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equipment for beer league

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I don't wear shoulders anymore but always wear elbows. the biggest risk i'm taking at the moment is wearing a half shield w/o a mouthguard. I'm really not crazy about the setup but the screws on my new helmet wouldn't come out to allow my cage to be installed. They were overtightened at the factory and stripped when i tried to unscrew them. I definitely pay a little more attention to those around me now and may not rush into a corner with as much enthusiasm.

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I don't wear a cage or visor, or mouthguard, I seemed to get more sticks in the face when wearing a shield than when I'm shieldless, I know that's a lame reason to not wear one, but I feel more comfortable without one, so I don't do it.

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Guys seem to play a bit harder and lead with their face more when wearing a shield...like people in cars with airbags/high safety ratings driving faster.

I got a pair of Farrell shouldies for my birthday, and couldn't be happier with them for non-contact hockey. I've been playing both in Asia and will be going to Australia in a week where they only have contact hockey except in the lower leagues, but I'm not worried about them at all.

Whether you play with lumberjacks or not, I'd prioritize elbows. One errant slash and you're wearing a cast for a month. Personally I wear wrist guards too, but I'm a speedy, quick guy so I'm getting a ton of slashes cutting wide.

I'm not as knowledgeable as some of the other guys on the board, but I'd suggest getting gear that's a year old but still awesome, like the Vapor XXXX elbows/shins as someone else suggested, or maybe RBK 9K stuff.

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I am in the same boat. I feel a lot better on the ice knowing that I have on good protective equipment. I got XXXX shoulders and shins because they are excellent protective and mobile equipment and they are on clearance everywhere. Just got a 9500 helmet and cage which is also excellent and on clearance. Like others have said, get good elbows. I have One75 pants and they are padded very well. I am even looking into those kevlar socks even though the chances of me getting cut there are really small. But that little chance is enough to make me want them.

I don't know how guys play without shoulders or elbows. Everyone falls or gets hit with a puck or stick eventually.

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I don't see what the gasp's are for, for no shoulders. I haven't worn shoulder pads in a long time in beer league and i never get hit the chest or anything and its not like it hurts if you bump into someone without shoulder pads in non-contact hockey. I would sacrifice protection for mobility in that area every time. Elbow pads though? gimme a break, how can you even grind or skate hard knowing your elbow can get chipped or anything? I played a pickup game one time just with friends and had no elbows on and i fell, hit my elbow and my whole arm went numb. I never skated without elbows again.

back to topic:

get new shins and pants, they are what take the most beating.

your helmet, skates and shoulders seem to be just fine to non-contact hockey.

New gloves maybe also? not sure how much you wanna spend but I have the NB 4 rolls and have never had so much protection in a glove before.

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Even in no-check beer league you can lose an edge and slide into the boards at a dangerous speed. I'd say it's most important you have a properly fitting helmet which it sounds like you do. To me elbows, pants and shins are important to protect your joints. I always wear everything but I can see skipping shoulders.

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As someone who started playing in the beer leagues in my mid 20's I probably am over protected in the gear department. But playing with others who didn't all grow up playing, the full gear is there for self-preservation from less controlled skaters, wild but hard shots and my own skill of falling on my ass.

Your gear seems pretty good. Just update where you feel you'd like more protection. WARNING: It's a slippery slope, especially reading about all the new stuff on MSH!


In lower leagues (C/D) I always wear shoulders there is a lot more craziness on the ice. I played above my level in a B league and went without because the other players were better skaters and accurate shooters and I was fine w/out them. I will say I enjoyed playing without them just because I stayed cooler. Back in a lower level now and I wear them and I might get a new lighter/more ventilated pair.


I have up graded to pro-level 2 piece pants because I still fall quite a bit on my arse/hips and got tired of the pain. No problems since.


Started with Bauer 300 and fell enough when I started out and they sucked. I got mid-level reeboks and haven't looked back since.


Went through a few mid levels to find what was most comfortable for me. Decent elbows are important IMO.


Proper fitting is what's important. I always wear a cage because I have no idea of the skill level of everyone on the ice and I have work the next day. Just be conscious that other guys are on the ice w/out cages and control your stick!


I fell into the glove-whore department. I have six pair. I don't need six pair but I also don't want to get rid of any of them. And I am always looking at new gloves.

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I've always been happy with the second from the top gear. It's usually got plenty of protection for rec league play (no check and shots aren't nearly as hard as higher levels), but it's a little lighter, more mobile, and cheaper.

I'd spring for the best helmet that fits my head though.

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I didn't wear shoulders in beer league but did wear one of those padded shirts. I took a slapper in the ribs once and that hurt pretty bad for a few minutes but finished my shift & the game.

I never take the ice anymore without elbow pads, though. I fell once in practice when my skate caught a ridge of ice that was built up from someone pushing the net to the boards after the Zam had passed. My elbow was the first thing that hit and I'm sure I cracked the bone as it hurt for months after that.

As for gear, a good helmet & good skates are top of the list for me. Everything else I just go with what feels comfortable.

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Even for pond hockey I wear some foam elbow pads and cheap knee pads. It just hurts way too much to catch a rut and land on a joint.

