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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Funny things

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On the flip side, some referee's do funny things. I remember being tossed out of a game for looking at a ref for too long. I thought that was pretty funny.

One time when we were playing this team a guy on there team yelled at one of his linemates and the ref kicked him out for it.

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One time one of the refs blew the whistle in one of my games because we were getting "too physical". is that even allowed? What if soemone could have taken the puc out of the corner and scored?

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in one of my high school games, there was a face off in their zone and i hear someone yell at the top of their lungs "REF BEATS HIS WIFE!" from the stands and i about fell over i was laughing so hard.

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Wow, if I was that Ref I would be pissed. That right there crosses the line. Just like what that Ottawa guys said about Domi, ironically Domi is one of the nicest guys you will ever meet.

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Sorta related- I always love it when refs talk about how drunk they are/were last night. I had a three day tournament last year and had the same ref for all six games. I talked to him during every game. Friday night it was about his big plans for after the game, Saturday morning was about how hung over he was, Saturday night was about his plans for that evening, then Sunday morning was how drunk he still was that he thought he needed to go to church and repent.

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One time I was playing in a tourney in Chicago, coming from New York we were the only team from out of town there. We were playing the Chicago Young Americans, and there was a little scrum which the ref came over to break up. Anywho, it got sorta out of hand and the ref was trying to hold back one of the Chicago players, and the ref pushes the kid, but can't get him to move. One of the parents comes over the glass and goes "Rip his fuckin head off Scotty" and just looks like she is about to jump over the glass and get right in it. Had to be there....

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My first year of midgets we were playing a team from Raleigh, it was the first game of the season and everything. Anyway, one of our guys, who has a big case of Napolean syndrome, goes crazy after he gets slashed in the wrist. He takes the guy that slashed him, picks him up off the ice, and slams him to the ice. The ref sees this and goes to try and stop him from beating the living crap out of the guy, only to get slammed himself.

Needless to say the guy was suspended five games, only to pick a fight in the penalty box with another player, then goes jumping over the box to go take on the entire bench. His Dad was the coach at the time, and jumped over the boards on the bench to go grab him, but lands straight on his knees losing his glasses and cigs in the shirt pocket.

The guy was suspended for the rest of the year.

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Anyway, one of our guys, who has a big case of Napolean syndrome,

...I used to have that, but then I realized I do more dammage when I remain calm and piss others off.

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Last night I heard a good one when I was working the time box for my brothers game. After the best player on my brothers team gets majorly injured (broken ankle, from a slash...very messy) and no penalty was called, my brothers coach called the ref over to the bench to talk and says "I think you need this more then I do" and handed him his eye doctors card. Ref looks at it and goes "whats this", coach goes "see guys, I told ya he was blind". Coach got suspended for 4 games, but it was hilarious

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Prior to the opening face off the ref was like, "Alright boys, I want a nice clean fast game, so I can go home and have sex with my wife"....this ref was somewhat obese so...."you can join to there's enough snatch to go around"....it was sorta random and funny csaue I imagined his wife as like a manatee.

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Old thread, but worth reviving I think...

My favorite ref story:

USA Hockey tournament a year or so ago...we have a ref who had refereed in the ECHL. The game was pretty bland. Nothing chippy, just two teams playing smart and hard. I'm on the bench, directly on our blue line. This ref is directly in front of me. Their winger is coming up the boards and my defenseman is meeting him there. Incidentally, this winger is the diviest diver that ever dove. Anyway, the ref, seeing the players coming at him along the boards, steps off the boards.

I watched the whole thing like it was in slow-motion. The ref took two strides before turning around to watch the play. At that moment, with the ref's back to the play, the winger chips the puck and tried to jump in between the boards and our defender, successfully laying himself out on the ice, without my defenseman even touching him.

So, the ref turns around and sees the winger sliding down the ice like Lee Harvey just picked him off from the stands, and I see his arm go up. I'm disappointed, but I can also understand the ref's persepective....

that was, until he gave my defenseman a 5 minute major for elbowing, and a game misconduct! That sent me over the boards to discuss (i was captain). the ref keeps repeating that he elbowed him, and i ask him to explain how he saw it with his back turned...he keeps repeating, and i told him he was lying, which got his attention. He told me that he KNEW the game, and I wasn't going to tell HIM the rules. I replied that I wasn't talking about the rules, I was talking about the fact that he was a liar, and explained that there was no way he saw what happened behind him. And then it happened. This ref reaches to the USA Hockey Referee patch on his uniform, and RIPS IT OFF to reveal his ECHL patch below it, and then he gave me a serious "see what I mean" kinda look. I laughed right in his face, and said that I didn't care where he ref'ed, he was still a liar, and I skated back to the bench to make sure I had witnesses to the patch incident. We still laugh about that to this day.

