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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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NHL '12

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they cancelled basketball? holy shit.

about time though, as, I had like their first version, and I got one 3 years ago, and, it was the same thing, except different consoles and better graphics. no game play changes at all. that 60 dollar price tag kept it on the shelves too.

I'd expect it being added into NHL rather than a standalone, or as mentioned earlier XBL/PSN marketplace download. The main target is college aged kids, and if something is in best buy, we don't get out there too often to get it. So i can't see it being standalone just because it would miss a huge amount of the target audience by not being easily available. if it was included in nhl the hockey people would pick it up anyways, and XBL/PSN you'd get it by download which probably would get the most amount of sells.

It would make the most sense as an add on to NHL, or a downloadable extension, like Grand Theft Auto, and then the GTA Biker game (lost and damned) which you could download for $20. Maybe later spin the CHL and NCAA games off into a dual game in a few years called the NHL development edition or something.

The question is if they add it onto NHL, is there room for another 60 some teams in three or four divisions, plus the Beanpot, the GLI, and other small tourneys like that?

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about time they updated their engine, i've been saying that they needed to use the euphoria engine ever since it came out (gta/red dead, force unleashed and now backbreaker <- check it out the tackles they look amazing, dunno about the entire game though)

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about time they updated their engine, i've been saying that they needed to use the euphoria engine ever since it came out (gta/red dead, force unleashed and now backbreaker <- check it out the tackles they look amazing, dunno about the entire game though)

Judging by the demo, it's awful. They attempted to do the whole Skill-Stick style controls, but not just for jukes/moves. EVERYTHING. It leads to a very confusing very hard control scheme. Add the general clunkiness of the game and you have a recipe for failure.

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about time they updated their engine, i've been saying that they needed to use the euphoria engine ever since it came out (gta/red dead, force unleashed and now backbreaker <- check it out the tackles they look amazing, dunno about the entire game though)

Is that the same engine used in Fight Night Rd. 4?

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The question is if they add it onto NHL, is there room for another 60 some teams in three or four divisions, plus the Beanpot, the GLI, and other small tourneys like that?

Plenty of room. DVDs have a surprisingly large amount of data it can store on it. NHL is no where close to GTA4, and that works just fine. The loads take a bit, but, still fine. There is enough room on them to have the NHL thru SPHL, CHL thru Jr C, USHL thru Jr C, D1 thru D3, D1-ACHA thru D3-ACHA, canadian colleges, major to minor pro leagues in the world, and the next top 10 junior leagues in the world, and then probably then some. Basically anything that is pro and can get the licensing, they can put it in the game.

Granted the stadiums would not be rendered for each team, you'd have to have a generic stadium, but, other than that its just logos and roster files, which are really small. Look at the FIFA series, it has like a hundred leagues, countless clubs and players and cups, and like 50 stadiums, and they're adding to that every year.

There's virtually limitless possibilities (atleast anything we can comprehend) with the capabilities of expansion of teams and leagues. And each year they are able to compress files down more and more, allowing more space. What's limiting this? Mainly licensing and priorities. And then time restraints. However if next step is D1 and CHL, I wont be surprised if the next step is AA and A pro leagues, and D3 and Jr A.

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Wouldn't mind more teams.

It would be great to make the custom teams with more logo's and custom rinks. Where you can add sponsor's, size of the rink, jumbotron, seat color's.

Guess we can all dream

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Is that the same engine used in Fight Night Rd. 4?

i have no clue to be honest, and thanks ini~ i was intrigued by that game for awhile now

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If you have xbox or PSN, go download it and see for yourself. I wouldn't take my opinion too highly on video-games. I dont take to changing something I like very easily :)

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Id like EA to stop adding new leagues and start focusing on trying to improve whats already there (Be a pro, especially). And Penguins gloves. And damn post-whistle brawls, I WANNA SKIP THEM!!! And more customization on everything. I think that's it. No wait, fix retarded/unrealistic/ CPU trades like Ovechkin, Backstrom and a 1st round pick for a fourth liner.

