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NHL '12

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Goalie fights!

I hope the goalie puck marks and all those "little details" translates to gear details.

I also have a feeling that about 45% of online games are going to be at Heinz Field.

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I have a feeling that about 90% of EASHL games will be the Heinz Field. Of course, my team will get pist off after losing 10 to 1 and just quit out anyways since they will somehow find a way to glitch the goalies anyways. I wonder if they will have a penalty for snow plowing the goalies. I honestly hope they add in penalties after the play instead of just a checking fest. Hell, I have added a mini game to the after the whistle penalty. It's called Shuffle Hockey and all you do is get some speed and try to get as close as possible to the faceoff circle while kneeling.

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I have a feeling we're going to see the helmets coming off far too frequently, and I'm guessing the goalie interference system will need some tweaking at some point.

My feeling is that glass is going to break even more to frequently

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My feeling is that glass is going to break even more to frequently

I don't think it will be a problem, in my opinion stick breaking/stick dropping was not too common. If I see the same amount of broken glass as I did reviewed/called off goals, I don't think it'll be an issue.

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I don't think it will be a problem, in my opinion stick breaking/stick dropping was not too common. If I see the same amount of broken glass as I did reviewed/called off goals, I don't think it'll be an issue.

I completely agree with what you said. I'm only fearful that it's going to become a 3-4 times a game thing. But if there is a slider, I'm ok with whatever they throw out there. That said, I didn't know there was a slider for broken sticks, as I didn't see the broken sticks a lot (dropped sticks a bit more)

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video had the Caps in the proper color helmets for the WC. Looks awesome. I don't need cracked glass though. It happens what? 1-5x a year for a full on shatter?

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Anyone else remember goalie fights and broken grass from like nhl 06? Didn't happen often. Glad to see them back. Plus goalie fights were so awesome....

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Anyone else remember goalie fights and broken grass from like nhl 06? Didn't happen often. Glad to see them back. Plus goalie fights were so awesome....

I remember goalie fights in 04, and i think broken glass from then too. That's what threw me in the video when they said "for the first time". I had M-A Fleury throwing down 2-3 time in some games.

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Yeah it almost seems like they introduce a lot of features, take them away, and then reintroduce them later on down the road. Things that come to mind are board play (can't remember which year it was, but it was definitely the mid 2000's, the broken glass, goalie fights, etc.

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Oh yeah, what this game needs is bigger hits and more gimmicks like broken glass and flying helmets...

I'm just worried they would rather add these things than fix the dumb power throttle passing or make a variety of shots beat goalies instead of the same wrist shots from the same spots.

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New site launched by EA for NHL12.


So far the additions to be a pro and the presentation look promising.

EDIT: Second link, looks like they're expanding be a pro so you can start your career in junior. I think that's pretty neat actually.


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Anyone else worried this is just NHL 11 2.0?

Welcome to sports games. Theres very rarely any significant changes.

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The skip play was nice. I actually didn't mind waiting on the bench to play to tell you the truth. I do like how EA screwed over my team this playoff month. "Did not Qualify". Yup, Makes a lot of sense EA when we were 46 - 30 - 3.

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Best feature - skipping play to your next shift. Will make games go ALOT quicker.

I like that it should make the game more realistic. If I'm on the 3rd defence pair, or the 3rd line centre, I shouldn't be playing 25+ minutes a game but I do because I end up getting bored sitting on the bench and sending myself back out as soon as possible. Like the said in the trailer, if you're a guy that should only be playing 10 minutes a night, that's all it will take to play the game, but if you're a 28 minute defenceman, it will take that long to play as well.

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Without the current ability for any game to do a good job of that, you're gonna be waiting a while. The ability to turn your head on a swivel is so far next to impossible on current systems.

Ever play halo custom games? Ones where you have a putter or gravity hammer and try to hit a ball as big as you? That's hard to be remotely good at it, and even then it is slow moving your head etc. Make it a puck, add speed and more bodies, still a ways away.

Not saying I cannot wait for it though :)

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With the Kinect and Playstation Move out now, they could incorporate those for head movements. Sim racers and flight sim guys on PCs have been using similar systems like TrackIR for years. A bit different looking to an apex than playing hockey, but I think you catch my drift. I just think first person sports games are really hard to play. There was an NFL game quite a while ago that had a helmet cam and while it was cool for novelty, it made it really hard to actually play the game.

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I remember playing Goalie in first person view. Can't remember what it was how ever. Still a ways away to see the "Big Announcement"

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I like how they put glass breaking and goalie fights back in and tried to convince people into thinking they're new features..

getting annoyed with Ramjagsingh

Winter Classic really isn't necessary.. something that'll be played a few times and forgotten.

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I think Winter Classic mode is a pretty neat thing though. Wish they would just import the Arenas/Stadiums from their Football and Baseball games and just slightly modified them, allowing them to be converted into Winter Classic games. It's not like they haven't already created each of them.

Oh well, I'm still excited for the game.

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Just saw the E3 videos...only interviews huh? Not much to show apparently.

Goalie fighting - essentially the same as player fighting but with goalies... :facepalm: love how they just teleport to the other side of the ice and that there's no other players around to watch /sigh

'New and improved' physics engine - seriously? Players cna now get checked into the benches and helmets can pop off; awesome... :dry: Why not try to add something called MOMENTUM into the engine?

CRAZY NEW STAT TRACKER - :blink: as if I really care that my shot placement was from 10ft, 12ft,4ft and 7 ft from the net respectively... very immersive

Winter Classic - so the main selling point this year is a game played only once a year? nice to know...

in short : even though I never buy your games, PLEASE have the 2K series return, EA now has no competition

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