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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2 piece shafts

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The SE16 tapered shaft isn't that bad either. I was forced to pick up a random tapered shaft from my LHS when I found a discontinued dolomite Smyth blade :-).

Popped that sucker in and gave it a test run.... I liked it a lot. Good kick and it's light. No complaints here.

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+1 for the r8 tapered. i had one with a dolo 2 blade until it snapped. too expensive to replace at this point. i'll wait until the holidays when i get some more cash to grab another one.

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I'm a pretty big fan of the 8k shaft but it comes really long(about 3" longer than my r8 tapered) so I guess you have to take that into consideration.

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The R8 is the TPS R8?

I was thinking of the x:60, Dolomite, or One95 tapered (now that i know they exist). I have an SE OPS right now but not sure i want to keep going back to easton

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Probably should fit, but does anyone know if the Se16 blades would fit into the x60 shaft?

On another note, what are your guy's thoughts on the best tapered blade?

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I just recently got the X60 blade and it's held up pretty well, decent feel for a composite, quite light. The Vapor 40 wood blade was ridiculously light for a wood blade though, can't beat the feel of wood either.

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Probably should fit, but does anyone know if the Se16 blades would fit into the x60 shaft?

On another note, what are your guy's thoughts on the best tapered blade?

mission pro stocks aka one95 just tapered :P warriors up there too but different feel

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