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JR Boucicaut

Nike/Bauer Sticks being recalled

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Briefly chatted with a customer today that actually got through to Bauer after being on hold forever and was told that their stick was to be replaced with a One95. Guess it's worth being on hold IMO :)

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So it's okay for Senior sticks to have lead paint in them? WTF!

If they are unacceptable levels for young adults, they should be unacceptable levels for everyone.

btw I have Nike Bauer One 95 with yellow paint

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The list as reported in Calgary.

* Nike Bauer Supreme One90 youth and junior stick, including shafts and replacement blades

* Nike Bauer Supreme Junior One50 junior stick, including shafts and replacement blades

* Nike Bauer Supreme One40 junior stick

* Nike Bauer Supreme One70 junior stick

* Nike Bauer/Bauer Supreme One75 junior player and goalie stick

* Nike Bauer/Bauer Vapor XX junior player and goalie stick

* Nike Bauer Supreme LTX junior stick.

* Nike Bauer Apollo junior stick

* Nike Quest Apollo junior blade

* Nike Bauer Supreme Force junior stick

* Nike Bauer Vapor XVI junior stick

* Nike Bauer Vapor XXX Lite "Woody" junior stick

* Nike Bauer Supreme Accel junior stick

I saw this list in the article posted too, but is this the finite list? Or may it extend to senior one95 sticks too? Even if the recall doesnt cover senior sticks, are the senior sticks (in particular the one95 with the yellow stripe) possibly contaminated with the same dangerous lead levels too?

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I saw this list in the article posted too, but is this the finite list? Or may it extend to senior one95 sticks too? Even if the recall doesnt cover senior sticks, are the senior sticks (in particular the one95 with the yellow stripe) possibly contaminated with the same dangerous lead levels too?

Sure it's possible. But the paint lead standards are different for adult sticks because they are not a children's product.

The danger is not the same if you are an adult. The reasons why children's products are stricter is because their bodies and brains are still developing, and smaller children tend to put more stuff in their mouths.

I'm sure that there are tons of adult products in all of our homes that have paint lead levels that are unacceptable in children's products!

Still, Bauer has done a terrible job at addressing the concerns about adult sticks. I hope the release more info on this. And also it would be smart of them to make it clearer that it is the yellow paint that is the concern. A lot of the media are making it sound like all the colours are affected.

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Briefly chatted with a customer today that actually got through to Bauer after being on hold forever and was told that their stick was to be replaced with a One95. Guess it's worth being on hold IMO :)

Haha seems like we lived the same life today. Im from Richmond though, and worked at about 5pm when a customer came in for a sharpening. I've suited his kid up when he started playing so ive seen this guy around for a bit more than a year now. And he told me he got the recall about the stick and waited an hour and a half on the line, but theyre replacing it with one95s. Good deal, pay for a one50, and get a one95 out of it? haha

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In the US lead paint was outlawed in 1978. If your home was built prior to 1978 you have lead paint in your house unless you scraped all the paint off of every wall. I doubt anyone has done this. So, we should realize that we all have lead paint in our homes. It is covered by several coats of non-lead based paint, but it is still present. I have attended several seminars on lead based paint poisoning. According to the so-called experts, lead paint is only dangerous if ingested. It is why every home buyer must be warned of the dangers of lead paint. I have never heard anything about it going through the skin of the hand if touched. What we tell clients is that if you see paint chipping in the house, repair it and make sure the chips are not going in to Junior's cheerios. There are some "experts" who testify that lead based paint has not been proven to affect children at all. Given what I have seen, I do not believe those "experts".

IMHO the best advice is to protect your children at all costs but without alarm. Make sure to tell them not to put any stick or their glove in their mouth and enjoy the game. Protecting them from ingestion is most important.

Please see this link Medline on lead paint poisoning It will give you a great deal of information on lead paint poisoning, the symptoms to look for and how to protect your children.

