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halo and halo 2

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I didn't find it to be that great either after all the hype it got. Other then the graphics update and additons of a few weapons it really isn't any better than Halo. Mutliplayer still feels the same and the missions aren't any better than Halo either ;) .

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Played it at lunch, sure it was kinda fun. But nothing like it was hyped up to be. I will play the real game for this year.

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Spongebob is indeed the shit.

See, the reason why Halo 2 is going to (and already has received) get killer reviews is that everyone EXPECTS it to be an earth shattering sensory revelation, and thus, will force themselves to believe so. The tremendous hype that some games can generate will only hurt in the end because it will never live up to expectations - once the novelty of toting two guns instead of one wears off, people will just realize that Halo 2 is the same old shit as Halo 1 with a gussied up face. :rolleyes:

Hype usually gives a game either huge scores because reviewers force themselves to like it, or a shit rating, because it failed to live up to the hype, just like Alexandre Daigle. :lol:

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i think it has lived up to the hype. i played halo with 16 players yesterday, for like 6 hours. and plan on doing it some more. its an awesome game.

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LOL! Killzone "the halo killer" what a flop that was. What kind of a halo killer gets an 8.4? Spong bob square pants game got higher then an 8.4

You're calling a game with an 8.4 rating a flop?

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Considering it was hyped to be the Halo killer and it didnt even come close to the halo score ( the lowest score killzone got was a 60% and halos was a 94% Highest kill got was an 80% and well.. lets just say halo beat that...).Not to mention the recurring comments of stupid AI and numerous game glitches, yes, I consider it a flop.

"playing Killzone is to be bombarded by bugs and glitches and technological inadequacies"

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Whatever. Halo isnt a bad game, just everybody cries about it saying how good it is. I personally would play the game it resembles alot, ut, over it any day. People want to think halo 2 is awesome even though there is little difference from the first one. Theres no breaktrough's, barely anything new besides maps and dual guns, it's really the same game.

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I dont have it yet, all the preorders took them so i have to wait till next week or something, but if you want to add me, my name is crosskOre.

We can be the MODSQAUDHOCKEY clan!

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I beat the game a couple of hours ago and I must say that I am dissappointed witht the ending. Dont want to ruin it for any of you playing it but it could of been better with the time Bungi had.

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yeah it's pretty hard to live up to ALL the hype surrounding the game. Even with the whole ilovebees.com thing (in the trailor) that really got people talking. BTW my live name is FrankGrimes21.

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yeah it's pretty hard to live up to ALL the hype surrounding the game. Even with the whole ilovebees.com thing (in the trailor) that really got people talking. BTW my live name is FrankGrimes21.

Ill see you on then, my name is Brigggy. My headset isnt working right now so if I do play I doubt I will hear you.

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ive only played the 1st level on campaign. campaign is alright. i like multiplayer more. had a 16 player system link going last night. now that is fun!

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yeah it's pretty hard to live up to ALL the hype surrounding the game. Even with the whole ilovebees.com thing (in the trailor) that really got people talking. BTW my live name is FrankGrimes21.

frank grimes hahaha, simpsons.

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What happens at the beginning, why does that alien get tortured in the cut scene....when you see all of the aliens at like a gathering....even before you start killing the aliens.....

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Im not a huge halo buff so dont attack me if i get this wrong, but i was told he was blamed for the destruction of the halo in the first game.

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