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NHL '12

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man this game is so stupid, cross pass cross pass cross pass...

nothing else works, you find yourself diving in the crease the hole game, shots dont go in, goalies are just too good, all that work is dekes...

honestly, the game is boring, how is it that you cant score on a 2 on 1 with a shot if you have ovechkin, like wtf?

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how the hell do you guys get an "A" in the team play column in be a pro...i cant get it i just get "B's" Im making good passes and i change when we have the puck in their zone.

Are you playing Be A Pro with the no line change setting or the authentic setting? I notice that it is easier to get an A when you're playing under the authentic setting.

Besides, making good passes and changing up when you're supposed to, blocking shots, taking the body, and especially getting your opponent to draw a penalty can help you with your team play grade. For more details, refer to your career performance if I remember correctly. Under your team play, there is a breakdown of what is categorized as team play.

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how the hell do you guys get an "A" in the team play column in be a pro...i cant get it i just get "B's" Im making good passes and i change when we have the puck in their zone.

Are you playing Be A Pro with the no line change setting or the authentic setting? I notice that it is easier to get an A when you're playing under the authentic setting.

Besides, making good passes and changing up when you're supposed to, blocking shots, taking the body, and especially getting your opponent to draw a penalty can help you with your team play grade. For more details, refer to your career performance if I remember correctly. Under your team play, there is a breakdown of what is categorized as team play.

I don't play defense or block shots when I'm on the ice, why would I want to do it in a video game?

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About 15 games in and Viktor Kozlov is leading my team in goals and is in the top 5. He still centres the 4th line and doesn't get that many minutes, but he Mike Griers himself some goals when I have him out there. To echo sentiments above, Zach Parise can't buy a goal and I get him on breakaways and 2-on-1s.

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Playing GM mode I'm seeing a ridiculous amount of Penalty shots. Im 20 games into the season and I've all ready had 3 against me and 7 I took. Also suprising is that there have been no goals out of those 10 attempts.

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this game is so much of a letdown, the game has no more excitement like last years, i mean last year you could snipe glove sine high or move the goaltender and stuff, this year goalscoring almost feels random and unrewarding...

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this game is so much of a letdown, the game has no more excitement like last years, i mean last year you could snipe glove sine high or move the goaltender and stuff, this year goalscoring almost feels random and unrewarding...

Speak for yourself, when I burn a goalie from the point it feels a lot better than anything I did in NHL 09.

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There's more rebounds and tip ins then the classic "glitch" glove hand goals. You need to work for goals. Defenders will hit you this year and make it hard to score, which in turn is awesome.

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I hated NHL10 when I first got it, but after a week of playing, I love it. I couldn't stand the passing system at first, but I've grown accustomed to it, and it feels natural. I love the animations for when players stretch out for passes; just seems much more realistic. I've noticed breakaways are pretty rare in this years version, but it feels damn good when you do get one and can bury it with a leg-fake, forehand, backhand deke. I'm also glad they cut down on the cross-ice one timers. Seems passes get picked off and broken up more often then not, at least in my case. I'm sure once the game gets a few patches under its belt, it'll be near perfect.

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Ok so i just got this yesterday. Now I have never player '09, so I a bit new to Be a Pro. I started off by just picking a team and Im in the AHL. How and when do I move up? I have A's in everything and averaging over a point a game for 15 games.

Also, I have it setup as position locked. Has anyone else noticed sometimes if you go to the bench to change up there is a glitch or something and the player goes off a new comes on but you dont control him and he just gets right off and new player comes on again. Like just this cycle that is stuck.

Its a bit frustrating for me because Im not used to the game mode, but the scoring is a bit tough.

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Yeah, position lock is a bit glitched right now, the only way to keep it from happening is by hitting the button for a line change instead of skating to the bench (B for Forwards, X for Defense (assuming Xbox version)). As far as moving up just keep playing, it takes time. If you do the NHL Entry Draft you always get a small tryout with the NHL Team and if you impress and they have a hole to fill, you'll stay up. I was kept up as an offensive defensemen on Tampa Bay after only scoring 2 goals and an assist in the four game tryout.

