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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The Hockey Shop

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Anyone else notice they aren't selling any Bauer gear anymore? Well atleast on their website. I went there a few months ago and they still had everything in store but it looks like they took everything Bauer off their website recently.

Curious if anyone knows what the deal is?


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No, not at all. They have 2 separate websites that cater to their American and Canadian customers. Depending on your IP address you get deferred to either one. Being that they are based in Canada, they will not showcase Bauer gear as it cannot be shipped out of country. The same goes for the US. It's been going on for the last little while, Easton was another company that was involved.

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I am based in Canada, and when I browse thehockeyshop I see all product in Canadian prices with no Bauer product.

Even if I search for Bauer, I get none of their products... Strange?

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I am based in Canada, and when I browse thehockeyshop I see all product in Canadian prices with no Bauer product.

Even if I search for Bauer, I get none of their products... Strange?

No, not at all. They have 2 separate websites that cater to their American and Canadian customers. Depending on your IP address you get deferred to either one. Being that they are based in Canada, they will not showcase Bauer gear as it cannot be shipped out of country. The same goes for the US. It's been going on for the last little while, Easton was another company that was involved.


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Yeah i tried to order bauer vapor xxxx's on hockey monkey, how come it cant be shipped to Canada? Canadas hockey country afterall isn't it?

manufacturer restrictions to protect the canadian proshops.... everything hockey is cheaper in the US... people from Canada order from the US and the Canadian proshops get no business and close.

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why lower prices when they can just make it harder for you to get north or the border. There are ways around the system...it all comes down to whether or not the extra $$ you save is worth the hassle

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Yeah i tried to order bauer vapor xxxx's on hockey monkey, how come it cant be shipped to Canada? Canadas hockey country afterall isn't it?

Because it has nothing to do with hockey, and everything to do with business...

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I've noticed the hockey shop's site is pretty outdated, despite them getting a new design. I went there a couple times in the past week and they definitely still do have plenty of Bauer gear in store so I'm not sure why their site doesn't have them listed. You might be better off calling them and order via phone as opposed to the site.

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THS HAD Bauer products, they were one of the first on-line sites with the Bauer 4-rolls, in looking now its weird that they no longer have a single Bauer product.

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I've noticed the hockey shop's site is pretty outdated, despite them getting a new design. I went there a couple times in the past week and they definitely still do have plenty of Bauer gear in store so I'm not sure why their site doesn't have them listed. You might be better off calling them and order via phone as opposed to the site.

I assure you, it is NOT. :)

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Yeah i tried to order bauer vapor xxxx's on hockey monkey, how come it cant be shipped to Canada? Canadas hockey country afterall isn't it?

manufacturer restrictions to protect the canadian proshops.... everything hockey is cheaper in the US... people from Canada order from the US and the Canadian proshops get no business and close.

What I found ridiculous in my case when buying the original CCM Vector 10s, on CCM's site the MSRP for the USA was $499.99 US and the MSRP for Canada was $699.99 CAD .The Canadian dollar was stronger than the American dollar at the time. And the skates were made in Canada by a Canadian company. Very unfair to Canada customers and dealers IMO.

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Yeah i tried to order bauer vapor xxxx's on hockey monkey, how come it cant be shipped to Canada? Canadas hockey country afterall isn't it?

manufacturer restrictions to protect the canadian proshops.... everything hockey is cheaper in the US... people from Canada order from the US and the Canadian proshops get no business and close.

What I found ridiculous in my case when buying the original CCM Vector 10s, on CCM's site the MSRP for the USA was $499.99 US and the MSRP for Canada was $699.99 CAD .The Canadian dollar was stronger than the American dollar at the time. And the skates were made in Canada by a Canadian company. Very unfair to Canada customers and dealers IMO.

Its like that with cars, clothes, household items, basically anything. Were getting scammed!

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How about Molson?

Kidding. Yep, That's what I hear from friends from there. Never been noth of the border.

In Ukraine now. You all should see the prices on cars, hockey gear, etc. here!

The customs fees are insane and the tariffs are mis-applied.

Beer here is cheaper though and the girls are MUCH prettier:)

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Yeah i tried to order bauer vapor xxxx's on hockey monkey, how come it cant be shipped to Canada? Canadas hockey country afterall isn't it?

manufacturer restrictions to protect the canadian proshops.... everything hockey is cheaper in the US... people from Canada order from the US and the Canadian proshops get no business and close.

What I found ridiculous in my case when buying the original CCM Vector 10s, on CCM's site the MSRP for the USA was $499.99 US and the MSRP for Canada was $699.99 CAD .The Canadian dollar was stronger than the American dollar at the time. And the skates were made in Canada by a Canadian company. Very unfair to Canada customers and dealers IMO.

Its like that with cars, clothes, household items, basically anything. Were getting scammed!

i''m not familiar with the booking process for hockey gear, but in the outdoor industry prices are set 8-10 months before the product hits the shelves, so (especially last year) the dollar can change drastically from the date the prices were set to the day the product is released... it's almost impossible to guess what the dollar is going to be at (no economist in the world could have predicted that the canadian dollar would have jumped from .85 USD at the beginning of '07 to 1.10 near the end) ... PLUS unit per unit, the american distributors typically book and sell more, so they get better pricing to begin with (victory through sheer volume). The US also has something called MAP pricing, which effects the minimum price something can sell for within a certain time frame from release date (so retailers usually go straight for that price to stay competitive, whereas canada doesn't have that rule, just a suggested retail and then its anyone's guess as to who has the best price... and another PLUS (and i know its not the case for these skates, but:) canada has much higher duties and tarrifs for import than the US does (up to 18% higher in some cases)

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This sport is expensive granted, but seriously, If I didn't order everything online I'd be screwed!!

For eg:

My ONE90 skates, inc shipping: $500 AUD.

ONE90 skates bought from LHS: RRP $1300 AUD.

There's saving some bucks and then there's saving allot. It's no wonder 9% of the hockey gear in Aus is bought locally. The other 91% is all internet sales.

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I was able to order XXX NBH Hockey gloves for Christmas from THS and shipped to Maryland. Not sure if Bauer has now switched its rules that NBH didn't previously have laid out...

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I was able to order XXX NBH Hockey gloves for Christmas from THS and shipped to Maryland. Not sure if Bauer has now switched its rules that NBH didn't previously have laid out...

Did you not read any previous posts? They were talking about bauer gear not being on the /CANADIAN website, not American. The bauer products just dont show up on the site for anybody from Canada trying to go on.

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I'm in the US and there is no Bauer gear on the US version of the site...at least not in the Gloves, Skates, or Helmet categories

What site are you guys on? TheHockeyShop.com is what i go to from the Canadian side.

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