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Patrice Cormier LHJMQ, elbow to the head

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Cormier should be bannished for life from the Q and CHL.

For christ sake they banned Michael Liambas for life for his hit. That hit was just "too powerful", kid turned back at last millasecond, and it was a hockey play. Cormier's wasn't hockey, it was intentional. Plus the shit he pulled on sweden... only reason they didn't ban him for WJC was because he was captain canada and wjc is too important to not have the best available.

If they don't ban him for life i'm calling some major bullshit and prejudice on the Q and chl. Double standard for sure if he isn't banned, considering Liambas was banned for something unintential, and less severe. They'll probably ban Kassian for life too, but if they miss out on this, they're dropping the ball.

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What goes around comes around. He's either going to get banned, or he's going to catch a beat down if/when he gets to the pro level from some grimey vet. These kids have zero respect for each other. I mean what are draft picks flying across the ice trying to kill people for? Besides injuring others, what if you injure yourself? I guarantee if they dont get a hold of this, you will see another Comier/Kassian hit attempt, that will result in the agressor injuring themself badly. Draft picks aside, these reckless hits have to stop.

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The hit was vicious, dirty, and he deserves a long suspension. However, if he was drafted by Detroit, a team that barely fights, are we having the same discussion about the team that drafted him. One thought doesn't necessarily lead to the other.

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The hit was vicious, dirty, and he deserves a long suspension. However, if he was drafted by Detroit, a team that barely fights, are we having the same discussion about the team that drafted him. One thought doesn't necessarily lead to the other.

I would feel the same way about the player and the way the NHL encourages players like that, especially if the GM made the same comments. Obviously it would be harder to draw parallels to guys like Kocur and Probert.

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jeez, chadd, every NHL team had a goon at one time or another!

Sorry, that last comment was intended in jest. I was a big Probert fan, not many guys were as tough as he was and even fewer had his ability to play the game.

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did you meet him in Toronto at the ONE Goal show? I saw him there. His hands were the size of garbage can covers. My friend, Pat Dapuzzo, lined the game when Probie and Domi went at it for over 2 minutes. He said he saw no reason to stop it until they were both done. Sorry, off topic.

Let's see if the Q has the guts to sit this kid the rest of the season. He deserves it in my book. One question, was there a prior incident that led to this?

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did you meet him in Toronto at the ONE Goal show? I saw him there. His hands were the size of garbage can covers. My friend, Pat Dapuzzo, lined the game when Probie and Domi went at it for over 2 minutes. He said he saw no reason to stop it until they were both done. Sorry, off topic.

Let's see if the Q has the guts to sit this kid the rest of the season. He deserves it in my book. One question, was there a prior incident that led to this?

I've haven't read anything that indicates a prior incident in this game between Cormier and Tam. The penalty occurred in OT and Quebec won in a shootout. I checked the game sheet and Cormier was the only player to get something other than a minor penalty in the game. There has been a lot of coverage in this area and there is no mention of Cormier attempting to "get even" for something that occured earlier in the game. He used to play for the Oceanic so maybe it was from something earlier in the season as the Rimouski and Quebec are in the same division. In any event, it was an awful incident and he needs to receive a stiff penalty for his actions.

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This is honestly the first time I have watched something in hockey that literally sickened me. I have seen convulsions from hard hits on unsuspecting players - clean and dirty, I've seen Zednik's blood spraying over the plaxiglass, but Courmier's act and watching Tam on the ice literally made me feel ill...no small feat. This was disgusting - plain and simple. It lowers the greatest game on Earth to the level of roller derby. This wasn't a hockey play - it wasn't even a play with intent to injur - it attempted fucking decapitation. Not only should he be banned from the league and any possibility of going pro, but he should have the legal book thrown at him for attempted murder, or at least gross criminal negligence. Seriously, this guy is a dirt-bag. This was worse than Stevens, about whom I, like Chadd, have commented several times on here as one of the dirtiest players in the game, glorified though he may have been (and I have a lot of difficulty differentiating between leaving the bench and going after someone's head from waiting until a player is hidden behind someone else and going after their head with a high shoulder or elbow, which was Stevens' favorite move...what a crying shame he ended up with concussions...). I am becoming increasingly disappointed in hockey leagues - from minors right up to the NHL. The idiocy that is being passed off as hockey now is a joke. No one is accountable for anything anymore, so no one has an ounce of respect for each other anymore. I seriously believe it's gonna take a death to precipitate any change for the better...sure as hell can't bet on Bettman to grow a pair, although he's only part of the monster that hockey i$ today.

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I hope he gets the rest of the season, plus playoffs. Its scary to see whats happening to the juniors these days - kids are having career ending incidents at age 16. Its bound to happen due to the nature of the sport but some of these plays just make you shake your head. No respect anymore.