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Wouldn't mind the elimination of all glitches and frequent updates to prevent them. They don't even have to make a new game, just send updates to fix what's wrong.. That's frustrating.

They should cut down on time between whistles. If every one has hit A (or x on PS3), then go to the face off Immediately. Better roughing calls would be nice for the obnoxious internet tough guys encountered. And computer Defense that is moderately intelligent. They should make the custom equipment always match the teams colors instead of some glaring clashes.

They also have to do something about check evasion and exploiting protecting the puck. now there's protecting the puck and then being physically unable to hit a person because of some invisible wall.

Pucks go through people sometimes. A lot of shots and passes defeat the laws of physics with faulty polygons. You can even see when you dribble the puck it goes through the blade.

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I understand that that does happen but its just a game. In order for them to get every single little thing like that perfect the cost would go through the roof (the puck dribbling/sticks going thru people stuff).

I just want them to fix the home up thing with 2 players.

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I heard who the cover boy will be and I'm not entirely thrilled although I do like the player. Don't expect me to reveal who it is though ;)

Wow what a tease :P

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I havn't been able to find much about ti online but I really hope they enable online franchise like in Madden with a fantasy draft. As far as glitch goals go, most can be fixed by making the AI learn about a move after its been done. Example being if I go behind the net and wrap it once, the Goalie should be on to it the second time.

My ultimate wish though is that they get rid of those stupid equipment power ups with like the graphics and stuff because its rather childish. Rather, I would like get slot boosts on any equipment I want to use, not just Patrick Kane's stuff.

I don't know if any of this was covered (I know glitch goals were) but just adding to my wish list ^_^

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I havn't been able to find much about ti online but I really hope they enable online franchise like in Madden with a fantasy draft. As far as glitch goals go, most can be fixed by making the AI learn about a move after its been done. Example being if I go behind the net and wrap it once, the Goalie should be on to it the second time.

My ultimate wish though is that they get rid of those stupid equipment power ups with like the graphics and stuff because its rather childish. Rather, I would like get slot boosts on any equipment I want to use, not just Patrick Kane's stuff.

I don't know if any of this was covered (I know glitch goals were) but just adding to my wish list ^_^

I know. I just want to use an Se16, but no power ups and then I'm getting left behind the competition so have to cave in to the gimmicks.

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there was a cover i saw a few days ago that had ryan miller on it. dont know if that was the final product or not though.

nah, eb makes covers for preorders

there's an anze kopitar one too

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I heard who the cover boy will be and I'm not entirely thrilled although I do like the player. Don't expect me to reveal who it is though ;)

Thanks for that tantalizing bit of information. :rolleyes:

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1UP had a podcast today:

- Every hit in NHL 11 will supposedly be different because it's all physics based

- If you clip a leg, player might trip on one leg, if you hit him low he'll go over the top, if you hit him into the boards the physics kicks in and the player reacts properly to the boards.

- Russian guy with a PHD in physics helping with the physics engine

- Focus of physics engine was to improve the players and boards as well as "some new pucks tuff" and "faceoff stuff.

- 3 year plan to switch the game from animation based to physics based

- No longer scripting canned stuff. Their goal for each NHL game per year is to try to make it unpredictable and to the point where every game is different as seen on TV.

- Broken sticks are no supposed to be a gimmick. Two pieces of the stick can lay on the ice and disrupt a play, cause a breakaway, etc;. You can kick the puck up the ice without your stick, you can defend without your stick or you can hand your defenseman a stick if you're a forward.

- You start your Be A Pro career in the Memorial Cup.

- All league jerseys will be up for EASHL use

- New mode that is not yet revealed but is significant and new for the NHL series

- Looking into adding NCAA but there's no agreement yet

- Faceoffs are completely redesigned. You can also change the way you want to go in on a faceoff if you want to use your backhand.

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