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Great... I guess it's a good thing I keep my One75 out in the garage where my three-year-old can't get at it...

Lead did wonders for the Roman empire.

And numerous Arctic/Northern Passage explorers, too.

(The book is an interesting read, btw; the short version is that the newly invented canning process used lead solder to seal cans, so all those explorers who were relying on canned food went slowly insane due to lead poisoning. Even better, when people got sick they put them on a canned-food-heavy diet since canned food was thought to be better for them than fresh, which only accelerated the process...)

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so lost on all the irrelevant posts :huh: Isn't their a lead paint message board where you could argue the merits of accept ppm levels.

Back on topic...

The fact there is no official release or recall and the fact that nothing has been done with CPSC in the USA, leads to me think there are still issues being worked out.

as it stands no INT models are being recalled but 60-80% of INT sales are to ages 11-14.

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spoke with a lady at bauer's customer service today, and she said that all the senior sticks tested were ok and they are not being recalled. if you read the artice says:

And while officials from Bauer appear to be downplaying the recall, there are those in the industry who maintain there might be more recalls coming from Bauer, which stands to lose millions of dollars essentially due to negligence.

while bauer is not recalling sr or int sticks at this time they may do so in the near future.

also found out recall broke yesterday and that is why the wait is so long when you get through. the reason they are giving one95s as the replacement is because when they were tested they were within the legal range.

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I think it would be ok to assume the junior and senior sticks would be made in the same warehouse. They would probably get painted in the same place, which means they would probably use the same paint.

Of course this is all assumption, but I don't think it's a CRAZY assumption.

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I think it would be ok to assume the junior and senior sticks would be made in the same warehouse. They would probably get painted in the same place, which means they would probably use the same paint.

Of course this is all assumption, but I don't think it's a CRAZY assumption.

It's not a crazy assumption, but as stated earlier the lead paint levels are more harmful to developing children then they are to full grown adults.

Which senior Bauer sticks had yellow paint?

Pretty much all the ones that are being recalled in JR. Bauer colour scheme doesn't change between the JR and SR versions of sticks

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It's not a crazy assumption, but as stated earlier the lead paint levels are more harmful to developing children then they are to full grown adults.

And we all know that full grown adult hockey players never have developing children in their house, especially not ones that might occasionally play with mom/dad's hockey stick. <_<

Not releasing warnings on senior/intermediate-level sticks that were manufactured with the same paint/process is a dick move. It's not quite as bad as the Pinto memo or the Toyota memos, but it doesn't make me feel good about NBH, that's for sure.

Fortunately, One75s (which I have) don't have any yellow paint on them, so if it's really limited to the yellow paint I'm OK. I'm not taking any chances, though.

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Which senior Bauer sticks had yellow paint?

The coloured strip that runs the length of the underside of the stick is yellow on retail one95 senior sticks.

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finally got through today and they are replacing my son's stick. i was given a choice of a vapor x60 or one95. as far as knowing why its only the youth and jr sticks they don't know much. and as far as the possiblity of thei extending to senior sticks they have no clue. bauer did hire a 3rd party to handle this process. was also told the time frame until i get the replacement stick i'm looking a 3-5 weeks.

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I'm curious to see how this senior stick thing plays out.

I understand what people are saying about the lead levels being higher for 'adults', but in the interest of safety, how can anyone determine that someone's child isn't going to come in contact with their parents senior stick?

Although it seems logical that parents would keep a potentially dangerous stick away from their child knowing about the lead paint thing, but it sounds like there could be a really big law suit on Bauer's hands eventually there in a society where people want to sue.

My guess would be that if there is a lead paint level in the senior sticks the same as the juniors, they are probably going to have to recall them, but I guess we will see.

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After calling once and getting the call volume too great message I hit redial and got through I was put on holdWas just able to get through, so I put the phone on speaker and waited they will get to you. They claim it will take 2 weeks to receive "package" return old stick within 5-7 days of receiving the "package". Total process 3-5 weeks.

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