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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Playing with a sunburn?

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My back is toasted and I'm worried that my shoulder pads are gonna hurt like hell rubbing against my skin tonight. Anyone experienced this? Tips?

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and meds too, take a little Advil/Tylenol cocktail while your at it. though, not the tylenol and beer at the same time, thats bad for you.

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I hear that this product called "sunscreen" works really well, you should try it out next time you're in the sun for awhile so this doesn't happen again.

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Yeah, putting something that's highly acidic on a burn just doesn't sound appealing. That's not to say it doesn't work for all I know, I just get a mental picture of putting something salty on open cuts.

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I hear that this product called "sunscreen" works really well, you should try it out next time you're in the sun for awhile so this doesn't happen again.


On topic, it didn't really bother me during the game and I scored our only two goals. I really expected the rub of my shoulder pads to bother it but it didn't happen. That vineagar idea sounds interesting, hopefully I never have to try it.

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Trust me, it sounds absolutely wrong but it does work. I'm not one to usually get sunburned with a more olive-toned skin color (being Italian has it's benefits, lol) but a year ago I got roasted. The vinegar worked wonders. Either white or apple cider are fine to use. I could give a rat's ass about how it smelled giving how bad it hurt at the time, lol.

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I played with sunburn last week, it wasn't too sore (altho I did wear a loose vest top under my shoulders). Be prepared for you skin to start peeling off afterwards though! sunburn + sweat don't mix too good.

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Best thing you can do is get something that will reduce the abrasion- meaning an undershirt. Get a compression undershirt that fits and won't move around and it'll keep your shoulder pads from rubbing.

I always wear one and have played with sunburn before with no problems.

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I play with it a lot put on Aloe make sure it is good and in your skin by the time you get to the rink put on an undershirt when you play and if pain is to intesne skip a few shifts or just stop.

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