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JR Boucicaut

Nike/Bauer Sticks being recalled

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These kids have to remember that industry types browse these boards from time to time. I recall hearing at least one tale of a kid who bragged about jobbing a warranty return only to have a rep read about it and bust him.

It's happened so many times it's not even funny.

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Actually, bauer doesn't force you to get a junior. They also offer a cash refund so I don't see why someone would ask bauer for a junior stick and try and sell it on ebay for money.

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the guy in calgary must be having trouble getting recalled sticks, he has now come up with this

Wanted: BAUER Recalls! my eight year old son broke his stick! please!

hey, my son and i are new in calgary and he just broke his hockey stick. he's extremely dedicated and i want him to excel in hockey so if you have any one these sticks please let me know. if you're not putting them to use please give them to me so i can. thank you very much =)

the caring father wants to give his son recalled sticks, won't someone help him,

I wonder if he likes my emails?

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the guy in calgary must be having trouble getting recalled sticks, he has now come up with this

Wanted: BAUER Recalls! my eight year old son broke his stick! please!

hey, my son and i are new in calgary and he just broke his hockey stick. he's extremely dedicated and i want him to excel in hockey so if you have any one these sticks please let me know. if you're not putting them to use please give them to me so i can. thank you very much =)

the caring father wants to give his son recalled sticks, won't someone help him,

I wonder if he likes my emails?

I sent the guy in Boston a few intersting emails as well :P

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I called last Wednesday for the recall. I called again today because I was supposed to get it withing 3-5 days. They said they sent the package out yesterday! <_< I also found a junior one90 in my basement that I forgot had. I asked if I could get the cash refund this time but they are now only offering $80. I guess some people were abusing the system?

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What, like exchanging gear that was abandoned in the basement to get cash back? Nah, people have to much integrity and common sense to try to get something for nothing.

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These kids have to remember that industry types browse these boards from time to time. I recall hearing at least one tale of a kid who bragged about jobbing a warranty return only to have a rep read about it and bust him.

And this story is the best example of that, chippa, although I might be repeating old news.

When I was in Utah ten days ago with Kerry Goulet, he said Graeme Roustan asked him what he knew about MSH. (Graeme is the Chairman or CEO of Bauer (not sure which); the two met a couple of years ago on a Legends Tour through Eastern Europe and have become good friends. I've met Graeme a couple of times through Kerry and like the guy -- he's smart and very funny.)

Kerry replied, "Sure, I've met those guys at the trade shows a number of times. Good guys. Why?"

"Well, they were the ones who discovered the lead paint on our sticks. One of our product designers read it on their site."

So, if Bauer learned about the lead paint story here, I think it's safe to say they've also read the kids bragging about breaking sticks over the net with one day remaining on their warranty.

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What, like exchanging gear that was abandoned in the basement to get cash back? Nah, people have to much integrity and common sense to try to get something for nothing.

Well I was saving it for my younger brother. Sorry I don't want him to die of lead poisoning.

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Just went on the Bauer Web Site and you should see some of the people's comments. On one side, I think I would be pissed if I was still using the stick, but a lot of these sticks are at least two years old and Bauer is going above and beyond to make there customers happy. If your still using a stick you bought a year ago, then consider yourself lucky and you got your money's worth.

I wonder what the long term effect will be and I also wonder if Nike is helping pay for this?

Also, it seem that Nike is not taking any of the responsibility for this, even though they were the owners. +1 for Bauer for not just comming out and saying, sorry but that was Nike, not us. A lot of companies would have done that.

(Sorry if this has already been discussed)

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When ownership changed hands the contract would have specified if the purchasers assumed responsibility for product recalls. It will be interesting to hear what percentage, if any the former owners Nike are accountable for.

The manufacturer should be liable, its often contracters that close companies and re-open under new names in China and the legal system is weighted to protect that countries industry. The companies contracted with to produce goods will have no tangible assets, the actual physical plant and machinery are protected-owned by a third party. News stories generally cover counterfit clothing and items like Gucci purses being produced in China, a bigger concern should be industrial products. Items such as Square D circuit breakers are being 'knocked off', power may not cut off instantly on the new hot tub you installed should water contact the tubs electrical system with a counterfit circuit breakers. Try to sue:


A buddy was QC for a large tooling company that had production of cast iron saw table tops in China. He had to almost live at the factory to ensure QC, left alone for a few days and short cuts would be taken by factory owners whenever possible.

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Just went on the Bauer Web Site and you should see some of the people's comments.

Just went and read them. :facepalm: I guess no one uses proper grammar or spelling anymore. And everyone clearly expects everything for free.

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I received my return package on Wednesday, and dropped off the stick in the plastic bag at UPS yesterday. No problems at all, smooth process, and Bauer has done an excellent job. We were lucky in that my daughter had just 1 week left in her season when we stopped her using her One50, and had to use a stick that was too short for her for the last couple practices and last game. :) I guess I can proceed to cut her X60 now as she has at least one camp coming up this spring/summer.

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What do you guys think about prices of future products from Bauer? I assume prices will go up a bit to cover costs of this recall...

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When he sends them the Vapor X blade they wont send him anything in return. I know of two kids who tried to send back intermediate One90s. They said that they were juniors on the phone, so Bauer took down their curve, flex, stick. They never got anything sent back to them. I'm sure the guys at Bauer got the intermediate sticks, laughed, then threw them away.

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When he sends them the Vapor X blade they wont send him anything in return. I know of two kids who tried to send back intermediate One90s. They said that they were juniors on the phone, so Bauer took down their curve, flex, stick. They never got anything sent back to them. I'm sure the guys at Bauer got the intermediate sticks, laughed, then threw them away.

then he would be stuck with nothing which would be a good lesson for him to learn :)

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Wait, cheat them? Dupe them? Beat the system? This isn't frickin blackjack. This is them making a mistake and trying to fix it. Why are people trying to take advantage of their good intentions? This is really frustrating...

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