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B-Nads, I'm not sure about attempted murder, haha, but the book, hell the whole library should be thrown at Cormier. I don't believe players are losing respect for one another, we've seen these types of disturbing incidents all throughout hockey's history. It's the selected few who aren't able to control themselves in the heat of the moment who tarnish the respectability factor of the game. It's a fast, physical game, and there will always be a small percentage of players who just make dumb, and dangerous decisions, sometimes consciously, sometimes reactively. Sadly, these types of incidents will continue to happen, and making serious examples of players who really cross the boundaries will hopefully condition future players to become a bit more conscious on the ice.

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You're right - perhaps not attempted murder, but walk up to someone in the street and do that - see what the police have to say about it. Yeah - it happened in a hockey game, but I'm startign to have trouble excusing some of these thinsg and rationalizing them by saying - it's a part of the game. The fact is, the game is seen by kids - it influences them, and it becomes a part of them. The leagues that have to deal with this type of have a responsibiliity to their fans, to their players, and to the game itself to eliminate such incidents and the idiots that perpetrate them. Yes, it is the heat of the moment, yeas, hockey is a fast, aggressiv contact sport - I've played enough of it, but people who knowingly endanger the lives of others in society are dealt with by a legal system and held to standards set for all of us - no one should be exempt because they were playing in a league.

My 2 cents. B)

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OK, so I didn't see what led up to that, but there's no room for that in life. I really can't imagine having that kind of viscous impulse in a hockey game...or ever. How must it feel for him to look at that guy's family in the eye?

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I don't believe players are losing respect for one another, we've seen these types of disturbing incidents all throughout hockey's history.

Sure, there have been incidents, however, it used to be maybe 1 a year of this kind of brutality and now its 1 a month. A few years from now it will be 1 a week.

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Wow. I've been a firefighter/paramedic for 12 years now, work in a level 2 Trauma Center as my side job and that is one of the most violent CLOSED head injuries I've seen. All parties involved the hitter, the hittee, the league and the sport itself are very lucky this play didn't end in death or a debilitating brain or neck injury. It's a contact sport and bad things can happen in the blink of an eye, but the level of intent and maliciousness of the act are simply impossible to defend. Proves the old adage there's no such thing as bad publicity definitely isn't true when it comes to hockey.

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chadd, i think youre completely wrong. i can only thing of once suspension throughout stevens' whole career. just because he was a big hitter does not make him a dirty player. that being said, the devils have housed some dirty players (claude lemieux) but i dont think you know enough about lou and the devils organization. in the last 2/3 years, the devils have been in the top 3 of fewest penalty minutes per game. i dont see how a "dirty gm" could manage that...

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chadd, i think youre completely wrong. i can only thing of once suspension throughout stevens' whole career.

Let's not get back into that. I'll just say that the lack of a suspension doesn't make someone "clean" and my opinion is that suspensions should have much more severe for a long time. Everyone is going to look at it differently, nothing wrong with disagreement.

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i dont see how a "dirty gm" could manage that...

As I said earlier, even though I'm a Flyers fan, I've always generally considered him to be a good hockey man, but his comments on this particular situation have really made me rethink that opinion. I just don't see how anyone, hockey person or not, can condone what this kid did.

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This is honestly the first time I have watched something in hockey that literally sickened me. I have seen convulsions from hard hits on unsuspecting players - clean and dirty, I've seen Zednik's blood spraying over the plaxiglass, but Courmier's act and watching Tam on the ice literally made me feel ill...no small feat. This was disgusting - plain and simple. It lowers the greatest game on Earth to the level of roller derby. This wasn't a hockey play - it wasn't even a play with intent to injur - it attempted fucking decapitation. Not only should he be banned from the league and any possibility of going pro, but he should have the legal book thrown at him for attempted murder, or at least gross criminal negligence. Seriously, this guy is a dirt-bag. This was worse than Stevens, about whom I, like Chadd, have commented several times on here as one of the dirtiest players in the game, glorified though he may have been (and I have a lot of difficulty differentiating between leaving the bench and going after someone's head from waiting until a player is hidden behind someone else and going after their head with a high shoulder or elbow, which was Stevens' favorite move...what a crying shame he ended up with concussions...). I am becoming increasingly disappointed in hockey leagues - from minors right up to the NHL. The idiocy that is being passed off as hockey now is a joke. No one is accountable for anything anymore, so no one has an ounce of respect for each other anymore. I seriously believe it's gonna take a death to precipitate any change for the better...sure as hell can't bet on Bettman to grow a pair, although he's only part of the monster that hockey i$ today.

Yup, this post sums up how I feel. That hit was Disgusting. This douche bag comes off the bench and throws an elbow. He really intended to seriously injuire Tam. The league better have the balls to really discipline this guy by suspending him from the league. This type of headhunting has no place in the game. Hockey Canada also needs to have their head examined as they had this kid as our Captain at the WJC. Yet another reason why Canada lost, there were punks on the team!

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for the record, i am a huge devils fan and i would never want this kid to do anything like that in a devils uniform...

that being said, he will probably get a shot to play with the club.

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