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one time in a highschool game one guy on my team got a penalty and said this is bullshit the then the ref said enough wwith the bullshit and he said in reply im tired of yours too then the said you get a freebie and then the kid said i gave ur mom a freebie last night and he got an extra two for that one haha

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This wasnt said to a ref but in the last beer league I played in we had a ref that played on one of the other league teams-everybody knew him and he was a great guy and usually called a good game. We were always messing with him and vice versa-lotsa fun! One night he wasnt calling so well of a game so we threatend to take the wheels off his car. He dared us to. OOOOPPS on his part. We all hauled ass outta the rink and took the wheels off his car and set his car on top of them!

He knew our post game watering hole and shows up an hour later all dirty-He wasnt even pissed off!!! He was like "shit I didnt think you guys would do it" We got him all warm and fuzzy on Jaegermeister and life was good.

He always threatened to get even but we just blew him off

After that if he started calling goofy we would just say "Craig, do we need to rotate your tires?" Good calls after that!

At our awards banquet at the end of season our team pitched in and got him a trophy for being a good sport.

At the podium the only thing he said was "You guys thought I was a good sport" and then he starts laughing hysterically. WTF??

The SOB had hired a tow truck while we were at the banquet and guess what? All of our cars-sitting on top of the tires!!!

SHIT!!!! :blink:

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One high school game i was at the ref was screaming "its loose its loose" and then the coach screamed out "your sisters loose". The coach got thrown out it was pretty funny to see.

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i ve heard a couple, like " bend over, and use your good eye" or once my coach sent our captain over and he asked the ref "my coach wants to know if he gets a penalty for thinking?" the ref says no so our captain sayd" good, because he thinks you're a fucking idiot"

i thought it was good anyways

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On the flip side, some referee's do funny things. I remember being tossed out of a game for looking at a ref for too long. I thought that was pretty funny.

One of the guys on my team got two minutes for "stupidity" last week. It's actually on the scoresheet.

Growing up a kid on my team had a scuffle with no punches thrown, pretty much a waste of time with more hugging than fighting. Ref gave them both two minutes for dancing. I wanted to get the scoresheet framed for him.

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i got two.

one was in a very chippy adult league game, which for the most part became full contact because the refs didn't call 1 penalty through the first two and a half peirods. So before another face-off mid way through the third the refs call a time-out and go over to each bench and tell us to cut out the physical play, to which we asked, isn't that why you have the power to call a penalty or two durring the game?

the second was coaching a travel game I had a player elbow the shit out of a player on another team and i saw the refs arm go up. the play goes on for about 45 seconds before we get the stoppage. Durring that time I guess his arm got tired and he put it down, so i figured he didn't feel like calling the penalty now. We get control of the puck and skate down and take a shot which is covered by the goalie. The ref comes over the the bench and asks me who elbowed that guy at the blue line because he has to serve a penalty. I give him the, "I don't know what you are talking about, I didn't think we had a penalty since we were able to touch the puck," and he spends about a couple min trying to get me to tell him who should be in the box. He ended up getting so fed up that he dropped it and didn't give anyone a penalty. It was just so funny to see him that flustered since he was one of thoes guy who skates around with his chest puffed out and tries to act like the spotlight is on him the whole time.

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On the flip side, some referee's do funny things. I remember being tossed out of a game for looking at a ref for too long. I thought that was pretty funny.

One of the guys on my team got two minutes for "stupidity" last week. It's actually on the scoresheet.

Ive also had "bullshit" called as a penalty, which was on the scoresheet as well :lol:

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Can refs really make up penalties like that? I know if someone got a penalty for "stupidity" or "BS" on my team the team and coaches would loose it on the ref, not to mention the parents.

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On the flip side, some referee's do funny things. I remember being tossed out of a game for looking at a ref for too long. I thought that was pretty funny.

One of the guys on my team got two minutes for "stupidity" last week. It's actually on the scoresheet.

Ive also had "bullshit" called as a penalty, which was on the scoresheet as well :lol:

My team awhile back had a penalty called on one of our players for "foolishness".

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