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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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harrow hockey sticks, shafts

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I have pattern 4 and there is definitly a toe curve to it. Not huge mind you but it's still there

just like a datsyuk? I'm debating whether or not I want a 6 or 4... I'm currently on a p92 from bauer

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I have a #2 and a #4. The #2 is a big mid curve like a Reebok Bergeron or CCM Thornton. The #4 is a kind of a mid-toe but pretty flat. I've also used the #1 and the #3 (I think), the former being a Forsberg clone and the latter a Drury clone.



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Saw them last week besides it being the grip shift finish not sure with the standard or tapered. My guess would be the same tapered they make already. Good question though.

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Has anybody seen the difference between the concave and the box shafts? I have a box now because I have pretty big hands, and was trying to find out if the concave would be too small. There was a YouTube video where they briefly showed the difference, and it didn't look like much, but was just wondering if anybody has held both.

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Finally got my shaft yesterday and I tried to insert the newer style blades into my dolo shaft... it's a very tight fit and it doesn't go all the way in. there was about .3cm of the tenon left after i inserted the blade. I'll be cutting the tenon a little bit in order to make it fit.

will provide a review as soon as I get to use it.

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Yeah Dolo shafts are really tight usually, I damn near pulled a muscle trying to get a Synergy blade out of a new shaft once.

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Cut the tenon about 1cm, and inserted it into my dolo shaft. Here's a comparison shot of the #6 Harrow Blade.

From left to right:

Bauer PM9, Harrow #6, Bauer P92, Easton Sakic

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got some of the older harrow tapered blades. Curious to see how they hold up

I bought some on eBay a while back. They're still going strong after years of rotated use.

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Anybody know if there is a new 50% off code for the Harrow's website???

Nope, ready for the deal to come back though.

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I feel like a moron admiting this but how do you customize one of the shafts when it says you can customize this item you can't click on it whats the deal?

Call em. The "customization" is just your name printed out on a label maker and stuck to the shaft...

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Call em. The "customization" is just your name printed out on a label maker and stuck to the shaft...

Wow dissapointing at one point i could have sworn they allowed you to pick the dimensions, grip, and color or am i mistaking them for someone else? Anyways im still curious does the name at least look good or is it just completely not worth it.

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There's a whole list of options for most of the shafts. I just never thought of that as customization.

The name thing is what it is. If you don't like it, you can peel it off...

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Yeah it's basically a shaft and blade put together, but they have the choice of flex, shaft shape, grip type, and color for the shafts.

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There's a whole list of options for most of the shafts. I just never thought of that as customization.

The name thing is what it is. If you don't like it, you can peel it off...

Alright thanks for the reply I'm almost definantly going to get one anybody have opinions on the grip shift and the flex on the Int.? Sorry don't mean to thread jack but i try to make absolutely sure on something before i buy online.

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I preferred glossy grip to grip shift because I like grip. I figure I don't want my hands moving around anywhere, but it wasn't really slippery, more a matte finish.

The 75 was very stiff when cut down a lot, so if you're short and like them whippy go for the intermediate.

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