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My set up (and I used to get free gear)

Pant - Lowest model - Never needed anything more

Elbows - Fuel 130 - Best Elbow pad ever (yes they are big, but they never fall down)

Shin - Anything mid level is fine - Fuel 100 for me

Skate - Highend - I was spoiled here

Helmet - Intake NHL helmet (VN Foam instead of EPP)

Shoulder - Haven't worn them in 20 years I have been playing

Stick - High end only - Spoiled here as well...

Glove - High end, but could deal with a mid level glove

Elbow, stick, and skates were the two most important things to me. All the other items I could use whatever was given to me.

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Don't underestimate good glove protection. You'll get whacked, get a guys stick sliding up your stick and right into your fingers, bang it against the wall trying to dig a puck out. Last week a guy let go of a slapper as I skated into it's path. I instinctively put my top hand out and took it right off the rolls. Because I was wearing Pro Stock gloves with thick foam and plastic pieces, I barely felt it.

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I've never worn shoulder pads since HS, and I use the bare bones elbow pads. My teammate turned me on to using Rollerblade Elbow pads. It has a plastic cap so it has some protection, and there is ZERO loss of mobility. You forget you are wearing them!!

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I played open with one elbow pad the other day and felt weird. I never play without elbows if possible. As for shins, the RBK 6Ks are beasts. NBH Pro Lightspeeds are awesome also. I still use One70s and they're a damn good pant if you can find your size you'll probably get a good deal on them too. I don't wear shoulders so I can't comment.

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LoL. I created a semi-storm with the no elbows/no shoulders and oh yeah No cup. :) I'm one of the very few who actually wear no cup in the league, all for comfort. I've had more injuries wearing a cup than without it.

My elbows are pretty much all beat up from taking helmets into them for 8 years. The slashes on my arms don't really hurt all that much either. I've crashed many a time on the ice landed on my elbows and nothing really happened. I've taken more checks from behind/boarding than anything else.

Since I forgot to post what gear I use, my shins are RBK 6ks and like NYRSinceBirth said, They're beasts. My gloves are MIA Thrashers, Pants are Thrashers (Easton Z-Air) or my RBK Penguins pants, both without the uppers in them. Helmet is a RBK 8k from the Thrashers. My skates are RBK 9ks and Nike Qwest 1s both are great skates.

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No cup is just nuts...and then I typed it out and it looks funny.

My old Shock Doc jock was awful (got hurt way too many times from the cup shifting around and "lining up" the boys for a puck/stick/boards impact). Switched to a WSI and it's 10 times better...might be worth a shot.

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I've played a couple games without a cup, only because I got to the rink and realized that I didn't have one and the shop was closed. There was no advantage to not wearing it, in terms of mobility and I was very conscious of it at all times.

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I have like four cups b/c of times I've forgotten mine and bought one from the shop. I always wear one, even if it's just pond hockey. That is one area I'm not willing to take chances. On a related note, isn't it strange how cup technology has not changed at all? Everything other piece of equipment is constantly being tweaked by the mfgrs, but cups are basically the same year in and year out.

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i usually wear mid end equipment or equipment that is now on close out.

i would never go onto the ice without a cup though haha...my gf would kill me. i have 3 compression jocks at home...just incase...and i always double check my equipment before leaving.

helmet is an 4k with a full face cage

shoulders are old bauer 5000 shoulder pads, very comfy

pants are vic xcalibur pro pants very very very protective

elbows are st4 alot of padding

shins are vapor xvi

skates...graf with ankle protectors put on or my vapor xxxx skates

gloves are high end i guess, 9K, supreme 70, or my warrior mac daddys

sticks...mid or old high end models on closeout. usually use 2 piece sticks.

i play B or C mens league...will sometimes play with friends at D

i find the really protective equipment comes more handy at C and D

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I've been playing beer league for about 4 years and I'm now using equipment that are more protective than what I wore in bantams and midgets. It all started after I hurt my hand from taking a slap shot in the hand, after that I realized that I need to be able to go to work the next morning, so I started getting equipment that was more protective. Most of the time I go either top of the line or close to top of the line.

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I'm in the same boat as those of you who play in the lower divisions. Some of the guys are wild with their sticks and that's why I want more protective stuff. I think my first move would be upgrading my shins and pants. Having said that, I haven't been able to find anything high end from last year that is on discount. I guess I'll have to keep looking.

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In my opinion your alright with your helmet, shoulder pads, elbow pads, shin pads and skates. I would definitely upgrade your hockey pants to something with better tailbone protection though. I might suggest you move up to the Reebok 6K's Easton S-7's or Tackla 951's which all have good tailbone protection. If you want to upgrade your shoulder pads and shin pads go for a middle of the line RBK in my opinion. Their light yet very protective. Hope I've helped.

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I've been playing beer league for about 4 years and I'm now using equipment that are more protective than what I wore in bantams and midgets. It all started after I hurt my hand from taking a slap shot in the hand, after that I realized that I need to be able to go to work the next morning, so I started getting equipment that was more protective. Most of the time I go either top of the line or close to top of the line.

I agree with you here. Get good gear to protect yourself. It doesn't matter if you play beer league or not as sh*t happens! Went into the boards heavy last week as I guy basically tackled me as I was going to the net. If it wasn't for my Warrior Hustler pants I would have some huge bruise on my hip along with pain. It doesn't matter what level you play at, if you play hard protect yourself. If you are a floater then maybe you'll get away with flimsy gear.

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