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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Can you identify this pro stock curve?

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As you can see it has much deeper curve than my last year's Marian Hossa (Marcel has even less if i recall correctly) so unless he changed his pattern that's not it. :huh:

Edit: Can't imagine playing with a bigger hook on it. Hitting(unintentionally) crossbar from the crease while dragging the puck behind me happened to me numerous of times.:huh:

I want the right handed version!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I really think its a mirrored version of the Ovechkin prostock. I dont know, i see P08 and I think P(pattern) and 08(well Ovies number). I think it makes somewhat sense.

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As you can see it has much deeper curve than my last year's Marian Hossa (Marcel has even less if i recall correctly) so unless he changed his pattern that's not it. :huh:

Edit: Can't imagine playing with a bigger hook on it. Hitting(unintentionally) crossbar from the crease while dragging the puck behind me happened to me numerous of times.:blink:

both Hossas use the same pattern and have the same mods to their gloves... They probably match oher things as well.

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both Hossas use the same pattern and have the same mods to their gloves... They probably match oher things as well.

Looking at a few pics from last nights game, it looks like they both have identical everything.

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hopefully this will bring the discussion to an end.


OV curve on the left, a mirrored/flipped version of the P08 curve on the right.

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Smok3, B19, thanks for the useful input. Makes a person feel welcome around here.

If you read the thread, and look at Bauer ID. All of your questions will be answered.

If that isn't enough, read the other 10 topics on toe curves at retail and why they don't produce/sell them.

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I don't waste my entire life on modsquadhockey. I simply came across the thread in a google search. And since someone mentioned that a Bauer Rep said they were considering this curve for retail I thought I would see if anyone had an update.

Also I asked if you can order this curve. I know you can't order it through Bauer ID, but maybe through a local pro shop, because the CCM rep that answers questions on he CCM Facebook site said that tue OVI Pro stock curve can be ordered through your local pro shop in the U+CL. Christ, I just love how you guys have to be arseholes, when all you have to do is say.... "No it will never happen."

But nope you have to insult us with smiley faces and X2 comments and then use the old, "why don't you try the search function." All I am saying is that I make one post in the last 3 years and it would be nice if someone would respond with a little common curtisy.

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