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Dropping Gloves

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I think at our low level, it works well because nobody played high enough hockey to have even gotten in a fight, and frankly it just keeps the idiots out of the league. Higher up with the former varsity, college, junior, etc players, it makes sense to have the fighting in.

The adult leagues I've seen that allow it tend to be dominated by one or two ultimate goons. Guys that treat fighting as their profession and look for any excuse to pound away on someone. The one league around here that allowed it had to make some pretty significant changes a few years ago.

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Not in high school..lol

and Machinehead, in your avatar pic it looks to me your wearing Maine Black Bears gear...is there any chance you play for them?

or am i just dreaming im not the only person on this forum from Maine...lol

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There have been a lot of fights in my league, but I think a lot of that is helped by poor referees. They let everything go even when guys get cheap shotted. then guys think they have to take care of it themselves. i wish we could get god refs and play actual hockey, not some mma shit.

If those guys knew that they had to answer to somebody I bet they wouldnt cheap shot as much. Sounds like your league needs to allow a controlled scrap here and there.

Or you would just have a couple goons that go around giving guys cheap shots so they can then beat the piss out of anyone that challenges them. If refs call penalties, a game will only get out of hand if everyone wants to go that way.

Not if instigators and misconducts were given. There's a difference between squaring off and bullying. Also, there needs to be referees with common sense. For example if Marion Gaborik was challenged by Derek Boogard, the refs would jump right in. The reality of it is that most players ARE scared to drop gloves freely in the league I play in, No one wants to get embarrassed or basically knocked the f**k out in front of people. If you're going to instigate a fight that the opponent does not want, you will sit in the box.

It's hard to believe but my fight-allowing league is run pretty smoothly.

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The league I play in its a 3 game suspension. In the 90's and early 2000's there was fighting all the time, with a three game suspension. Then they couldnt keep track so they instituted a card system. No card, no play. So if you fight they take it and you can pick it up at the main rink anytime after 3 games. Its a solid system unless you forget you card at home lol.

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The league I play in its a 3 game suspension. In the 90's and early 2000's there was fighting all the time, with a three game suspension. Then they couldnt keep track so they instituted a card system. No card, no play. So if you fight they take it and you can pick it up at the main rink anytime after 3 games. Its a solid system unless you forget you card at home lol.

ha! niice

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In the league i play in it's a 2+2 for roughing penalty if you drop the gloves and helmets and fight off a face off or gloves off during the play. If one player removes his helmet before the altercation starts and the other guy doesnt the player with the bucket still on gets a 10min misconduct.

Instigator is an extra 2+10 and if you jump a guy and keep going even he turtles you're looking a 5+Match.

However, if you goad someone into fighting then try and run you'll get a 2+2+10 and the other guy will get 2+2 for roughing (in theory).

If you leave the bench to fight you get an additional 2+2+game.

Only two scraps so far this year, gave up 20lbs and 4 inches in one and 30lbs and 7inches in the other. The first was a tie the second i got pumped but gave a good account of myself all things considered lol.

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In my league if you fight you get kicked out of the game thats it but if you fight in the last ten minutes your gone for the next game too. Also if you get into 3 fights its a game suspension, 4 fights its two games and so on. Its my second year in the league and i have only been in one fight.

sounds like my league, where are you playing?

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In the league i play in it's a 2+2 for roughing penalty if you drop the gloves and helmets and fight off a face off or gloves off during the play. If one player removes his helmet before the altercation starts and the other guy doesnt the player with the bucket still on gets a 10min misconduct.

Instigator is an extra 2+10 and if you jump a guy and keep going even he turtles you're looking a 5+Match.

However, if you goad someone into fighting then try and run you'll get a 2+2+10 and the other guy will get 2+2 for roughing (in theory).

If you leave the bench to fight you get an additional 2+2+game.

