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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2009-2010 Gear Sightings

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I think those are the most beautiful skates i have ever seen :wub:


JR - Do you have the tongues tucked down into the boot of the skate in that picture? Or is this because of the new ALIVE tongue? They look stumpy.

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I think those are the most beautiful skates i have ever seen :wub:


JR - Do you have the tongues tucked down into the boot of the skate in that picture? Or is this because of the new ALIVE tongue? They look stumpy.

They are a pretty short tongue.

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The length of the tongue is due to the Reflex insert.

Reflex! That's the name I was looking for. So much for getting some "Seriously siiiiick flop, dude!" on these.

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The length of the tongue is due to the Reflex insert.

Reflex! That's the name I was looking for. So much for getting some "Seriously siiiiick flop, dude!" on these.

Oh I'll make it work...

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They are MSH shells and if we ask enough who knows maybe they will order up some more, the demand is there me thinks. And NO before you ask there are non available right now

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They are MSH shells and if we ask enough who knows maybe they will order up some more, the demand is there me thinks. And NO before you ask there are non available right now

ok thanks for the info

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The length of the tongue is due to the Reflex insert.

Reflex! That's the name I was looking for. So much for getting some "Seriously siiiiick flop, dude!" on these.

Oh I'll make it work...

No doubt you will, that's not the issue I'm concerned with. Wouldn't folding the tongue over defeat the purpose of having the Reflex tongue? Or am I off on the characteristics/specifications on how the tongue actually 'works'. (Maybe the ALIVE material doesn't go up that high on the tongue?) Unless you were planning on whippin' out the felt and a needle... :D

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