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Stealth for Roller

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After messing around with a Stealth at Peranis I'm really tempted to get one. I just wanted to know if anyone has tried one out in Roller yet and what they thought about it. I tried a XN10 and I didn't like it but it also happened to be a pattern and flex I didn't like so that's probably why.

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Besides the fact that you'll be using a $180+ stick on a not as forgiving surface, I would think that it might be too stiff for roller. Then again, I'm not a roller player, so don't take just my advice.

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After messing around with a Stealth at Peranis I'm really tempted to get one. I just wanted to know if anyone has tried one out in Roller yet and what they thought about it. I tried a XN10 and I didn't like it but it also happened to be a pattern and flex I didn't like so that's probably why.

What surface are you playing on? Sport court or concrete?

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I play on indoor Sportcourt. CONCRETE?! :angry: I may be dumb but I'm not crazy lol.

As for what Legodoom said, I like a stiff stick in roller. I usually use a 110 but I guess a 100 would work fine too. I'll have to get one sometime and try it out.

Heres how I look at it: My favorite combo for Roller is a 1100 w/ a Z-Carbon and that costs about $150. Not to mention that I break those damn focus flexes on a regular basis so for about $30 more I could get a Stealth. Not to mention I'd get that warm fuzzy feeling of having the newest stick out... Plus it's SHINY! :D

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Not much to say about itm but I suppose if you have the money and you like the feel of it, go for it. I saw a guy in Open Roller the other day using one when he used to use a 110 before that and his shot was great. Most of it is Mental I suppose. It is shiny so good luck with it.

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In an article in ESPN the magazine this month, it shows Chris Nelson using a Stealth. For those of you who dont know who Chris Nelson is, he plays for the national US inline hockey team. Apparently he likes to use a stealth to play inline, I would say give it a shot

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In an article in ESPN the magazine this month, it shows Chris Nelson using a Stealth. For those of you who dont know who Chris Nelson is, he plays for the national US inline hockey team. Apparently he likes to use a stealth to play inline, I would say give it a shot

When was he using a Stealth? During the IIHF he was using a Si-Core. When and where were the pics of him taken in ESPN magazine?

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In terms of in the magazine, its on page 102. It says the picture was taken in Los Angeles, and its not like an actual shot of him playing, its a posed picture. They could have just given him a stealth for the photo shoot or something.

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I tried one out for roller last weekend. The 100 flex felt a lot whippier than usual, but the stick itself was great. Very light, and very snappy. I loved it, it's just that it is a tad too expensive for me for just 1 stick.

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i've been using my prostock stealth(s) for a little under 2months. The first i snapped almost right in the middle of the shaft, and the second ones been going strong for about a month and a half.

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I've been using a retail Stealth for roller on SportCourt for the past 2 weeks at 6 games a week. So far the durability has been good, no blade chips. It does seem a tad more flexible than a 100 flex Synergy but that's a good thing for me since I like Inno 260s and TPS Regulars. This stick has a nice feel for the plastic puck and I can get some nice snap out of my shots although I believe thats due to the "fresh" blade.

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Yea JAckal I saw that pic too, first I thought what is he a moron?!?!?!?!?!?! But I realized he probably gets the sticks for free...so it's all good...man it must be good to be amazing at hockey...

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Yea JAckal I saw that pic too, first I thought what is he a moron?!?!?!?!?!?! But I realized he probably gets the sticks for free...so it's all good.

Would you mind explaining to me why he's a moron using a stealth on a tiled surface? Theres very little friction on tiled surfaces, thus slowing down the blade wear considerably.

I've noticed less blade wear on sportcout/other tiled surfaces then on ice.

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i saw a kid with one yesturday at my freinds roller game and he had one hard shot . like no joke i had trouble tracking the puck . maybe the kid was just a great shooter but damn

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did anyone notice Chis Nelson has synergy skates modified into roller skates.

Yup, saw him using these at the IIHF Inline World cup in Germany.

He had labeda Sensors chassis with them.

+ he had a nice girlfriend (I was sitting next to her during one of their games :D )

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Yea JAckal I saw that pic too, first I thought what is he a moron?!?!?!?!?!?! But I realized he probably gets the sticks for free...so it's all good.

Would you mind explaining to me why he's a moron using a stealth on a tiled surface? Theres very little friction on tiled surfaces, thus slowing down the blade wear considerably.

I've noticed less blade wear on sportcout/other tiled surfaces then on ice.

I just saw the picture in the ESPN Magazine and he was just using it for a phtoshoot. If you look at the background it is supposedly set like a Hollywood theme/movie scene.

"He was drafted by the Devils in 1988, and won a national title at Wisconsin two years later."

This was a direct quote from the article, but when they say 'Devils' are they talking about the New Jersey Devils?

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I, for one, hated using my synergy for roller hockey. The composite blade mutes the feel of the puck, and the light plastic roller hockey puck only magnafies this when you come off of ice. I'm sure the stealth isn't a whole lot better, which is why I will stick to wood, or a 2-piece with wood blades.

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I like composites and 1-pc sticks for roller as long as the blade is taped. I dont like the feel of it without the extra cushion, esp. with most of the blades having that glossy clear coat on it. Combine that with the plastic puck and well... -_- I just dont like it.

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Some guy I was playing pickup with had one the other day and I tried it out.. worked fine for me. As soon as my Vapor breaks I'm getting one of them. Not only did the puck jump off the stick when I shot it, but the thing is so light it's incredible.

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Yh Chris Nelson skates are amazing ive seen them upclose he was a coach in the camp i went to in the summer-the skates are sweet and his sticks too, he has his own pro pattern called BIG NELLY

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I cant really say anything about USING the Stealth for roller, I do know two people that have them, and got to try one for a shot or two. One thing is for sure the flex seems more whippy then regular Easton sticks. Like the 110 I used felt more like a 100. One of my buddies Stealths broke, he said from wear on the bottom of the blade (We play on sportcourt) but he also does not tape the bottom of his blade either. Other guy I know DOES tape the bottom and his seems to still be going strong, If thats helps.

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