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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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JR Boucicaut


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I get in around 1 on Monday.... when is the planned trip to In and Out? Wasn't it a monday lunch thing last year?

I don't have a car this year but I'll go whenever everyone else does.

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maybe changing the flight wasn't a great idea.... haven't even left for the airport and my flight has already been delayed 3 times... don't know if I will make my connecting flight in Chicago now

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maybe changing the flight wasn't a great idea.... haven't even left for the airport and my flight has already been delayed 3 times... don't know if I will make my connecting flight in Chicago now

Just got to the airport here at home, hoping to beat the weather into Philly. If not, at least I have three hours on Philly.

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Bad storms - I'm in Atlanta right now and there's crazy fog on the ground. We are delayed 10 min, they're claiming late arrival of aircraft but I see quite a few planes taxiing so we'll see about that...

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First chance to get online since I got here on Sunday. My quick and dirty couple of cents from gate A7 as I wait for my flight:

The show was larger than last year and attendance appeared to be pretty good. A few vendors reported more sales than they expected and only one of two were down on the event as a whole. It was great to meet a lot of people that I haven't met before who are members here or browse the site frequently.

We handed out the annual product award winners to the manufacturers in attendance, pics will be posted soon.

No new products that I would call "earth shattering" or "revolutionary", but a lot of seemingly solid product out there from new or relatively new manufacturers. Salming has the "bent" stick as well as a new OPS with a very thin taper. It's obviously hard to predict performance, but they were the most "out-there" of any of the products that I saw. Battleaxe has some interesting stuff in the pipeline, but it isn't my place to make those announcements.

Hejduk visors are very intriguing. They have a nice selection of cuts and offer visors with and without anti fog and anti scratch coatings. They provided samples for testing and we will get that going soon.

FBV continues to be a big hit. Steve and Steve at Blackstone were swamped for the first day and a half of the two days with dealers asking about the spinner and FBV. Despite the fact that we've known about it so long, a large number of shops are just finding out about it now.

A number of dealers have pledged to submit more product for reviews. If they follow through that portion of the site will expand significantly.

We also identified a couple options for MSH branded swag, we will be moving forward with at least one of them and will hopefully be able to ship by our next anniversary in March.

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did you take a look at the Blademaster "BFD" system? if so, what are your thoughts?


Nobody there would talk to me when I went to the booth. That aside, I believe they will have major issues if Blackstone is granted their patents.

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Hejduk visors are very intriguing. They have a nice selection of cuts and offer visors with and without anti fog and anti scratch coatings. They provided samples for testing and we will get that going soon.

I truly want one of these. They just seem like a great product at a good price. I would buy one right now if I could find them online.

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Hejduk visors are very intriguing. They have a nice selection of cuts and offer visors with and without anti fog and anti scratch coatings. They provided samples for testing and we will get that going soon.

I truly want one of these. They just seem like a great product at a good price. I would buy one right now if I could find them online.

Given the way Bauer has handled the shops that sold Itech but did not have a Bauer account and the price increase coming for the Oakley visors, these guys are going to grow very quickly.

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Hejduk visors are very intriguing. They have a nice selection of cuts and offer visors with and without anti fog and anti scratch coatings. They provided samples for testing and we will get that going soon.

I truly want one of these. They just seem like a great product at a good price. I would buy one right now if I could find them online.

Agreed, and as a retailer, id like to see if they are worth buying. Ive used Oakley and Itech, they are great, but their prices are too high. Im intrigued by these hejduk ones.

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Hejduk visors are very intriguing. They have a nice selection of cuts and offer visors with and without anti fog and anti scratch coatings. They provided samples for testing and we will get that going soon.

I truly want one of these. They just seem like a great product at a good price. I would buy one right now if I could find them online.

