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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Anybody else doing Movember?

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I have never heard of this up until this year, and a bunch of players both off my Junior team and the University Hockey team are big into it. I guess you grow a moustache for the month of november to raise awareness of men's health issues.

I bought a bracelet in support and am gonna try to grow a moustache :D

Just curious if anybody else knows about it or is doing it..

www.movember.com is the site if anybody is interested.

Its a little late to start, but hey better then nothing.

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i did it for '08, which was the first year i was aware of it happening.

i know this misses the point, but i got way too many "freddie mercury" comments last year, so i decided against it this year.

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I have never heard of this up until this year, and a bunch of players both off my Junior team and the University Hockey team are big into it. I guess you grow a moustache for the month of november to raise awareness of men's health issues.

I bought a bracelet in support and am gonna try to grow a moustache :D

Just curious if anybody else knows about it or is doing it..

www.movember.com is the site if anybody is interested.

Its a little late to start, but hey better then nothing.

Where'd ya found a bracelet, and whatkind?

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its a rubber bracelet like the livestrong ones, its brown and it says Movember Changing the face of men's health on it. got it off one of the players on the university team, he ordered for the entire team and some extras.

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It's popular around here...but I get a week into it and I can't take it anymore. I absolutely HATE facial hair...I'm the only male in my family who doesn't rock a mustache or beard

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