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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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S19 Durability

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I'm not sure if this has been covered or not, but I dont think it has been...anyways I purchased an S19 about 2 weeks ago, used it in 1 game and after the game it had a rattling noise from the taper through the blade, so a few days later I buy another one and after 1 practice same damn thing happens with the rattling.

2 sticks, 2 uses and they both have a rattling noise when you puck handle, hit the stick on the ice/ground (not slamming it).

I'm wondering if anyone has experienced this problem with S19s, Ive had it happen to other sticks, but usually not after 1 use.

I say "durability" in the title, because Im guessing its breaking down from the inside quite easily.

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You very possibly just have loose "glue" (that's not the actual technical term, I don't know what it is) on the inside, nothing serious.

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I had the same problem with my s17. Someone told me that it was some foam in the stick that was breaking off? When I took the end plug out, there was nothing that would fall out so it must be some pieces of foam.

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My LHS has them at the same price as S17s and I get a 10% discount so I end up paying right around $200. No way in hell Id pay $240 or whatever the MSRP is.

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kovey, I cant believe you just talked about that

I felt my friends 'fresh' s19 after practice and it sounded exactly like you said. Almost like a two piece stick where the connection point squeaks and rattles. All in all, not a good sound at all. The thing also felt the exact same, maybe even heavier, as a s17

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Well at least Im not the only one with this issue...

I dont care if its glue, foam, fibers, or whatever its shitty that after 1 use a $200+ stick ends up like this.

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Amen to that, the blades on the S17s go soft faster than any other stick Ive ever used. I love the stick, but I hate having to constantly buy new ones because the blades go out on them.

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Guys the way to go at the moment is definitly x60 or rbk10. Or more classic one95 mk2.

But I honestly think overall the x60 (if the durability is confirmed) is clearly the best stick around.

The felling that makes the s17 so unique but also very fragile is completely gone on the s19.

If you want something that fells good like the s17 go for U+ cl.

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I love the 10Ks and Ive had and still have a bunch of them, but the durability on those isnt very good either. Granted all mine are pro stock, so maybe retail are different. S17 and S19 feel pretty similar to me in terms of puck feel.

I like the One95s and theyre somewhat durable, I cant wait to get my hands on an X60 and see how those are.

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I feel like this becomes an issue with every time Easton releases a new stealth stick. I think for that price everyone expects perfection- which they should- so when even the smallest thing goes wrong people go crazy. After a while people will get a better review as to the feel of the stick.

I'm hoping though people don't buy the stick forcing Easton to lower the price of the stick. No stick should be more than $209 (grip) or $199 (non-grip).

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That rattling sound is most likely a very small piece of epoxy (or some adhesive material) that has come loose somewhere inside the stick. Although I do not work in the hockey industry, a similar occurrence happens quite a lot in the golf industry. Easton makes so many stick that it's probably a matter of odds that it's going to happen to a percentage of what they sell. My friend has an S17 that had the same rattling noise a day or so after he got it. Although I do not have a high end Easton, my S5 has developed the same rattling noise as well. Perhaps you could contact Easton and see if they can warranty it, or possibly a repair to the problem.

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It's glue.

I've had my S17 and it sounds like a maraca. I was supposed to get the stick switched out months ago by Easton but I got too tied up into doing other things and I just never really made it to the post office.

The stick is still nice and strong with a lot of crap in between the blade and taper area. You can't hear it during a game though so at least it isn't THAT bad :D

I take a lot of one timers and slap shots - To my surprise it hasn't split or cracked even with all that rattling.

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The x60 has amazing puck feel, no idea on durability yet because I've only shot around with it.

i thought the consensus so far was thats what the x60 is lacking

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x60 is very different from the xxxx... it's almost as light as a s17 :P

And the kick point is not as low as what we find at rbk's, warrior, .. etc

So far Bauer has never done OPS not durable, let's hope they are gonna keep up with x60

This season in KHL, I saw a lot of X60 and i just saw 1 s19 so far B)

Previous season, i pretty sure there were almost no xxxx :P

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Pop out the end plug and either tap the stick on the floor upside down or find something to put down the shaft of the stick to knock it loose. The glue/epoxy is from the fusion process between shaft and blade and runs in a long stream down the inside of the stick. The natural rough nature of the sport can either completely break some of the glue loose and you'll hear it falling back and forth in the stick when you turn it... Or it splinters away from the inside partially, but is still held in place, so it will simply rattle and make odd vibrations. Easy fix either way. The toughest part will be getting it to break loose if it hasn't already.

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Strange, I've had a S19 for 4 months and have not had ANY problems with it at all. Matter of fact, the blade was much better than the S17 was. As far as the rattling...does it do it with the end plug out?

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Strange, I've had a S19 for 4 months and have not had ANY problems with it at all. Matter of fact, the blade was much better than the S17 was. As far as the rattling...does it do it with the end plug out?

probably made sure they gave you a really nice one ;)

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There is something in the way right where the shaft turn elliptical and the stuff cannot come out through the butt end . It was bothering me so much one day i decided to get a long narrow stick from my yard and feed it down the shaft to see if there was something blocking it .

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