around and not looking like horrible stop-motion puppets like in the old films. Other than that, there was no story, no likable characters, no dialogue (seriously, every character grunts 3 words at a time), cheesy action scenes and the list goes on and on. I just can't believe how they could take something that had a decent potential to be a cool war movie and turned it into, well.. what this movie is. It's seriously going to be a punch line to how bad future movies will be. "Well, looks like they pulled a terminator 4".There were a few neat scenes and gimmicks but other than that, this was a vapid story with no personality at all. In the first five minutes, the scene with Connor jumping out of the skynet array and getting in a helicopter and then crashing it... once you've seen that, you've seen the best scene in the entire show. With maybe the exception of the Arnold tribute later on, which was neat.No tension, no urgency, nothing. John Connor as a character is basically a guy who makes his own legendary status by saying his name CONSTANTLY. Seriously, every sentence he says ends in "I'M JOHN CONNOR!!!!" it's like punctuation for him.The action scenes are generic "chase me in a car and miraculous things will happen" type scenes that you see in virtually every movie today. There's no tension at all, you know damn well every person there is going to survive. There's no feeling that the robots are ever, ever going to win. Hell, 90% of the action scenes are just devices to get the characters from one place to another and it FEELS like it. Most of the time you're just waiting for the lame "action" to end.The great thing is, how seriously the movie takes itself. Hell, 3/4 of the way through the movie people in the audience were literally laughing out loud at the serious scenes...Save your money, or take that $10 and go see Star Trek again. Read more Looks like someone decided to spoil it for folks who may have a different opinion when they see it. Well done. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GekigangarIII 0 Report post Posted May 22, 2009 chippa13 said: Looks like someone decided to spoil it for folks who may have a different opinion when they see it. Well done. Read more Spoil what? That I thought it sucked? I'm sure the immense weight of my highly valued opinion will keep people from seeing it. ;) and now YOU are the bad buy because you quoted it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chippa13 1844 Report post Posted May 22, 2009 Quote you know damn well every person there is going to survive. Read more Your words, captain. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GekigangarIII 0 Report post Posted May 22, 2009 chippa13 said: Quote you know damn well every person there is going to survive. Read more Your words, captain. Read more So... you missed the first 3 movies? Kyle Reese, he kind of went back in time, as an adult, John Connor, he exists. Those are the people I'm referring to. Since they are the main characters aside from Marcus, it's pretty evident that they live. Agreed?Now we'll gloss over the fact that the entire franchise is an impossible paradox, but still.. ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chippa13 1844 Report post Posted May 22, 2009 Correction: we know that John Connor dies at some point, I believe from Leukemia similar to his mother, revealed in T3. Actually, it isn't a paradox. Reese returns from a future where John Connor exists, his going back in time and fathering Connor has already occurred in history. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GekigangarIII 0 Report post Posted May 22, 2009 chippa13 said: Correction: we know that John Connor dies at some point, I believe from Leukemia similar to his mother, revealed in T3. Actually, it isn't a paradox. Reese returns from a future where John Connor exists, his going back in time and fathering Connor has already occurred in history. Read more That's not the paradox that I was referring to. Skynet created by a new piece of technology (robot salvage), from a robot that was created by Skynet in the future and sent back in time, by Skynet, who invented time-travel. Time-travel, created by Skynet, in order to go back in time to kill John Connor (their greatest enemy). But without the time travel, John Connor would never have existed. So how was he a threat to Skynet before he existed, since without time-travel there is no JC in any timeline? :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chippa13 1844 Report post Posted May 22, 2009 One of the theories about time travel is that it doesn't create a paradox if it all happens in the same timeline, so to speak. It basically assumes that those going back aren't changing history. Their actions are already part of that history and therefore the results of their actions in the past have already influenced the future that they returned from. I know I'm not describing it well but it does get you around the problem should you subscribe to that theory. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GekigangarIII 0 Report post Posted May 22, 2009 chippa13 said: One of the theories about time travel is that it doesn't create a paradox if it all happens in the same timeline, so to speak. It basically assumes that those going back aren't changing history. Their actions are already part of that history and therefore the results of their actions in the past have already influenced the future that they returned from. I know I'm not describing it well but it does get you around the problem should you subscribe to that theory. Read more Well, the franchise seems to follow about 3 different theories on time travel, each one getting more and more convenient as they go along ;)Now here's some real spoilerage for you with this whole paradox/plot-holes junk in the series. SPOILER'ish Reveal hidden contents Somehow, in about the first 10 minutes of the film (salvation), Skynet puts out a hit-list of 7 people that it is going to kill "within a week". One of them is, get this, Kyle Reese. He's number 1 on the list. Now you tell me how the hell Skynet knows who Kyle Reese is (he is not even in the resistance at this point). The only way is if they got the police record from Kyle coming back in the first movie. If that was the case why not go back in time and kill Kyle's mom? While we're at it, why didn't Skynet just go back 100 years and just wipe out every last human in the lineage? The whole "why things happened the way they did in the first 3 movies" is never explained. Never even touched. That's the real disappointment with this movie. There is so much more to explore. How did we get time travel? Why was Kyle chosen? Why could they only (seemingly) travel to 1984? on and on. But you get none of that. So you're not getting any more info, and there's no suspense because all of the characters that have to lay that base for the next 2 movies (supposedly) are going to have to be around to tell it later on. So there's no risk. That's kind of what I was referring to as "knowing these guys are going to live". Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aussie Joe 0 Report post Posted May 25, 2009 The true paradox is that time travel doesn't exist therefore arguing about what is and isn't the paradox has never been tested and therefore cannot be argued as realistic or not. To summarise, its a movie and should be treated with a grain of salt. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Leafsrule16 5 Report post Posted May 25, 2009 If i were Kyle Reese, I'd go back in time and stock up on Buick Grand Nationals, Wendy's bacon mushroom melts and pro tacks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aussie Joe 0 Report post Posted June 7, 2009 Saw this movie (finally) last Thr, oh man mixed emotions.On one hand I loved it.On the other, the last quarter of the movie seemed to defy the laws of physics. Allot of BS going on, past the "only in the movies" saying that usually allows me to get through some pretty truth streching scenes at the flicks.Great moment but, in the cinema when Arnie appeared some kid screamed out "aww YESSSS!" at the top of his lungs. The whole audience pissed themselves at his little man crush moment (MCM). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RecLeagueHero 0 Report post Posted June 7, 2009 End of the day, it's a movie and the issue is about story telling. Not whether the model of time travel is accurate, or even if the plot is consistant. Odds are a series of films told over the course of 25 years at this point isn't going to be all that consistant. My biggest complaint with the movies is that they contradict the cheif theme of the whole damn series.In the first flim the terminator is spent back in time to kill the mother of the leader of the human resistance. Of course, this leads to the question of why this would be done when any altering of the time line could produce unpredictable results. But that aside, the other glaring issue is why a machine like the terminator can be sent back, but you can't spend back a laser gun or you know some clothes. That probably had something to do with appeasing female audiences, but neither here nor there. So terminator fails and we learn that Skynet comes to exist because of the technology salvaged from the terminator to begin with, which raises the question of how it developed in a time line where the terminator wasn't sent back. Then there's the fundamental issue of what Skynet actually is. In the first two films it's just a computer, now both of those films were pre-internet. Before the geeks jump me, yes ARPANET existed and the like, but the general public wasn't going online. By the time T3 rolls around Skynet is now software, developed by the US Airforce, and thus cannot be destoryed just by wiping one computer or company. To get to the point of it all, beginning in T2 the flims take a stated theme that there is no fate but what we make Yet, no matter what anyone does Skynet exists and John Conner is there to fight it, so really it seems these things are fated to be and nothing can change that. Fate delayed is still fate none the less, and so I don't see a huge difference between the near extincition of humans in 1997 or 2018. I'd even go so far as to say that for all the efforts put into stopping Skynet on the part of the humans, or the efforts of Skynet to kill John Conner, the failure of either to accomplish anything is just proof of a determined fate. The only real reason to move the dates is simply the fact that while 1997 may have been quite aways off in 1984, but the time T3 came out it was 6 years past. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mack 44 Report post Posted June 7, 2009 Don't worry, the sequels will suck even more balls. This sounds bad. "McG" said: I strongly suspect the next movie is going to take place in a 2011. John Connor is going to travel back in time and he’s going to have to galvanize the militaries of the world for an impending Skynet invasion. They’ve figured out time travel to the degree where they can send more than one naked entity. So you’re going to have hunter killers and transports and harvesters and everything arriving in our time and Connor fighting back with conventional military warfare, which I think is going to be fucking awesome. Read more Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fawn111 0 Report post Posted June 8, 2009 Salvation was an epic disappointmentEver see those trailers where every second looks so amazing that the entire movie must be that good....Well the only cool moments in Salvation were the ones that i had already seen in the trailer.Stupid, stupid stupid stupid.....I only hope Transformers is better. Cause the trailer for that looks unbelievably good. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
starsfan71 9 Report post Posted June 8, 2009 Transformers 2 has Megan Foxx in it, it can in no way be disappointing. :lol: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
K9 Unit 1 Report post Posted June 8, 2009 was just about to say that....i watched terminator like a week ago, felt too much like a crappy, high explosives transformer movie, storyline was very predictable too Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aussie Joe 0 Report post Posted June 8, 2009 It had that whole feeling K9. It lacked allot of substance in the plot, lets just say it could have been better.MACK; Those ideas from the McG quote, sound terrible. Maybe even a bigger turkey of an idea then Jar Jar Binks! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites