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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sticks w/ Sentimental Value

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For sentiment, nothing is ever going to beat an old TPS Rubber shaft of mine. My father had passed away a month before my birthday and my mother remembered me wanting one but never finding one. She found one, sent it to me at school and I scored a goal with it that weekend. Never used it again and it's been hung up on a wall in my old room at home ever since.

That is definitely a good one! Gotta love the Hockey Mom's out there!

I still have my Al MacInnis Sherwood 7000 feather weight that I used in Pee-Wees to score with ten seconds left. It was a slapshot just under the cross bar, glove side, from center ice, to go ahead! Hell of a shot for a twelve year old!

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I have an Easton gold aluminum shaft that I now use for ball hockey, graphics are all worn off but it has always been a good stick. Lots of sentimental value.

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I still have a stick my Grandfather bought me when I was pretty young. The stick? One of those wood, red, Russian ones that McDonalds sold a long time ago.

He even bought it for me in the wrong hand (he felt pretty bad), but I still have it, and I don't think I'll ever get rid of it. Worthless, even in mint condition, but it means a lot to me for some reason.

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my first easton aluminium !

A silver one with some red on it that my mother purchased. As well as a black Easton aluminum.

i still have them. i still love them i should hang them up on my wall.

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I still have a hold Easton Sharkskin in my basement that I may actually bring as a back up to my next game and see how it performs. It's got an old Easton wood blade on it. It was my second shaft I ever bought. First one was a Easton aluminum.

Haha, I thought I was the only who had one of those. My first composite.

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I have a few pro items that I wouldnt want to sell, but money speaks.

The stuff I use is nothing more than equipment. It breaks; I replace it or repair it.

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2 Easton T-flex graphite shafts (used these bad boys back in high school)

KOHO revolution woodie black and gold lemieux. hoping one day to get this one autographed.

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i have 3 blue victoriaville wood "big curve" sticks in my storage space, the last ones remaining from the 20 (maybe 24) that I got before my last season in minor hockey. for some reason I've kept those with me. they even have my girlfriend's (at the time) initials on the knob. they're sitting next to the only other piece of sporting equipment I've kept but don't use: the club, ball, glove and bag used when i hit my one and only hole in one.

those sticks were awesome. nice weight, shaft was almost round, I could put the puck anywhere with that curve.

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A while back I moved to a diff. house, but I left my first aluminum Easton shaft at the old house. After finally missing it too much, I went to the new home owners of my previous house and asked if it was still there, as I would like it back.

the woman starred at me with a blank expression and explained they threw anything and everything thaat was left behind :(

If she hadn't, I would have cherished that stick forever. it was my first "expensive" purchase in regards to a hockey stick

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I've got two Jeff O'Niell prostock Synergy ST's, with the original silver graphics package. Wouldn't ever let them go. Too many memorable goals, and it's easily my favourite-looking stick of all time.

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My old man gave my brother and I an old sherwood straight blade hockey stick signed by the 67' Stanley Cup Toronto Maple Leafs.... It looks like it was signed by an old blue ball point pen. Some of the ink has faded but the indents of the sigs are still legible. Johnny Bower, Eddie Shack and all the others. Very cool stick.

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Started a roller hockey team at college, team went goal-less for the first 6 games or so. I was playing defense at the time, i played literally every position for that team before i left. Anyway, we were on a powerplay, slapshot from the blueline with a Draper 100 Flex Warrior Starskie, hit off the crossbar and hit the tile inside the net. We were losing pretty badly in that game too, and at the end of the year i ended up cracking the blade in practice but, first goal for the team i built, that stick is going up on the wall along with my "C" jersey whenever I get a place of my own. I also have one of the original design Dolos that I can feel is about to go and i haven't used it since, i just can't bring myself to let that one break.

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I think EVERYONE had these once in their possessions in the mid 90s.

I had more than one of them. I loved them. Scored my 2nd hat trick ever, and my first 4 goal game with one in youth hockey. :)

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I have an Easton gold aluminum shaft that I now use for ball hockey, graphics are all worn off but it has always been a good stick. Lots of sentimental value.

I've still got my Easton Pro Gold aluminium shaft too, love it. I did manage to split one straight up the shaft when I was younger though!

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I had more than one of them. I loved them. Scored my 2nd hat trick ever, and my first 4 goal game with one in youth hockey. :)

I scored my first four goal game with one too! Second game of Pee-Wee's. I had one assist in that game too!

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koho torpedo. 73 goals in 22 games in squirts.

least memorable: my last bauer one95. Only stick I never scored a goal with in an official game.

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