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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sticks w/ Sentimental Value

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Any of you have a stick, or any piece of gear for that matter that you dont want to get rid of — even so you dont use it anymore?

I've got two...

CCM V130, LeCavalier curve. My Mom got it for me as a gift and then my CCM V110, Kaberle curve, my very first OPS. Picked it up from Joe @ Hockey Giant in Bloomington, MN. How I remember the guys name I'll never know!

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original easton synergy. lidstrom curve. still looks great, but the blade finally split. :(

i wish i had saved some of my old kohos, vics, and titans.

I've actually got my very first stick sitting in a storage closet. It's a Bauer Elite wooden stick that I bought from Sports Authority for $20 my freshman year in college (which is when I first put on a pair of skates)

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I have a ton of sticks saved from when I was a little kid, but the one that would break my heart if I ever lost it would be my chrome Gretzky Easton, friggin' love that thing.

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I've decided, when I buy a house (currently own a condo) I will make a man cave and the sticks will go on my wall.

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I still have few of my Titan sticks from mid 90s. I think the number is something like 7500, I also have a Titan 10000 shaft, both the stick and the blade in the shaft are Titan Selanne curves. They are just sitting in my garage.

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My very first stick, actually used it to play road hockey was the first generation RBK 1K with the ABS blade...best road hockey stick Ive ever used

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I still have my gold Easton aluminium with a Leetch blade on it. My buddy still has some Titan Turbos in his basement and I wish I could find my old Torspo sticks.

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I still have a hold Easton Sharkskin in my basement that I may actually bring as a back up to my next game and see how it performs. It's got an old Easton wood blade on it. It was my second shaft I ever bought. First one was a Easton aluminum.

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I still have one of my TPS Steve Sullivan sticks intact. It was a Stiff flex but it is whipped out and can't be more than a 75 or so now.

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I thought the stuff I used as a kid was long gone, then on a visit home a couple years ago I found the old gear bag in the basement. I started using my atom team socks again as an adult until my team colours changed. They still had my initials written on the inside in sharpie. Thanks, Mom.

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i would have to say that my easton cyclone aluminum shaft/ tps lite woodie blade in a messier curve holds a special place in my heart.

16pts. in 16 games

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I've still got a couple of those old junior neon Sher-Wood's that I used back when I first started playing back in the late-80's. For some reason, my dad also saved every pair of skates I ever wore (at least till I got to prep school).

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Easton Cyclone Aluminum: Had it for many years and scored hundred or so goals with it. Even went back to using it a few weeks ago just for fun.

Easton A/G 6000: Always wanted that stick, so I finally bought it when they closed them out, only to find that I didn't like it. Hasn't hardly been used, but I still have it.

Original Easton Synergy: Bought one when they first came out and it was perhaps one of the best sticks I've ever used. Haven't found a stick/shaft with the feel or shaft shape to match the one I had yet.

Easton Cyclone Graphite: My favorite shaft of all time. Had two in high school, both got stolen at a tournament. Bought two more and broke one, sold one to a buddy. Recently tracked down and bought three more.

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I'd have to be in SERIOUS money trouble to ever sell one of my R2XN10 R flex shafts or Afanasenkov blades.

My most sentimental sticks though are my St Louis all yellow STs and the game used Lecavalier v110. I just kind of lucked out on those, I'm not really a memorabilia guy but... yeah.

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For sentiment, nothing is ever going to beat an old TPS Rubber shaft of mine. My father had passed away a month before my birthday and my mother remembered me wanting one but never finding one. She found one, sent it to me at school and I scored a goal with it that weekend. Never used it again and it's been hung up on a wall in my old room at home ever since.

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My Northland and Christian sticks that I found in the crawlspace of my parents house in Augusta, GA, yes AUGUSTA home of the Masters golf tourney. That's what got me into hockey were two wood sticks that were taller than me when i was 9 but didn't use them til about 12 or so.

The first two piece stick I got was my Easton Aluminum Pro-Axis Roenick. Still have it to this day.

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