Only two scraps so far this year, gave up 20lbs and 4 inches in one and 30lbs and 7inches in the other. The first was a tie the second i got pumped but gave a good account of myself all things considered lol.

nice. It's not always about winning the fight. It's about respect many times.

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It seems to be the short, unathletic fat guys who try to fight or get chippy.

As a tall, but unathletic fat guy, I can agree that a lot of my "peers" are convinced the team needs a Jordan Tootoo. I choose not to play that way, other than bumping and light shoving in an around the net on both ends, just fighting for positioning. Never had someone mad at me for trying to move them in front of the net, and only once did I have a problem with how someone played me around the net, and that was in tonights game, where he decided the best course of action was to slash the top of my blade (held firmly on the ice) as he skated by. No damage but it was a pretty big windup and I wish I'd have seen him, and it took a lot not to start yelling at him, or to return the favor somehow.

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nice. It's not always about winning the fight. It's about respect many times.

People only say that when they lose.

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the league I play in is 5+Game and then you get a $15 dollar fine and possible game suspension. I'll only fight if I really feel like it. I love to lure other players into fighting, I give them a free first hit and they never take it.

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It seems to be the short, unathletic fat guys who try to fight or get chippy.

Thats funny you say that, because the last fight at a game I played in in my league, it was a short fat guy (who ironically owns a personal training company, go figure lol) that was getting all chippy, talking sh!t and got beat up. It was pretty funny. He speared this guy on my team who is really a silly guy, and the guy on my team said "really Gretz? We ar playing mens league, the dream is over." Well for some reason, the short fat guy thought that since he played junior F and D III hockey somewhere ( no offense to any D III players ot there ), he was tough as nails. Well this is where keeping it real went wrong for him. It played out just like an episode of the Chappelle Show! What the fat guy didnt know, was that the silly guy he was chirping was in the military and is legitimately tough, even though he doesnt look it. So the fat guy cross checks my teammate in the chest, and my teammate was automatic. Blows to the dome on the fat guy! Mr. Personal Trainer got blasted.......He got what was coming to him.

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Roller league is game misconduct and 1 game suspension. They dont want fights, but they tolerate it along with teh refs if it does happen, which is a rare occurrence.

Ice I think it's game misconduct and 3 games. However, some refs let the fights happen and game play out; both fighters receive matching roughing penalties or something.

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nice. It's not always about winning the fight. It's about respect many times.

People only say that when they lose.

yea and people who haven't ever lost, are probably the ones scared to take chances. ;)

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nice. It's not always about winning the fight. It's about respect many times.

People only say that when they lose.

yea and people who haven't ever lost, are probably the ones scared to take chances. ;)

I've won and I've lost, no shame in either. Just call it what it is and don't use platitudes to make yourself feel better.

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Played in a league in Calgary over 10 years ago now, fighting was a pretty big problem. League solved it by implementing a fine something like $100 or $125 fine for fighting. This was 1997 or 1998 dollars, the fighting basicly dissapeared altogether.

Here it's turfed from the game and an additional game. Extra games are tagged on for berating the refs, grabbing a fistfull of cage, third man in etc. Don't see too many in my division, just the odd one. A buddy refers to the division above ours as prison hockey, they tend to be a little more intense.

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nice. It's not always about winning the fight. It's about respect many times.

People only say that when they lose.

True, but sometimes heart and motive play a big factor. There was a huge guy on an opponent team first year of midget aa for me, he was probably 6'2 and 220. He was taking runs at everyone, untill finally a guy at about 5'7 and barely 150 dropped the gloves with him, went toe to toe for a bit but ended up getting man handled in the end. Gave the guy a wake up call I think.

