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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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warrior ak 47 or 27?

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hey everyone, i have been looking for the warrior stick that anze kopitar uses. i know its a warrior AK 47 or is it 27. that im not sure about.... anyways i have been looking forever and no luck. one of the coaches at the local ring actually got one from the warrior rep. does anyone have any idea where i can find this stick and how much to purchase. if anyone has a pic of it post please, that would be awesome, thanx

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It is the Warrior AK27. Designed in part by alexei kovalev and named after him. It is a shaft for retail but can be bought as a one-piece if you buy pro stock. the shaft goes for around 120-140 here in Canada so i am guessing around 110 in the states. any standard blade should fit into the shaft. you can look at some pictures of anze kopitar with it here:


hope this helps

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hey everyone, i have been looking for the warrior stick that anze kopitar uses. i know its a warrior AK 47 or is it 27. that im not sure about.... anyways i have been looking forever and no luck. one of the coaches at the local ring actually got one from the warrior rep. does anyone have any idea where i can find this stick and how much to purchase. if anyone has a pic of it post please, that would be awesome, thanx

AK27 if you want to shoot a puck.

AK47 if you want to bust a cap in some punk ass.

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thanx guys that helped alot. do you know when it might come out. does kopi use the one piece?

have to ask...does it really matter?

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kopi is THE MAN in lalaland right now. and in the land where image is everything... oh it matters.

well he's got that going (except for the warrior gloves with a purple (?) pinky stripe :P) but which one's cooler ops or 2 piece? ;)

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How does the shaft perform compared to a taper shaft? I'm going down to vegas on christmas eve and have been pretty interested in getting an ak27 or a dolomite.. I read the reviews and there was some durability issues with the ak's?

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hey everyone, i have been looking for the warrior stick that anze kopitar uses. i know its a warrior AK 47 or is it 27. that im not sure about.... anyways i have been looking forever and no luck. one of the coaches at the local ring actually got one from the warrior rep. does anyone have any idea where i can find this stick and how much to purchase. if anyone has a pic of it post please, that would be awesome, thanx

AK27 if you want to shoot a puck.

AK47 if you want to bust a cap in some punk ass.

"That is the AK 47, the preferred weapon of your enemy. It makes a very distinctive sound when fired at you."

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I got the Warrior AK27 today, and when i went to insert some standard Easton blades that i have, the blades will not stop wiggling in the shaft and even after the glue cooled i could pull the blade right out. This doesn't make much sense to me as the shaft is standard and needs standard blades and the blade is standard but doesn't fit. Should i return the blades that i bought last week, or is there something else i could do to avoid this problem?

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