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Getting PS3 - What 3 games should I get initially?

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Modern Warefare 2 just to take advantage of the free online multiplayer. The single player leaves much to be desired, though.

If you want EAgames is having a sale for $20 off $40 if you want to save a few bucks. Coupon code is: PAXEAST842

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What kind of games do you like.

I got PS3 recently and my game collection so far is...

Il 2 Sturmovik

Heroes over Europe


I'm not really a fan of those first person shooter kind of games at all.

Hockey and WW2 airplane games please!

I did download the Just Cause 2 demo and played the hell out of it. I'm pretty surprised, but I like it.

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You should be able to pick up Grand Theft Auto 4 on the cheap. That was in my opinion one of the great first games for PS3.

If you like racing games

Grid (road racing)

Dirt2 (rally style)

Both are very cool with great graphics and great car damage models.

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What kind of games do you like.

I got PS3 recently and my game collection so far is...

Il 2 Sturmovik

Heroes over Europe


I'm not really a fan of those first person shooter kind of games at all.

Hockey and WW2 airplane games please!

I did download the Just Cause 2 demo and played the hell out of it. I'm pretty surprised, but I like it.

I'll put in a recommendation for Heroes Over Europe...but I may be biased, I was a programmer on it!

Check out Uncharted 2, good game.

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Uncharted 2 for sure, GTAIV, Skate 2 if you're into skateboarding at all, and Metal Gear Solid 4 if you've got some time to waste.

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I picked up NHL 10 and Uncharted 2. Toys R Us has a buy 1 get 2nd for 50% off Friday & today. They didn't have GTAIV. How does Need for Speed Shift compare to the Gran Turismo or Grid? And anyone played God of War III or Bioshock 2 yet?

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How does Need for Speed Shift compare to the Gran Turismo or Grid?

It's like the difference between NBA and NBA Jam. Need for speed is an arcade game whereas Gran Turismo is a simulation which requires you to understand apexes, trail braking, driving styles between front wheel drive, rear wheel drive, engine placement, etc. Not really in the same category.

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I'll put in a recommendation for Heroes Over Europe...but I may be biased, I was a programmer on it!

Well, good job. I really enjoy it. I REALLY wish the "Pacific" one was for PS3.

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Well, good job. I really enjoy it. I REALLY wish the "Pacific" one was for PS3.

Thanks! Always nice to know that people are enjoying it :)

Definitely hanging out for Gran Turismo 5, probably going to be waiting a while though. Battlefield: Bad Company 2 is also a great game, but I've been playing it on PC so i'm not sure how it goes on PS3.

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I saw all my MSH peeps switching to Battlefield: Bad Company 2, so I got rid of the 360 and bought a PS3. I just picked up MW2, and Dante's Inferno... decent game, kinda bothersome.

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Dead Space is a must

Uncharted 2 - although the first one is amazing too.

Assassins Creed 2 - great game, along with the first again.

God of War III- if you happen to have played the first two

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Dead Space is a must

Uncharted 2 - although the first one is amazing too.

Assassins Creed 2 - great game, along with the first again.

God of War III- if you happen to have played the first two

not true, i never played first two and i just searched ign and they have gow's story in 5 mins, then i just started playing didn't miss a step at all

lol i could keep naming games but in the end is what type of genre do you like? personally i just got BF2 and prefer that heads and tails over MW2 and i also like sandbox games so just cause 2 is awesome (although it doesn't work properly for me, i have an asian ps3 playing region 1 games) gta iv and the expansions which i'm getting soon

killzone 2 is another awesome shooter that ps3 exclusive

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Personally I can't play a game in a series without playing those that came before it, but some people can jump right in.

I must say though that GoWIII has an amazing intro that would bring almost anybody up to speed, not evident in most games.

I played the BF2 demo and wasn't impressed, and with MW2 there are way too many issues for me to enjoy playing it without feeling like i'm going to have a brain aneurysm. The hit detection, cheating, spawn tubing, camping and glitches drive me insane but nowhere near as much as if I am to die when there is a helicopter or something out there, spawn, die, spawn, die, spawn, die, etc. It is so fucking ridiculous they can't add in a safe spawn zone or at least a few seconds immunity to take 2 steps before being gunned down. The CoD series is a poorly programmed piece of shit that I wouldn't suggest to anyone. If they'd take the money people keep handing over for the game itself as well as the map packs and put it to good use fixing even one of the issues then maybe things would change, but no, they'll take the same game and engine, add new skins and voice-overs and sell a "new" version this holiday season.

I hate when all I see is a persons head over a brick wall 5 feet away, I put my red dot right over them, pull the trigger in bursts, see that I am hitting them and 30 rounds into their head later they get me with 1 hit of a revolver.

Killzone looked impressive but the story seemed lacking so I didn't give it the attention it probably deserves.

At least for this year I'm excited for - although some are 360 only

Max Payne 3 - if it continues the trends of the franchise

Fallout: New Vegas - 3 was great, although short by completing the story

Dead Space 2 - amazing

Dead Rising 2 - first one always looked cool and zombie games are a passion of mine

Portal 2 - full length version with optional multiplayer will be great

Fable III - haven't seen enough to say but 2 was fun

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God of War - buy them all.

I dont have a Ps3, but i am considering to purchase a ps3 JUST for God Of war.

i've played them on ps2 and they were awesome.

yes God of war is that good.

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I've been working on my wife to let me get a PS3 this summer, with the intention of getting MW2 and BF Bad Company 2, but now I may need to work harder and get that purchase date moved up.

I just found out Red Dead Redemption is coming out 5/18. GTA with cowboys, Yes! I loved the first Red Dead, and must have this one too.

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Lots of great games. Kill Zone 2 is a great game. IMO Modern warfare is better than mw2 (single player) and you could pick that one up cheap. Both uncharted and uncharted 2 are great and Bad Company 2 is amazing.

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Demon's Souls is an awesome game if, as was said earlier, you have some patience. It is pretty unforgiving of mistakes.

Fallout 3, GOTY Edition

God of War Collection (God of War 1 and in Hi-Def) - Definitely worth the 20-30 dollars it costs.

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Just got the PS3 yesterday. It came with Gran Turismo 5 Prologue. Fry's Electronics has Need For Speed Shift for $30 on sale. Would NFS Shift be redundant to get?

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