Agreed, and as a retailer, id like to see if they are worth buying. Ive used Oakley and Itech, they are great, but their prices are too high. Im intrigued by these hejduk ones.

me too and they have notch cuts too, i just dunno how to read the language on their site for the "features" :P


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Hejduk visors are very intriguing. They have a nice selection of cuts and offer visors with and without anti fog and anti scratch coatings. They provided samples for testing and we will get that going soon.

I truly want one of these. They just seem like a great product at a good price. I would buy one right now if I could find them online.

Agreed, and as a retailer, id like to see if they are worth buying. Ive used Oakley and Itech, they are great, but their prices are too high. Im intrigued by these hejduk ones.

I will have one on a helmet and on the ice tonight. After I get a nap, I'll sort through the contact info and PM it to you.

me too and they have notch cuts too, i just dunno how to read the language on their site for the "features" :P


Pro line has the coatings, the other line does not.

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According to xe.com...unless I'm doing something wrong...899 kc (Swedish Kronor?) is converting to $130 Cdn.

Seems pretty steep, no! Or will they be priced lower in North America?

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According to xe.com...unless I'm doing something wrong...899 kc (Swedish Kronor?) is converting to $130 Cdn.

Seems pretty steep, no! Or will they be priced lower in North America?

That is the Czech currency, it is 18usd to 1 Kč

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According to xe.com...unless I'm doing something wrong...899 kc (Swedish Kronor?) is converting to $130 Cdn.

Seems pretty steep, no! Or will they be priced lower in North America?

That is the Czech currency, it is 18usd to 1 Kč

$51...much better! Thanks for the lesson in World Currency.

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As Chadd said, the show was bigger, and attendance IMO seemed to be higher than years past.

Now, the good, bad and are you kidding me...

The good - not much, but a few gems out there. Liked the Warrior Projekt protective - the Zote foam is neat. I like what Combat is doing. The Salming bent stick is interesting. The Grit Tower Bag for goalies is very cool. John Wilson has a composite Pattern 99 figure skate blade. The Cascade M11 is improved - yes, I know it is older, but I hadn't seen it until this trip.

The bad - everybody just seemed to have the same thing. Eagle has a few new models but in a blind test between domestic and overseas, they'd all felt the same. So many bad graphics out there on sticks as well - come on, hire a graphic designer. When I have to strain my eyes to read the flex, that's bad. Graf - yes, I realize you still make a traditional skate, but when you come up with a new G35 that looks like you could've launched it in 1986, down to the godawful yellow racing stripes on the sides and are geeked up about it...ugh. Miken - nobody bought it last year, even tweaked at the same price, nobody will buy it this year. At least the blade's stiffer.

And as far as the last part, we just need some more innovation in this business. Whether it is infusing new talent and ideas into the industry, or taking more risks to make you stand out, it needs to improve.

Once again, MSH's brand is strong. The manufacturers know what we offer to this industry and were very receptive to us. I cannot stress how important that is to us. Thanks goes out to the ones who went out of their way to show me what is coming soon; don't worry, your secret's safe.

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Vegas Impressions:

The Good:

- Attendance

- Grit goalie tower bag

- Hejduk visor package

- Howie's Hockey Tape lace belt

- Eagle's PPF in "California Tan"

- Warrior Dolomite Spyne graphics

-Salming's OPS offerings

- Tactics under socks

- Combat's revision of Ballistik

The Bad:

- No "wow" product

- No Bauer

- No Easton

- Miken (Again)

- As Bouce mentioned- the stick graphics

- Tactics "Edge" socks

- Ice cold craps tables

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Hejduk visors are very intriguing. They have a nice selection of cuts and offer visors with and without anti fog and anti scratch coatings. They provided samples for testing and we will get that going soon.

I truly want one of these. They just seem like a great product at a good price. I would buy one right now if I could find them online.

Agreed, and as a retailer, id like to see if they are worth buying. Ive used Oakley and Itech, they are great, but their prices are too high. Im intrigued by these hejduk ones.

I will have one on a helmet and on the ice tonight. After I get a nap, I'll sort through the contact info and PM it to you.

cool thanks chadd, much appreciated

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