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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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MN old but fast

Outdoor Hockey

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Perhaps we could have a few FREE MSH skates outdoors in MN this winter. We have a group that plays at Sky Hill Park in Eagan MN Sunday afternoons. Winter will be here in no time!

We also have a few that play in line at Sky HIll in the summer.

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MSH outdoor hockey game(s) over winter break? I'd drive up to Minnesota for that if it were more than one game

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The City of Eagan MN keeps great ice at the Sky Hill, Quarry, Bridle Ridge, Goat Hill, and Rahn all winter. All sites are 2 rink sites. The sites have asphalt painted white. The city does not have to wait for frozen ground to flood. The ice was good this year 12/10/9. Hopefully, we get another good winter for ice. We skate ebery day. How many MSH folks are from MN?

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SW suburbs here. Havent skated outside in eons though. I think the last time I skated outside was about 10 years ago at a little park by my old house off Nesbitt Rd. in Bloomington. Just SW of Jefferson HS.

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I would love to join in on this, but minnesota is a bit too far. Anyone want to setup in Toronto or the surrounding area?

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are there any outdoor rinks big enough? ^.- other than city hall...doubt we can book that

I know there is an outdoor rink on bathurst and i think another one on coxwell. Could probably get the ice at one of those locations. Not sure if any of the small lakes/ponds allow skating.

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oh ye i went to one...its skate at your own risks now...they don't even have a dude to check the ice now, the cities getting so cheap

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You can get a city permit for any rink to book it out for a special occasion it is quite cheap to get a permit. I know guys who play on a reagular basis. If you are talking about playing outdoors Toronto is the best place for it with all the rinks we have. We are spolied that way. I was really shocked to see the rinks in Montreal. Made me realise how good we got it.


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Some MSH pond hockey would be a great event for the coming winter, though I think Toronto is a bit of a stretch for many of the people on here. WI, MN, or MI seem to be more in the ballpark.

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I deffinetly would have but think I am moving the end of next month a long ways away. If I don't I am in.

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you guys up in Minnesota are so spoiled. I'd gve anything to have outdoor ice within 3 hours of my house. Illinois sucks. Especially downstate.

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I'm in Edina now so I'm up for a Minnesota skate. Shinny style?

Complete with beverages cooling in the snow, right?

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I live in the NE, count me in for one this winter.

I was actually pining for the snow and subsequent outdoor ice just this last week or so. Can't wait to get out there again.

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Are we still thinking about some sort of MSH pond hockey event? Outdoor hockey weather is a ways off, but if there's quite a few people from out of state that want to do this, maybe we should start thinking more about it/ planning for it now. Just a thought. Im down for wisconsin or minnesota

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We have a game every Sunday at noon on the outdoor ice at Sky Hill in Eagan. All are welcome. The City of Eagan has great rinks. The rinks have an asphalt surface painted white. We don't have to wait till the gound is frozen to flood. We usually have ice a week before the surrounding towns.

The city has Sky Hill, Goat Hill, Bridle Ridge, Quarry, Rahn, etc. All are two rink set ups with great warming houses.

If there is enouogh interest I can see about reserving a rink.

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