Ive gotten in a few scraps, but nothing big. I'm the type of player who plays physical but i usually keep my mouth shut and try and stay classy unless provoked. I carry the puck a lot and make some stick handling plays and im generally a goal scorer, so this big goon decided to keep trying to take runs at me. Im short but im fairly stocky and have very good balance on my skates and had no problem standing him up a few times, one time he came at me both hands up and got decked into the boards while i skated in with the puck and almost scored, after he didnt like that so he preceded to mouth and mouth at me, finally i lost it and said 'if your gonna chirp, drop em and back it up'. He made a glove dropping motion so i threw mine off and he skated away and i got kicked out. Not a good choice. Took a stupid penalty and got kicked out of the game.

Generally though, I can handle myself in scraps. I'm not a huge guy, but i know what im doing and can throw fists pretty good. I got in 2 this season, one me and the other guy who was probably 20 - 30 pound bigger and a few inches taller went toe to toe until the refs started coming in, so i caught him with a good shot to the jaw and buckled his legs. My other fight wasn't great, the guy kept trying to jersey me so i unloaded a series of punches to his head (probably 7-8) while my jersey was over my head, and i managed to bring him to the ice. I try to stay away from the fights, but sometimes i just cant help myself.

I have yet to experience a crushing loss so really, its good. I know though if i were to lose, it would probably affect my confidence greatly. I took a beating in middle school, might have been the best thing that ever happened to me. I was always fighting, and finally after that fight and a good talk with the teacher and my parents, i realized i didnt have to fight someone every time something i didnt like was said. Sometimes, it does take a better man to walk away.

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I just really am dumbfounded by this whole thread. I just can't imagine the leagues that allow this kind of stuff. I just assumed most leagues would uniformly not put up with players to drop their gloves and actually throw punches.

In high school I got a 3 game suspension for a "fight" I didn't drop my gloves in. In an intramural game in college I shoved a guy after a whistle who got in my face about the play, he fell over and I skated away. We both got ejected from the game immediately. After an interview with the intramural athletic director it was decided that an added 3 game suspension would apply, which is lighter than the lifetime ban that is usually automatically applied for fighting.

The AHA generally allows after the whistle shoving and chirping or actual checks time to time but even a facewash is going to get you time in the box, a punch is going to get you a game ejection and a 10 min misconduct applied (at 40min total PIMs you sit a 3 game suspension).

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I know i lost but might aid Mack or JDeezy's argument in some way lol. Im in white, Im still on my feet at the end when he goes down. He swung and missed and was way off balance when i caught him with a laning left that finshed off him falling. Probably would have fallen anyways but who knows.

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I just really am dumbfounded by this whole thread. I just can't imagine the leagues that allow this kind of stuff. I just assumed most leagues would uniformly not put up with players to drop their gloves and actually throw punches.

In high school I got a 3 game suspension for a "fight" I didn't drop my gloves in. In an intramural game in college I shoved a guy after a whistle who got in my face about the play, he fell over and I skated away. We both got ejected from the game immediately. After an interview with the intramural athletic director it was decided that an added 3 game suspension would apply, which is lighter than the lifetime ban that is usually automatically applied for fighting.

The AHA generally allows after the whistle shoving and chirping or actual checks time to time but even a facewash is going to get you time in the box, a punch is going to get you a game ejection and a 10 min misconduct applied (at 40min total PIMs you sit a 3 game suspension).

Just to hopefully clear some stuff up I think for the most part competitive leagues (Junior/ High Mens League/ Semi-Pro) are the leagues that allow it with out a huge punishment but for the most part beer league kind of stuff is where its just guys getting out who enjoy the game not to be too serious are the ones that don't allow it or have extreme penalties for it. Thats just my 2 cents

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I suppose my assumption that most of the posters here are not in top end competitive leagues might be faulty or it was just late enough that I didnt take into consideration that those minority posts who are, are also overrepresented in this thread, while I made my own post there.

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I suppose my assumption that most of the posters here are not in top end competitive leagues might be faulty or it was just late enough that I didnt take into consideration that those minority posts who are, are also overrepresented in this thread, while I made my own post there.

it's all good. I don't think anyone's offended.

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