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Ok so i just got this yesterday. Now I have never player '09, so I a bit new to Be a Pro. I started off by just picking a team and Im in the AHL. How and when do I move up? I have A's in everything and averaging over a point a game for 15 games.

Should move up soon, what position? Are you on first line in AHL?

I did the be-a-pro draft, after the prospect game where I got 3 goals as a defenseman I went first pick to the Islanders. LOL

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Playing online ranked matches blows now. Didn't take long. All anyone ever does is the pass across the crease one timer goal. Over and over. I spend all my time setting up the D-Man to kneel and block that pass. There is no sense in trying any other way to score yourself because they are going to be able to score more goals doing that than playing normally.

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Playing as the Rangers, Mark Staal caught Iginla perfectly and flat out crushed him. Iginla left the game with a hip injury. I have to say it was pretty cool hearing the Flames fans boo Staal every time he touched the puck.

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Is there a way to turn off goalie control for penalty shots in online mode? The cpu is much better then me...!-

Nope, I think it's kinda cool because you pay the consequences for the penalty. On a side note pretty cool that the one handed deke is still in the game I thought for the longest time they took it out.

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Playing online ranked matches blows now. Didn't take long. All anyone ever does is the pass across the crease one timer goal. Over and over. I spend all my time setting up the D-Man to kneel and block that pass. There is no sense in trying any other way to score yourself because they are going to be able to score more goals doing that than playing normally.

my sentiment exactly, and why cant you score on a good wrist shot blows my mind...

Goaltenders are superheros, I mean I get 40 shots and hes still stopping em like its nothing, 10 shots on one power play, I mean why dont they get tired like players do?...

The glitch goal wrap around from behind the net is still there...

The game just feels broken, it does not reward good positioning or lack there of...

Once the NBA season starts, this game becomes a coster...

NHL 09 is the best game they ever made...

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Playing online ranked matches blows now. Didn't take long. All anyone ever does is the pass across the crease one timer goal. Over and over. I spend all my time setting up the D-Man to kneel and block that pass. There is no sense in trying any other way to score yourself because they are going to be able to score more goals doing that than playing normally.

my sentiment exactly, and why cant you score on a good wrist shot blows my mind...

Goaltenders are superheros, I mean I get 40 shots and hes still stopping em like its nothing, 10 shots on one power play, I mean why dont they get tired like players do?...

The glitch goal wrap around from behind the net is still there...

The game just feels broken, it does not reward good positioning or lack there of...

Once the NBA season starts, this game becomes a coster...

NHL 09 is the best game they ever made...

Complain about glitch shots and you say NHL 09 is the best game ever? '10 is far and above better in all aspects of gameplay compared to NHL 09.

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Playing online ranked matches blows now. Didn't take long. All anyone ever does is the pass across the crease one timer goal. Over and over. I spend all my time setting up the D-Man to kneel and block that pass. There is no sense in trying any other way to score yourself because they are going to be able to score more goals doing that than playing normally.

my sentiment exactly, and why cant you score on a good wrist shot blows my mind...

Goaltenders are superheros, I mean I get 40 shots and hes still stopping em like its nothing, 10 shots on one power play, I mean why dont they get tired like players do?...

The glitch goal wrap around from behind the net is still there...

The game just feels broken, it does not reward good positioning or lack there of...

Once the NBA season starts, this game becomes a coster...

NHL 09 is the best game they ever made...

Complain about glitch shots and you say NHL 09 is the best game ever? '10 is far and above better in all aspects of gameplay compared to NHL 09.

09 had a ton of glitch shots.....so far the only one in 10 is the across the crease one timer.

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I like this but I'm trying to get the sliders right somehow to keep me from getting so many 2-1s. I'm going at about a 90% click on converting them because you can just do a little saucer pass and chip it in over the goalie when he goes down.

As for the "improved" trading, I'm still seeing weird-ass trades made by the CPU. That said, I managed to get Getzlaf and Selanne for Franson and Legwand. Sullivan had to face waivers and of course no one took him. Fiscal bastards.

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