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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Anyone else use the Warrior Lidstrom pattern?

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I picked up a Warrior Dolomite DD with a Lidstrom pattern recently and to my surprise, I love the pattern. Anyone else have little to no trouble adjusting coming from a P92/P14/Sakic?? How about the Dolomite DD? This is not the Dolomite with the crappy blade issue is it? I had an HD blade and got rid of that pretty quickly

I'm just absolutely bombing my slapshots with this stick. I'm not a big Warrior fan, but damn..this stick or pattern really feels good when I wind up and let it go. I'm thinking about grabbing an Easton ST with this pattern as well.

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 Yeah, the Lidstrom is nice for slappers, but a touch too open for my taste. Edited: I was thinking of the Rbk pro stock Lidstrom, not sure about the Warrior pro pattern. 

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What is the lidstrom pro stock like? Is it the same as the lidstrom retail? How much different is the bauer p106 from the lidstrom curve?

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couldn't the stick be a retail stick seeing as lidstrom is the new name for the jovo pattern?

Sorry, my post was poorly written. I was wondering what curve Lidstrom actually uses. I know that is the retail curve and I am wondering if D-men tend to use it in the NHL. I have been using the P91 a and was thinking about trying either the Warrior Kovalev retail or Lidstrom retail curve next.

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What is the lidstrom pro stock like? Is it the same as the lidstrom retail? How much different is the bauer p106 from the lidstrom curve?

IIRC it is a square toe Yzerman Pro. JR can confirm.

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I actually now use the Warrior Lidstrom retail (coming from a p92) and LOVE it. Not much adjustment to deal with except getting used to catching passes with the flat bottom (for me at least). I figured out that a heel would benefit my technique much more than a mid-toe.

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I remember the Lidstrom pro being a mid and not a heel. Pretty flat and closer to a more mid-version of the Modano/Zetterberg than a Drury.

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I am wondering if D-men tend to use it in the NHL.

yeah theres a handful of pro players that use the lidstrom retail pattern.

edler and ohlund come to mind immediately

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I remember the Lidstrom pro being a mid and not a heel. Pretty flat and closer to a more mid-version of the Modano/Zetterberg than a Drury.

That was my impression as well. Not all that different from the Shanny pro.

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I also use lidstrom retail occasionally my regular curve is forsberg. Has anyone tried filing down the toe at the bottom of the blade where it meets the ice to give I a bit more of a rocker? sometime I find it hard when the puck gets in close to your feet and only the corner of the blade is touching the ice.

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